Bukkake For Beginners

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It’s been a long drive, plenty of time to think about what’s going to happen. I cant think about it though. If I do I’ll ask Mark to turn the car around and go straight back home. Every possible scenario went through my head when you told me what to do. The fact that you really hardly told me anything at all meant it was mostly a product of my overactive imagination. What exactly did you tell me? Can I still separate that from what I think?

I look at the text message I received this afternoon again.

‘St Mary’s lighthouse car park. Whitley Bay. 9pm tonight. Short skirt, strapless top and a smile. No underwear.’

So you’re taking me dogging. That much I can work out. My stomach’s in knots. Again. The light is less but it’s still a good half an hour away from full dark. We’re not far away now, 15 minutes by the sat navs reckoning.

I managed the first step last week. I’ve been going out and coming home again for a couple of weeks without doing anything at all. And each time felt like another failure. But last Friday I got four guys to cum on my tits in a late night bukake session at a dogging site near where I live. I sent you the pictures the very same night. I was so proud of myself for finally taking the plunge. The cum on my chest was my trophy and the pictures were all for you. It was exhilarating. But until I did that or something like it, you wouldn’t even consider taking me out as yours.

It was hard though. It took three hours or thinking about it. Three hours of standing around in the dark talking to men who’s faces I couldn’t see properly. Listening to them tell me ‘See that fella in the veedub? He’s gay. And you wanna watch out for that gadgie too, he’s definitely gay.”

“They’re all gay except you four.” I joked back.

“That’s dead right love. He is too. Another one!”

They made me laugh. I think it was their way of keeping me to themselves. And they did a good job. They chased off any competitors and did their best to make me feel safe, sexy and lusted over. After three hours I couldn’t get the thought of them wanking over me out of my head and I knew that if I walked away now it would be something I regretted. So I took a breath and said “I’ve really fancied a bukake session for a long time now. Is four enough do you think?”

One groaned and immediately started stroking his cock through his trousers. One suddenly looked much less bored and about to leave. One said “Oh don’t tease us with that.” While the other looked ready to race them all to the picnic table.

“I’m not teasing. But I’m nervous. I don’t wank fucking or to do anything other than wank you.” I looked around at their faces for reassurance. “I would really like it though if you all came over my tits.”

Oh my god! I said it! And that was how within a few seconds we were all making our way over to the table. I was whispering to Mark “Oh my God. Oh my God” over and over again. He was smiling and saying he was looking forward to this.

I looked at the table for a minute then reached out and touched it as though it might be hot or wet. It was neither. I tentatively slid up onto it so that my feet where dangling down. The men waited patently. They knew not to do anything first, they didn’t want to spook me. I had to lead this all the way. I made some lame comment on how comfortable it was. Then looked at Mark and mouthed ‘help me’. His eyebrows raised in a silent question to me. Do you want this? I nodded.

He reached over to me and said “Well you’ll need these out then.” and pulled my top straight down to my waist exposing my tits. I actually said thank you and smiled as I slid backwards onto the bench until my feet were on it too. I pulled them up to bend my knees and with a grin let my knees flop open wide as I lay down.

I heard them gasp, the men, not my knees, as they took in my knickerless hairless pussy. They all had their cocks out in an instant. Two where already hard, one I couldn’t see at all and the forth was large but limp. Hands were all over my body, tweaking my nipples, stroking my belly and thighs and only after one asked if he could touch my pussy did they all feel me. I felt cold fingers slip into me, then warm ones. One made an effort to pleasure me by curling his fingers a little and rubbing hard on my g-spot. Another just fingered me aimlessly for his own pleasure more than mine. It was still my pleasure though. I was feeling used, something to touch and look at to get them off. Each time a finger slid out another one took its place and all the time their hands were everywhere. I kept my eyes on Mark. He was grinning and just escort watching it all happen. I asked him to take pictures for you. He only had his phone so that would do. And the pictures as it turns out are much better for it. It looks so much more real by mobile phone camera than the harsh flash of a real camera.

I wished you could have seen me right there. I took a cock in each hand and two more being wanked lower down. I was rapt. One climbed up on the seat and stood over me ready to cum. He asked me where I wanted it but he was already aiming at my tits. He only wanted to hear me to say it.

“Cum on my tits pleeeease, cover me in your cum” I begged. He obliged and another clambered hurriedly onto the seat on the other side. Cum splashed on me, hot and delicious. I almost came myself just watching it but the fingers had slowed down in my pussy as they watched their fellow doggers do what they were yet to do.

The second wasn’t far behind either. He splashed me from a great height on the other side. And all of it landed right on my tits. The third came on his coat on the floor. He couldn’t climb up onto the seat anyway and I was too high up to reach without climbing. A deliberate step by the council to prevent the bench being used for shagging they thought, another 6 inches lower and it would be a perfect bukake table. But East Riding Council would rather it were used for sandwiches and tea flasks. The fourth gave up at that point and put his still hard cock back into his trousers.

And so there I lay, sticky and grinning from ear to ear. I sat up with my legs wide and made no attempt to cover myself either with my skirt or my top. I was content to be as on show still as I had been since I lay down. I could feel the breeze on my wet tits and relished the feeling of the skin tightening as their cum dried on me. I ran my fingers over it and spread it out some more.

