A Word From the Wise
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This is a true story, more or less.
All characters are 18+ if their age is not expressly stated.
A Word From the Wise
A blinding flash of light immediately followed by a rolling clap of thunder shook my bed. The trees were dancing wildly in the wind as raindrops tapped against the window pane like a chorus of fingers rapping on a tin filing cabinet. The closet door was open a crack and I strained in the dark to see a humanoid-like shape peering back. The farm creeped me out at night to start with, it scared me half to death when it was storming. I pulled the covers over my head, my knees to my chest in a fetal position to guard against whatever was coming to get me. I could almost feel the hands of demons wrapped around my ankle pulling me under the bed.
My heart was pounding in my ears as I dashed for my Uncle’s room. I’d be safe with him. Invisible hands grabbed for my nightshirt as I sprinted down the hall on my tiptoes, trying to be stealthy about it. I’m sure that my grandma wouldn’t approve.
“Boys can sleep with boys and girls can sleep with girls.” She said. “Girls can’t sleep with boys because they can have accidents.”
I wasn’t entirely clear on what she meant by that but I knew that she had the rule so I was as quiet as a mouse when I opened his door and slid under the covers beside him. I turned my back to him as I pulled the sheets up to my chin. I’d be safe there. He’ll guard my back and I’ll be on the lookout for whatever Spector came my way. He was warm as can be. It was snuggling up to a hot water bottle. I dosed off in my cocoon as the storm faded into the distance bringing holy hell to some other farmhouse.
I was on my left side with my ass to Uncle Buck. My left leg was straight out, and my right leg was bent at the knee, out in front of me; some semi-fetal position I guess. The sensation of something on my leg woke me. It was sweeping along my inner thigh. I froze in place with my eyes wide open as I considered the origin of the contact. It was warm and firm, about the size of a small banana. It advanced slowly up my thigh toward my crotch and then slid back, retracing the same path over and over again with a predictable rhythm.
That’s Uncle Buck! I thought to myself as I gathered my wits through the cobwebs of my dreams. He’s humping my leg! Accidents! I get it now.
My mouth was suddenly parched dry as I flushed with excitement. I held my breath for a moment then I drew long deep breaths to calm myself. I resisted the urge to reach down between my legs or to push my ass closer to him. I didn’t know if he was awake or if he was having a wet dream but I didn’t want him to stop. I was afraid, that if I moved, he’d stop either way. I scrolled through mudurnu escort the Rolodex of pornographic images in my mind’s eye, trying to imagine what he looked like. I could feel it; tapered near the tip, thick in the middle, and tapered down again near the base. He was about five years older than me so I’d say, uncircumcised.
I often wonder what it’s like to live with something like that, an appendage that has a will of its own. It seems to come alive at the most inappropriate times: classrooms, office spaces, and restaurants. My boyfriend had an erection every morning. I’ll give him a reach-around if I was camping out at his place. Sometimes, I could make him cum with just a few tugs but the sex is amazing if he could last long enough to climb on top of me. Uncle Buck was larger than my ex-boyfriend.
Buck made at least a dozen passes up and down my thigh. He was gentle and each stroke moved his cock closer to my crotch until he bumped against my moist clam. He wasn’t leaning into me with his hips, it was just his erection. It was just the ghost of a feeling, there but not there. He wasn’t firm and deliberate about it but it was so exciting that my nipples were puffing and my crotch was warm and damp. I lifted my knee as little at a time to make room for him.
Fuck! I thought to myself. Why is he wearing underwear? Who wears underwear to bed? I want to feel his cock.
I was just so excited. He could have done anything at all to me at that point. I hadn’t been laid in months so I was overdue anyway but it was just so unexpected, that made it more exciting and I have zero inhibitions when I first wake up.
Oh geez! He’s awake! I thought to myself as I felt his hand come over my arm and graze my breast.
There was a remnant of light in the room from the yard light out near the barn so I could see. I looked down my nose to see him rubbing my nipple softly with the tips of his index and middle finger. He was sly about it at first but he got bolder the more excited that he became. He cupped my breast with his full hand and the weight of his lower body was on my ass now. I could feel my hair fluttering against the back of my back with each breath that he took. He was taking short, rapid breaths like a winded athlete.
I closed my eyes when I saw him peeking over my shoulder and I felt his hand move to the buttons on my shirt. His hand was shaking as he undid me, button by button until my shirt was open. His hand was warm against my breast now and he was up on one elbow so that he could see what he was doing. He fluffed my nipple between his thumb and forefinger as he leaned in to kiss my shoulder. He was gentle as can be. His lips were warm and he left a thin line of saliva with each kiss. Goosebumps rolled up my arms and my nipples were puffy and perked as the wave muğla escort passed across my chest.
