Breeding my Sister’s Wife Ch. 09
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After sitting for a few minutes, I noticed I had already finished the whisky in my hands. I closed my eyes and leaned back, trying to figure out why I had this sadness. And I think I secretly knew the answer, which was jealousy. Not of Alena, or Kate, but of what they had together, a powerful love that was something I was contributing to but fundamentally not a part of. By getting involved like this I had left myself open and vulnerable, and I had gotten hurt.
It happens. Now I needed to decide what to do. Was I going to stop this? Pull back to just being a meat syringe and inseminating Alena? I didn’t really think that would make me feel better.
Plus… my eyes closed, I saw Kate kneeling in front of me. Her ass slick with lube. I saw my cock pushing into it. I remember the feeling of being enveloped in my sister’s ass. My cock started to swell as I sat there on the touch, and I started stroking it. In my head I imagined Kate looking back at me, pushing herself onto me, and I imagined her reaching down and rubbing her clit while I fucked her ass. Her breasts swaying as we fucked, her nipples grazing against the bed. I wanted her to pull me out of her ass, roll the condom off of me, and guide my cock into her pussy. I wanted to feel my sister all around me.
I heard a rustle in the room, but pretended I didn’t. I was enjoying this too much. I kept my eyes closed, and kept stroking my cock. The couch sank next to me as someone sat there, and I felt a hand on my thigh. I stroked harder. The weight shifted, and the hands parted my thighs — someone was kneeling beside me. I felt a hand clutch my balls, then stroke the base of my cock. My head spun, the whiskey hitting me. I felt breath on the underside of my cock, and an arm gently moving my hand off of my cock. I felt a lick up my shaft, before feeling a warm wet mouth take my cock. A tongue swirled around the head.
“Oh, Kate,” I moaned, “yes! That feels so good.”
I heard a muffled moan as the mouth on my cock moaned in pleasure. I heard the wet sound of a pussy being rubbed between my legs, and felt little twitches through my cock as she pleasured herself. I went to stroke her head and touch her as she sucked my cock, but my hand was intercepted and pushed to my side. I complied. This blow job was amazing. My head swam.
“Kate, I’m getting close…” I warned her. The blowjob stopped, and a body eagerly straddled me. A hand grasped my cock and I felt my head positioned on a very wet slit.
“You’ve always wanted this, haven’t you little brother?” but, the voice was wrong. It was Alena’s. I reached out and grabbed her hips, thrusting her down onto me, keeping my eyes shut tight. Imagining Kate’s wet pussy swallowing my dick. Imagining her hanging boobs bouncing in front of my face as she bucked on me.
“Yes, Kate, I’ve wanted to fuck you for so long…” I moaned, clutching her body to me. Convincing my mind there were curves instead of skin taught over lithe muscle. “Kate, I love you!” I moaned, grinding my cock faster.
“Are you going to breed me, little brother?” the voice whispered, “are you going to fill my unprotected pussy with your seed? Or can you pull out?”
“I… can’t…” I moaned. “I can’t pull out of you. I need this. I need you.”
With this she moaned hard and started bucking on me, her pussy wet against my balls, her clit dragging against me with each move of her hips, pulling my dick as deep as it would go.
“Kate,” I breathed, “you’re going to make me cum, you’re going to make me cum!”
“Yes!” the voice growled, and I felt lips on my lips, kissing me passionately, a tongue pressing into my mouth. “Cum in your sister! Fill me with your seed! Fuck, fuck!”
She started trembling as the orgasm took her, and she latched onto me like a crab, pulling me so deep inside of her. I imagined Kate’s breasts pressed against my face. My cock lost all control, spurting cum, pleasure overwhelming me. I threw my head back and moaned my sister’s name.
As the twitches of my cock slowed, each one bringing about a spasm from the body clinging to me, I opened my eyes, finally. The lights had been turned off when I had my eyes closed, but I could still see the silhouette of my sister, standing in the doorway. Her expression was unreadable. She moved over, her hips swaying, and grabbed a blanket, draping it over both of us, tucking it around my back as Alena still clung to me. I went to shift out of Alena, but Kate stopped me.