And so here we are now. I know that it was only because I actually did all that the other night that I’m now being called upon by you. I would think of it as my reward if I wasn’t so scared. I could think of it as being worthy now I’ve proved myself in a way, or simply that you missed it on Friday so you want to see it for yourself. Whatever the reason is I’m on my way to you and the excitement and the dread are equal.

We’re here. I can see your car as well as half a dozen others. We park next to it. You’re sitting in the drivers seat looking at me, smiling. You beckon Mark and tell me to stay put for the minute. You two have things to discuss first. He gets out, gets in your car and sits facing away from me blocking my view of you too so I really don’t know what you’re saying. I wait.

Mark winds the window down and tells me to get in the back. I do. I feel calmer now we’re here. I think it’s seeing you that’s helped. I jump in the back seat of your car. You look me up and down. I sit with my legs open. You can see my pussy. You smile approvingly. You shouldn’t have to ask to see it by now. I would never want to hide any part of me from you. I quickly pull my top down so that my breasts are free too. Now you talk to me.

“You’re going to go into the trees with Mark. In there you’ll find a picnic table. Lay on it. Arrange your clothes how you think they should be.” I’m listening intently. My hearts hammering and my palms are sweating. “I will bring some men in to you. You’re to tell them what you want. What do you want?”

“Bukake?” I answer.

“Good. Yes. You’re to tell them that you want them to wank over you and cum on your tits. If you like the look or feel of any of the cocks you’re wanking you’re to ask if they will fuck you for a short time. Mark will take photos of the performance, I will send more men to you and watch over everything as it happens. When you have enough cum on you Mark will fuck your throat and fill you with cum there. Understood so far?”

“Yes Sir!” You sound as though you’re sending me to the shops for some forgotten supplies, your voice is so relaxed.

“And finally when everyone else has used you up, you know what happens next don’t you?”

“I do Sir.” My voice almost trembles as I say it. I can’t believe this is going to happen. I’m still terrified but so thrilled that you’re doing all this.

“Off you go then. Get yourself comfy. The first one will be along in ten minutes.”

I pull my top back up over my tits and with a shaky hand open the car door. “Thank you Sir” I say. I mean it. Mark and I walk past the cars. I daren’t look at the men waiting in them. They must know what’s going to happen. Or maybe they don’t. Maybe they’re bursa eve gelen escort just here same as every other night, hoping for some action, staying just in case. I don’t feel as nervous as the last time I walked towards the bench. Perhaps it’s because last time I had to decide, and this time I’ve been told to do it.

We reach the trees and go in through a path. I can see three benches in the clearing. I start heading for the far one. Mark stops me and suggests the near one. I don’t argue. I sit on it with my back to the path. Mark tuts. I understand the disapproving look and turn around so that my pussy is facing the path instead. He kisses me and tells me he loves me and that I’m a dirty bird. I smile and kiss him again then lay down on the bench. He frowns at me again. My top! I pull it down to my waist and tweak my nipples for good measure. My legs come up and my skirt falls onto my belly.

I’m ready.

I lie still and exposed. It feels like an eternity waiting but finally I hear footsteps. A man says hello to Mark. I hold my breath. He steps into view and puts his hand on my knee. “Very nice” he mutters, more to himself than to me and his hand slides down towards my groin.

“Well?” Says Mark.

“I want you to wank over me. I want you to cum on my tits. Would you do that for me?” I ask.

He doesn’t answer, he just gets his cock out and starts stroking it with one hand and me with the other. Three more men appear around me. I say the same again. One already had his cock out when I saw him. The other two unzip their trousers and begin wanking.

I lay my head back and begin to feel less freaked out. Horny is taking over instead. Hands are all over me again. I loved it last time and I love it this time. It’s almost fully dark now, I can’t see very well. Fingers slip into my pussy. One guy asks if he can lick it. I say yes and a tongue plunges into me. I reach out and take a cock in each hand and start wanking them both. They both play with a nipple each. One says he’s going to cum already and takes his cock back from me before releasing it all over my tits and the table. It’s a good 6 inches lower than the table in our picnic area and it makes all the difference. They can reach to cum on me without climbing up. The one by my knees sees the first one cum and that must have tipped him over the edge too. He elbows his way up and blows his load all over my tits from the other side.

The camera is flashing away, Marks all over the place, at my head, at the side, by my feet. Picture after picture being captured. Already I know you’ll have all the ones you want.

3 more guys arrive. I tell them breathlessly what I have to tell them and yelp a little as the licker is now flicking my clit. I could cum like this. But where are you? I can’t cum unless I hear you tell me to. I lift my head to look but I can’t see past the men crowding round or into the darkness beyond. I grit my teeth and hold the orgasm at bay. For now. This is blowing my mind!

The new guys start wanking over me. I take hold of one and straight away know he should fuck me. I don’t know why exactly, just that he should. So I ask him if he would please fuck me. Mark hands him a condom. He takes it and slips it on. But the other guy is still licking away. He can’t have heard. Mark tells him to stop and move. He does. His tongue is immediately replaced with a cock. He slips easily into my wetness and grips me around the front of my thighs and my hips sliding me onto him. He begins a steady rhythmic pumping while four guys carry on wanking over me.