He tugged lightly at my nipple for a moment before he got brave enough to pull on my shoulder to roll me onto my back. I kept my eyes closed until I felt his mouth on my nipples. Light kisses became licks that became light sucking as he put his leg over mine and resumed humping. I saw the back of his hand hovering above the mound of my pubic bone and then a finger traced a line between my thighs. My legs were closed but I could feel his finger sliding over my clit and onto my wet labia. His finger was lubricated with my vaginal fluid as he tickled the head of the little man in the boat.
He hooked his thumb into the waistband of his briefs and pulled them down over his hips and flipped out his erection.
Is he going to spread my legs? Is he going to fuck me? I thought to myself, Should I join in or just lay here and let him work his magic?
I chose the latter.
It’s working out pretty well so far, I’ll let sleeping dogs lay. I thought as I felt the warmth of his hot poker on my leg again.
I resisted the urge to grab him. There’s something exciting in self-denial, like an itch that you don’t scratch. It becomes more intense the longer you avoid it.
His touch was more intentional now. His hands became more firm against my flesh in each erogenous zone. I’m not sure if knew that I was awake or if it was my hard nipples and moist pussy that encouraged him but he seems less concerned about waking me. He pulled at my right knee to spread my legs. I could hear my foot scratching its way along the fresh cotton sheets and then again as he pushed at my left leg. I just lay there, allowing the puppet master to pose me to suit his desire.
He snuck up between my splayed legs toward my lightly-haired vagina; quiet as a cat stalking a bird. He positioned himself between my legs like he was going to do something of a one-armed knee push-up then grabbed himself with his free hand. He swiped himself up and down my moist cunt until he was satisfied that he’d found the opening then inched his way inside me. My nostrils were flared and I was breathing through my mouth now to catch more air. Gusts of air came from his nose like an angry bull. The direction changed with every movement of his head as he look down at his manhood and then up again at me or my breasts. The tapered tip of his cock move inside me. He met some resistance as he eased the thicker middle stretching my low-mileage vagina.
I almost cried out. I opened my mouth in reflex. He stopped and withdrew himself when he felt me tense up then stayed motionless for countless seconds. I wasn’t sure if he’d continue but after some time, he regained his confidence and resumed, as hard as a woodman’s chisel.
He was content to muratpaşa escort tease himself fucking me with half of his cock for a while. He thrust his hips back and forth, slowly at first. The faster he went, the harder he pushed; trying to make me take the full length of his erection until he made one final push. He was determined to fill me completely, one way or another.
“Ow!” I cried out as my eyelids cracked open.
“Shhh!” He replied with a look of shock and surprise on his face as he clasped his hand over my mouth.
He froze in place. His eyes fixed on the door as he listen intently for any creaking footsteps coming down the hall.
“Shhh.” He repeated as he looked down at me when he was satisfied that I hadn’t disturbed anyone.
“Shhh.” He said again as he push his manhood deeper into me.
He was more determined. He was busted but he wasn’t going to give up. Not when he was so close to succeeding. He kept his hand on my mouth as he put the other behind my neck. He pushed me down on his cock as he drove his hips into me.
“Ugh! Ow, Ow!” My muffled cries continued until his bulge had passed through.
He lay on top of me with his crotch firmly pressed against mine for a spell. He took his hand off my mouth and curled it behind my neck with his elbows on my shoulders burying my face into his neck. He withdrew just a smidge then mashed me down against his crotch grunting like an old hog. He continued the same pattern for multiple strokes, withdrawing a little further each time until the head of his cock was almost falling out. His crotch was slapping against mine sounding like two hands lightly clapping.
I was huffing against his neck trying not to make any noise. I was sucking on his neck to muffle the sound. I held my hand just high enough off his ass that I touched it each time he withdrew. My knees were up about waist high and my toes pointed to the ceiling. I thrust my hips upward to meet his every time his ass touched my hand then hyperextended my back each time he pulled out, my other hand on his lower back as though he were waltzing with Jezebel. The sound of flesh on flesh became louder and the perspiration on my tummy mingled with his, my love juice soaking his testicles.
I felt a wave of contractions rolling through my loins, a prelude to an orgasm then a wave of contractions surged in my vagina and on his erection. I hooked my heels on his ass and wrapped my arms around his neck until the tide had ebbed and flowed its way out of me then relaxed my grip. I lay my head back and felt it bouncing off the mattress while Uncle Buck continued to root away at me. I could feel his cock swelling up inside me seconds before he came; sperm squirting and spurting repeatedly.
He lay on top of me, exhausted and satisfied.
There were lustful eyes and smiles coming my way for the rest of the summer. I’m sure that he never told my grandparents but he did more than his share of bragging to the farmhands in the bunkhouse the rest of the summer.
“Good sex is like good bridge. If you don’t have a good partner, you’d better have a good hand.” – Mae West
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