Chapter 3 – Robin’s First Date
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As the school year wound down, Linda and I became closer friends. Our study group met weekly and all the other girl’s moms liked me. We had our first group meeting at our house and mom loved meeting the girls. They all loved her and told her that she was just the greatest for letting me be the girl I wanted to be.I didn’t know at the time, but Linda had talked to mom about how she felt about fixing me up with a date. Mom told her that she felt it could be the next logical step in my feminization. With mom’s permission, Linda told her she was going to talk to me about it.One thing led to another. Linda decided it was time for my first date. She arranged for me to meet a friend of her boyfriend named Paul.”He’s cute, smart, tall, but shy,” she said. “No big deal. We will just go to dinner, maybe for a walk.”I agreed and they were going to pick me up Friday. When I got home I told mom and she told me that she and Linda had already talked about it.”You guys were conspiring behind my back. I guess we sort of did Robin. But we both thought it would be good for you.”On Friday mom helped me get ready. I wore a light red ribbed turtleneck sweater and a black skirt. Mom fixed my hair and checked out my makeup. She gave me some lipstick that she said şişman gaziantep escort will stay on for hours, “Just in case he kisses you.””Mom! Stop it.”They all came in and Linda introduced Paul to me and mom. Mom whispered to me, “Oh he is cute.”We left and had a nice time at dinner. Paul was very nice and had a great sense of humor. After dinner, we went to a nearby park to go for a walk. Paul took my hand and we wandered off. At some point, we sat on a bench in an isolated area.Before I knew it, he turned my head and kissed me.”I hope that wasn’t too forward.” I said, “No, it was nice.” With that, he kissed me again. This time, we opened our mouths, and our tongues found each other.I realized that we were “making out,” and that I was enjoying it. I felt his hand start to move up my sweater towards my left breast. Oh my god, he wants to feel me up. I wished my breasts were real, but decided I should be a good girl and I subtly brushed his hand back. He pulled back and apologized. “Don’t worry,” I whispered. With that, we resumed kissing. After a minute or two, I heard Linda cough. “Well, I guess you too are getting along.” She giggled. “Maybe we should get going?”Paul gaziantep şişman escort said we’d follow in a minute. When I looked down, I realized why. He had an erection and needed it to relax. The fact that he got aroused kissing me got me all tingly.When I got home, Paul kissed me goodnight and told me he’d like to see me again. Mom of course was waiting and wanted to know how it went. “Did he kiss you, honey?”“Yes, mom. He did. We kissed a lot. You might say we made out.””How did you feel?” mom asked.“To be honest, I Liked it. It made me feel like a girl.”“Anything else?” Mom inquired.“Well, we made out for a while.””Anything else?”“Mom, what kind of girl do you think I am? Well, he did try to grab a feel, but I brushed him away. Honestly, mom, I wanted to let him, but I was afraid his hand would get underneath my bra and realize I had breast forms.””Good girl, Robin. But I think maybe we should look into forms that adhere to your chest, just to be safe, especially if you are going to see him again. We’ll go see Sherry soon.””I think l probably will, mom,” I replied. Of course, Linda and I talked about the date and I told her how it felt. She told me that Jack did feel gaziantep şişman escort bayan her up and that it felt nice. “I also rubbed his cock through his pants. I know he wants me to give him a hand job, and I think I am ready. I was thinking – would you mind if I practiced one more time on you?” Linda inquired.I said that would be fine. How could I turn that down?Linda suggested I come over and stay the night. “We’ll have a little pajama party.”“That sounds fun,” I said.Mom was fine with it. “You girls have fun.” I packed my toothbrush, makeup, and a nightgown.The next night, Linda picked me up and told me that she had told her parents I was coming over to study and that I would be staying over. Of course, that was fine with them since they knew I was Linda’s best girlfriend. We did study a little. After her parents went to bed, she said we should put our nightgowns on.Linda got completely naked and slipped hers on. She asked what I wore at night, and I told her that I usually wore a non-wired bra. I put it on and showed her the breast forms. I slipped on my pink nightgown. “So can I practice now, Robin?” “Sure, go ahead.”We sat next to each other and she reached under my gown and took hold of my hardening clitoris. “So, if I unzip his pants, do you think he’ll get hard like that.””I am pretty sure he will, Linda.””Is there anything special I should do?”I suggested she lightly touch his balls. I guided her fingers to mine. She could see the effect it had. “Then what?””Then start stroking it.” She stroked me for a while. I got very hard as she did. As she was doing that, she asked me, “Do you know what a blow-job is?”
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