Another one cums and then another. They seem to set each other off again. As they zip up and move away talking to each other about what a night this is turning out to be two more take their places. And then I see you. You’re standing near my head. You put a hand across my face and hold a finger next to my lips. I suck it in and lick it greedily. You know how it feels to slide your cock in my mouth but I still do this as a reminder.

I look up at you but you’re looking at everything else. Mark has disappeared now. You have the camera and start taking pictures of me. I know my face isn’t in these. I know what you’re going to do with them. I arch my back and push into the cock that’s fucking me trying to fuck him back but it’s not easy on the bench. It’s enough for him, he pulls out and whips the condom off and cums on my belly.

You hand another condom to another guy who has it on and is in me in less than a minute. He fucks me with more vigour than the last one but less görükle escort rhythm. He pounds away for 30 seconds or so then adjusts his hold and starts again. Another one cums on my tits. I’m losing all sense of numbers now. My hand stroke my sticky chest and belly, rubbing it in. I moan.

“I need to cum Sir.”

“Not yet.”

Another cums. His hit’s the back of my hand and he cums with a loud groan. Then the guy fucking me says he’s cumming. I think he’s going to do it in the condom inside me, I’m sure that’s not the rules. You tell him sharply, “Not in there. Out now!” and he does just that. He doesn’t get the condom off in time though and finishes wearing it.

He pulls it off and squeezes it out over my tits and I rub it in.

I lose count of how many come over and cum on me. I really have no idea any more. They just keep coming and going. Two more fuck me, both at my request. You and Mark change places again, you go back to guarding, he to photographing. And the crowd begins to thin. As each one cums no more replace them until all of them have emptied their sacks over me.

I really am covered from the navel up. My hands are sticky, my skin is wet and tacky, I can feel it running down my sides. I still need to cum and so do you and Mark.

“Slide up the bench, hang your head over backwards” you instruct. I do. Mark comes to my head and slips his cock into my mouth. He fucks me mercilessly and cums after only a couple of minutes which is just as well for me. With my head at this angle he has access to my throat and I can’t breath well at all. I struggle for breath until his hot cum fills my mouth and half drowns me.

“Good girl” he says as he pulls out and lets me lick him clean.

“Now turn over. You know what’s next don’t you?” you ask.

“Yes Sir. My arse is yours” It’s the rules. I knew this long before we met. I knew this from the stories you wrote and from the conversations we’d had. One day you would arrange a bukake party or a gang bang for me and when they were all finished you would take your turn and fuck my arse. It’s your claim. Your right. I agreed to it and everything else a long time ago when I first called you Sir and you called me your sub.

I slide off the table and stand with shaky legs. I’m facing you with cum on my breath and cum all over me and you smile at me, waiting.

I turn around and bend over the table, feeling my chest stick to it as I lay over it. Only a moment later I feel you’re cock slipping up and down over my pussy. You’re using my wetness to lube my arse and your cock. Each time you hit my clit I jump. “I’m going to cum soon. Please tell me I can.”

“You can cum but not until I’m fully inside your arse.”

I feel your cock at my anus. I will myself to relax. You push forwards and I tense. There’s resistance. I don’t want there to be. I concentrate. You push again and your cock end slowly slips in. I tighten up around you again. You tell me to relax, to loosen up my tight hole for you. I try again but you’re hurting. You slowly push forwards another inch. I feel almost dizzy. I concentrate again on relaxing. And it’s working. Your pushing forwards now, not an inch at a time but all the way, slowly and purposefully until you’re all the way. You hold still and allow me to feel you.

I can feel you flex you’re cock. I squeeze twice then let go again. You pull out not all the way and quicker this time slide back in again. I moan. Really moan. All the way from my belly this noise comes. You take hold of my hips harder and start to fuck me. I’m going to cum. Already. This was all it took.

“Fuck me”

A flash goes off.

“Fuck me”

You slap my bottom hard.

“Fuck me! I’m cumming!” and I do. Hard.

“Jesus Christ!” You say as I tighten up everywhere. You slam into me over and over again. I cry out and scream as my orgasm consumes me. And not long after you groan such a deep low sound I know you’re cumming too. That takes me up again and I start a whole new orgasm. I’m not sure if I finished the last one or not but I’m going up again.

When it fades away I’m left face down on the table with my tits stuck to it. You slowly slide out of me. I can feel your cum trickling out of me too now. And I’m totally content.

You give me a hand to stand but I’m shaky on my legs. You kiss my forehead and tell me “Well done” and between you and Mark lead me back to the car. Some of the men have stayed around for the rest of the show. One or two have their cocks out again and were still wanking as we make our way past them. I still can’t see their faces in the dark.

You put me back in our car and stand talking to Mark for a moment. I’m on another planet. Then you lean in, kiss me deeply and tell me you’ll see me soon. I could cry with happiness and pride. Instead I kiss you back and say simply “Thank you Sir.”

And we leave.

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