23rd Century Digital Girl Chapter 2

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She was lying motionless on the bed, her good eye fixed pensively on the ceiling. The position of her body was a bit unnatural. Her hands were hanging limply by the sides of the bed, her feet bent inward in puppet like fashion. Only her head gave some sign of life. “Are you comfortable?” I asked. “Maybe. If I am not comfortable, I can’t feel it. I am paralyzed now,” she replied “There must be something I can do for you.” Ankara escort “Don’t worry! I will be fine soon. By the way, you know where the kitchen is if you get hungry.” I nodded. “Do you feel embarrassed about the way I look now?” she asked. “No, no, but somehow… I need to help you. She gave me a weak smile and continued to examine the ceiling with her good eye. “Could you please Balgat escort bayan bring me a glass of water?” she said. I stood up and hurried toward the kitchen. When I got back, I put the glass on a low table and sat beside her. Her body felt limp and surprisingly tender in my arms as I lifted her into sitting position. Supporting her back, I brought the glass to her lips. She moistened Escort Batıkent them, and glanced at me. I waited as she sipped some more water, then lowered her gently down again. “Do you really care for me,” she said. “No, I just want to fuck you,” I said nervously. Her good eye filled with amusement, the other remained disturbingly dead. “There is something appealing about you,” she said. “My mother used to say the same thing,” I said with a smile. “What’s your name?” she asked. “Peter.” “I am Nicole. I was named after a famous actress who died in 2068 at the age of 101.” “Cute name!” “Do you want to know what happened to me?” she asked. “Yes,” I replied hesitantly, wondering why she asked me this.

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