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Subject: Headline Hayden Chapter 19: Summer Idyll I will leave Hayden’s age up to my readers and note that this is a complete work of fantasy. This story is set in a completely fictional world and I certainly would not encourage anyone to try and replicate this fantasy in the real world. It is just a flight of my fancy. Please feel free to email me at ail with feedback, comments and suggestions! This is my first Nifty story so go easy on me. Headline Hayden Chapter 19: Summer Idyll Summer was starting to turn as we hit the middle of July. I was wrapping up my work in the city, starting to pack my things while also looking for a place to live in the new city to which I was relocating. At the same time, my bond with Hayden only grew stronger. We had almost fallen into routines and our relationship was getting more established and solid. I could sense a turning point where we began to move from a connection of lust and sexual experimentation to one of a deeper, more abiding feeling of connection that transcended the physical. Don’t get me wrong, of course we had a very healthy sexual appetite for one another. It was just that added feeling of a bond that went beyond physicality to a realm of love. I had told Hayden that I loved him early on and meant it. Now I was just coming to understand how powerful our connection truly could be. One of the key realizations came when Hayden’s father made a threat to make him move home until the end of the summer. It was a shock given his silence until that point, but Hayden took it in his stride. The reason that I say it was a moment of realization was that Hayden came to me immediately. He laid out the issue and asked me for advice. There was no hesitation or worry, just the clear feeling that he trusted me and was genuinely interesting in hearing what I had to say to him about it. As it turned out, there was nothing to worry about. I told Hayden to make it clear to his father that while he was willing to go along with being sent to boarding school, he was not willing to be bullied. I advised him to maintain a calm, even tone with his father as much as possible. I don’t know if that’s what clinched it but I do balıkesir escort know that Hayden thanked me for helping and that I was deeply touched that we had worked the problem out together and that Hayden had allowed me to be the first person to give him a hand. As this relationship with Hayden had evolved, I had become easier with the idea of my cross generational connection to him. No, I wasn’t about to broadcast this relationship to anyone in a loud way. I knew that it was still taboo and that I was taking a risk enough as it was. I also knew that guilt was not a worthy feeling to have over it. It was a part of me, just as surely as some people find brunettes or tall people attractive. I was never going to take advantage of anyone, even if some would see the very fact of my relationship with Hayden as being exploitative. He called the shots and I’d never have put my hands on him without his permission. Of course he still had growing to do and I understood that. He was still not mature, despite being so for his age. I tempered my expectations and was always conscious of the potential for an abuse of power given our age difference. It has never been and never will be a simple relationship to have. There are and were many pitfalls into but at the core of it all, I knew that we were forging something that felt strong and with a chance of staying that way. In a strange way, I’m not sure that we would have become nearly as closely tied to one another had we not suffered the setbacks and challenges that we did. It’s a bit of a cliché that we only become strong through adversity, but Hayden and I appeared to prove that true. It was the struggles we went through that made us stronger together. I think that he made me look seriously at what counted in my life. I was so burned up with guilt for how I felt about young guys that I didn’t stop to think about how it might be possible to build a relationship with someone across the years. I wanted to unknot my feelings about Hayden and find a balance point between the physical desire that I felt for him and the deeper part of our relationship. Every time I saw his blond halo of hair, his bartın escort smooth-skinned lean and muscled torso or the soft flow of his back into the twin globes of his bottom, it was hard not to be consumed by pure lust. I hardly resisted, but I didn’t want to become addicted. After all, this was an ephemeral beauty that he had. I had to force myself to accept that what we had to build was the more intangible part of our relationship. There is one moment that I feel I should share with you, my readers. It was perhaps one of the most touching and warming moments of any that I’ve ever experienced in my life. It happened when I was spending the day with Hayden. We had enjoyed a long hike through the cool woods before I treated him to sushi at my favourite restaurant locally. At home, as I had come to think of any place where Hayden was, we settled in to watch some nature documentaries that he enjoyed. As we sat, I felt the solid warmth of my young lover’s body nestling into me. It was so good to feel his warmth suffuse me as he lay against me with his beautiful body near to me. Although I was the more submissive of us by some measure, he still liked to lay his curls of blond hair on my chest as I stroked his neck. It was a moment that would fill me with a deep peace. He looked up at me, emphasizing the delicacy of his fine features, as he squeezed my hand in his. “Matt, I just want to say that I love you. Did you realize it’s been nearly five months? I can’t believe there’s a time when I didn’t know you. It’s like we were supposed to be here, ya know?” I squeezed his strong hand back, tracing my other hand through the golden cornsilk of his hair. “I know what you mean,Hayden. I always thought that what I dreamed of was destined to remain a fantasy. I never realized I could find someone like you. I mean how many younger guys would even be interested?” He kissed my chin from where he rested, tilting his head up. “Well it’s their loss. I love you for you. I gotta say that I kinda started out with you because of the fantasies I had about…well doing the stuff we do…with an older guy. I mean, yeah, I also thought you were a pretty chill batıkent escort person too but now I realize you are amazing.” Shaking my head, I waved away his compliment but he caught hold of my chin and made me look at him. “No. You don’t get to do that, Matt. You are funny, smart, cute and full of life. I love how you always help me, even when it hurts you. I love the way you kiss me, the way I feel inside of you, the taste of you. I wouldn’t want anyone else except you.” I felt heat rising in my face and in my eyes there was moisture. “Oh Hayden, you are the incredible one. You are so smart, sexy as anything, beautiful, talented and you have so much ahead of you. I feel like the future’s going to be a great place for you and I am so very lucky that I get to see what wonderful things you do.” Now he sat up and kissed me. It wasn’t a kiss full of devouring desire but one that was warm and true. I held him tightly to me and felt the simple pleasure of being alive and in his presence. I knew that we had to cram as much as we could into the next five weeks before we were going to move to the next phase of the relationship. We were already discussing how he’d get from his boarding school on the edge of town to see me in the new city. I fervently wished that there was some way for him to live with me but I knew that there really wasn’t. I began to hatch a plan to really treat Hayden to something special. I knew he was still feeling torn up about being dislocated from his friends as he moved into the latter phase of his secondary education. I also knew that he was (as was I to some degree) uncertain about how exactly our relationship was going to function in future. I decided to take him camping. We both loved the outdoors, we would get a chance to go somewhere remote that would allow us to be intimate and there were some spots I knew in the area that were very secluded. It was an opportunity to be together fully and deeply. It would reassure him that, no matter what, we would be alright and that far from making things worse, our moving to the same city (albeit not together) would only usher in a new and more powerful phase to our relationship. Perhaps to allow you all to get a full picture of that experience, I will close off my narrative here until next time, so that we can all journey into that tremendous (and marvellous) weekend together before this tale takes a hiatus. Fear not, one more chapter awaits!

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