“Best stay in that position for a while,” Kate murmured, “you keep her plugged is probably all that’s keeping the cum in her.” Kate leaned over and stroked my hair once, then kissed me on the cheek, before she leaned over, and kissed Alena the same way. “I’ll keep tirebolu escort an eye on the clock and come get you two when it’s time,” she said, stepping out of the room.
Alena didn’t move, or say anything. Her breath slowly got slower and shallower, and her head drooped onto my shoulders. Her muscles relaxed, and I had to hold her up. I think she was falling asleep. My cock slowly got softer inside of her, but each movement still sent a thrill of pleasure up my body.
What the hell was that? Alena, the consummate lesbian, had blown me? Had ridden me, asking me to call her my sister’s name? And had seemed to get off on it? Kate was so loving afterwards, but I can’t tell how she felt about it. She saw — she saw the desperation I had developed for her.
I didn’t have the energy, emotional or physical, to sort this out right now. But I didn’t feel sad anymore. I felt good. I felt fulfilled.
After a little bit of time, Kate returned, dressed in a robe and carrying a cup of tea. She held up a hand gesturing at me not to move. And came and sat next to me on the couch. I raised an inquisitive eyebrow, gesturing at Alena, completely passed out with my cock still inside of her.
“Yeah, sorry about that…” Kate whispered, with a slight grin. “Remember how we talked about you filling Alena up in her sleep? Well, to that end, she took a sleeping pill… some sleeping pills… and they really put her out. As you can see.”
“And then you decided to play a little trick on your brother?” I asked, “The old switcheroo?”
“What?,” Kate said, shifting in her robe to turn more towards me. “I was taking a little breather upstairs, and I heard you calling my name, so I came down. I expected to see you to hanging out, but Alena was on top of you, and you were moaning my name at her. So… what happened?”
I described what had happened — how I thought Kate had come down to be a good little fluffer, because no way Alena was blowing my cock, but when she climbed on top of me it was clear what was going on, and that she was really getting off on me calling her Kate’s name.
“So that was all performative?” she asked, her face more inscrutable than usual. “The ‘I need to fill you up, I need you, I need you’? That was all for Alena?”
I felt my cock growing again. Kate had put some effort into delivering those lines, and it was doing it for me. I gestured to Alena again, asking “Is this really the time and the place?”
“Oh,” Kate replied with nonchalance, “when she’s out, she’s out. This is just the two of us talking.” To demonstrate, she gently combed her hand through Alena’s hair, the clenched it hard, and pulled her head back slightly. Alena barely reacted.
I don’t know why, but that gesture, seeing Kate being so rough with Alena, made my cock swell even more. Taking the cue, and remembering what Alena told me about wanting to be used in her sleep, I cupped her ass and shifted her on my cock. Fuck that felt good. Her cunt gave me an involuntary squeeze as I slipped out a bit then pushed back in.
“No Kate,” I said, whiskey giving me bravery, “That wasn’t performative. I want you. This is all so much fun. But I want you. I know it’s not what we’re doing, but I can’t help it.”
“Can I admit something?” Kate asked, her hand caressing the edge of her robe, bringing it down to expose more of her breasts. With my nod, she continued “remember in the shower? When you came on me? And I accidentally put your cum in me? That wasn’t an accident. That was a strong, primal fucking urge. I wasn’t thinking. But I knew what I was doing.”
I moaned now, thrusting faster into Alena’s sloppily wet cunt. Her juices mixed with my seed made her feel different than she had before, and she wasn’t clenching on my cock the way she usually does. It was good.
“I don’t know what to do with that information,” I answered, “and I guess I’m a little bit distracted right now”
Kate stood up, dropping her robe to the floor. “Me neither,” she murmured, before laying back with on the couch, her legs spread, starting to draw slow circles on her clit. “But I know that you calling my name while making my wife make sounds she’s never made with me was probably the hottest thing I’ve seen in my entire life.”
At this point, I couldn’t help myself. I lifted Alena up off of my cock and gently laid her on the couch. I climbed on top of Kate, between her legs, and kissed her. Passionately. She kissed back. She grasped my cock, and slid it up the wetness of her slit. I shifted my hips.
“This is as much as we can do,” Kate said, firm but loving. “At least for right now. I’ve just never talked about this stuff with Alena, and I can’t do things I haven’t tokat escort talked to her about.” She kissed me again. I slumped onto her. She wrapped her legs around me, and stroked my hair. “I love you, brother.”
“I love you too.”
We caressed for a little while. And then, my mind wandered back to Alena lying further down the couch. I think Kate noticed, because she asked “want to have some fun with Alena?”
I nodded and slid off of her, then gathered Alena up in my arms. She was so small, maybe 110 pounds, and I could lift her easily. Kate walked in front of me, and he took her back up to their bedroom.
It’s important to note here, that after the text conversation where Alena said she wanted to be fucked in her sleep, the three of us had a very in depth conversation about how this would work. Alena was very clear the fun for her was being used for her body, and that there were only a very few hard limits involving her physical safety to follow.
“What do you want to do with her?” Kate asked with a slightly malicious grin, “I talked to her and she was very clear that anything was on the table when she’s out. She actually made me promise I wouldn’t tell her what happened (unless she uses a special word to indicate she does really want to know). She loves the idea of being used without knowing what happened. So how should we have fun with her, brother, before using her to continue our genes?”
“Can I eat her out?” I asked. Something about doing something that she would never enjoy awake really did it for me.
“How about,” Kate said, laying next to her and spreading her legs and crossing them over Alena’s, hooking behind Alena’s knee to pull her leg open and expose her still swollen cunt, “you do a taste test? Compare and contrast…”
I accepted enthusiastically, climbing up between Kate’s legs first. God I loved her pussy. Neatly trimmed light brown bush, pink inner labia that slightly stuck out, with just a glistening of moisture on them. I took a moment to admire it, before gently licking her inner lips. She tasted amazing. Light, heady, but so sexy. She moaned as my tongue traced up her lips. I stuck my tongue into her devouring her nectar, then moved up and locked my lips around her clit, slowly tonguing it while I sucked on it. She was moaning so loudly I was worried Alena would wake up, but she didn’t stir at all.
At this point the dom in me came to the forefront. I had two hot ladies here whom I could use however I wanted. I shifted over, and started licking Alena’s pussy. It tasted earthy, but smelled good, thought it was harder to actually get at through her bush. Kate was masturbating next to us, and said “I bet she tastes better, doesn’t she,” as she traced circles around her clit.
Remembering the promise to humiliate Kate at some point tonight, I decided now was the chance. I moaned “yes,” into Alena’s pussy, really putting on a show, before moving my tongue down, and slowly moving it in a circle on Alena’s ass. “Even her ass tastes better than that useless cunt,” I growled, grabbing Kate’s hand to stop her from rubbing herself. “You ask permission to touch yourself,” I admonished her.
Kate moaned in arousal and frustration, putting her hands under her back so she wouldn’t be tempted to use them. As I was licking Alena’s cunt, delighted in this opportunity, I started fingering her at the same time. “She’s so tight.” I moaned, which was true — Alena had the tightest pussy I had ever felt. “Let’s see if you can match her,” sliding my free hand up my sister’s thigh before pushing a finger into her.
She shuddered on me. “Mmm… loose and sloppy…” I told her, as she bucked her hips against my finger. “I’m glad it was Alena and not you who climbed on me earlier tonight.” A total lie, but I knew it would drive Kate wild.
“Fuck!” Kate moaned, “please, please, can I touch myself?”
“Tits only,” I murmured, getting up on my knees to finger them both at the same time. I wanted to see if I could get Kate as desperate as I was earlier in the evening.
Kate reached up and started slowly circling around her nipples, before losing control and squeezing them tight. She gasped and moaned. The contrast was mesmerizing, Kate so alive and desperate, reacting to every little move, while I could do whatever I wanted to Alena and get no more than a grunt out of her. I flipped Alena onto her stomach and straddled her, using my thumb to guide my cock into her wet cunt, before going back to slowly fingering Kate. As my cock slid into Alena, she let out a moan, even through her sleeping pills.
“Look at that,” I told Kate, still fingering her, “even when she’s asleep my cock makes your wife feel good. topkapı escort How embarrassing is it that a man with an average cock is better at getting your lesbian wife off than you with all the toys you have?” Here Kate made unintelligible almost animalistic noises, “But at least you found a woman, because no man would enjoy this cunt,” I said, slipping a second, then a third finger in her.
Kate kept squeezing her tits, her eyes closed as I fingered her. My cock slowly thrusting into her wife next to her. “Your cunt is so loose,” I told Kate, “I bet I could get my whole fist in there.”
Kate’s eyes snapped open, in a look of fear and arousal, but as she looked at me, I could tell there was the slightest nod.
At this point, I lost track of the fact that my cock was buried into Alena. I spent my focus and energy cramming my fingers together, eventually fitting a fourth into Kate, while keeping up a running commentary about the deficiencies of her cunt.
My pinky finally in, I started slowly working deeper and deeper. It felt like my fingers were going to break, but I could see Kate was out of her mind, writing with pleasure, and I wanted to give this to her. I fingered her, curling my fingers as I pulled out, pushing against her g-spot, and pushing deeper each time I moved in. Finally, all four knuckles were in her, stretching her, breaking her cunt open as she moaned and writhed, clutching the sheets. At this point I stopped pulling out at all, and just started moving my four fingers, my arm burning as my muscles shouted for me to stop, but I could tell Kate was close to something absolutely apocalyptic, and I couldn’t. I couldn’t stop.
Finally, I pushed my thumb hard against her clit, and she broke. Her back arched, her arms flaying around her, and I felt a gush of wetness and a change to the texture of her juices and her cunt as she squirted. Her knees pulled to her chest as the orgasm took her, her eyes rolling back, and I just kept fingering her through the spasms. She reached down and clamped her hand on my wrist, almost my entire hand buried inside of her, and I finally relented, stopping my fingers and watching as her aftershocks drove her oversensitive cunt onto my fingers.
At this pointed I noticed I had slipped out of Alena, and gone soft, having been so focused on Kate’s pleasure. She panted, glistening with sweat, a puddle between her legs. “Wow,” she breathed, and then gasped again as my hand moved slightly as I tried to withdraw.
She managed to unclamp her legs from my arm, and gently, shuddering with every movement, guided my hand from her cunt. Without saying another word she staggered to the bathroom, and I laid in the damp spot she left, breathing hard, my arm feeling like it was going to fall off.
When she came back she was still breathing hard. She slumped into bed next to me, pressing her hands against her face. “That was…” she breathed through her palms, “wow.” I didn’t respond, but just laid their, contended. Her breathing subsided, and she started tracing her hand up and down my thigh. She found my cock, still soft with the exertion, and asked “did you fill Alena up?”
“No,” I breathed, “I think I got a little distracted.”
“Here,” she said, and climbed down my body, taking my soft cock into her mouth. The whole thing fit inside of her, which felt heavenly. I stroked her hair as I grew inside of her, looking down to see her eyes looking into mine, as she slid up and down my shaft with her mouth and tongue.
“Here,” she said, “I have an idea I think you’ll like.” She took me by the cock and guided me between Alena’s spread-eagle legs, and took some of her wife’s wetness, then used it to stroke my cock. She edged me closer and placed my cock on the entrance to Alena’s pussy, before lying down with her face in Alena’s bush, her mouth open. “Use us…” she said, looking at me.
I didn’t need any more encouragement. I pushed into Alena, thrusting two or three times before pulling out and fucking Kate’s mouth. I went back and forth, enjoying the contrast, gently stroking Kate’s hair throughout. As I started thrusting faster, Kate cupped her hand around my ass, and started playing with the outside of my ass. Guiding me, especially when I was using her mouth.
She pulled me, pushing me past her throat barrier and taking my cock to the hilt, my balls pressed to her face. “Fuck,” I groaned, knowing I was about to cum, and pulled out from my sister’s mouth to push back into her wife’s pussy, cumming in her for the third time tonight. The first, second, third spurt of cum went into that pussy, but I pulled out and Kate quickly took me back into her mouth for the last twitches. She held still, and swallowed, taking my seed into her, before slowly pulling my cock out of her mouth, caressing it, and kissing the head one last time.
After this we shifted Alena into a more comfortable position, and collapsed in exhaustion, the three of us cuddled together. “Thank you,” I whispered, before drifting off to sleep.
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