Do I really want to save this marriage? Ch 2

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Do I want to save this marriage Ch 2

As I made my way back up to our beach towels, my wife Cindy was pulling up the bright blue board shorts over her hips. While I was a little sad to see the sexy tiny bikini bottoms get covered up, the way the slightly damp board shorts clung to her hips and tight little ass was definitely a nice sight to see. I grabbed my towel and began to brush the sand off of the rented surf board as Cindy packed up her things.

How about you run your board back to the shop. I will run over and get us a table at that little restaurant that we saw earlier.”

After turning the board, I walked down the sidewalk and saw Cindy sitting outside on the patio. Sitting next to her was this stunning woman. Olive complexion, wavy dark hair just past her shoulders. She was wearing pink and black tank top and pink board shorts much like my wife’s. Cindy saw me approaching and waved me over. As I made my way around a few tables to an open seat, Cindy and her friend stood up to greet me. Wow… Cindy’s new friend was a knockout! She has tanned, toned legs, a pert ass, and I can see the outline of her rock-hard abs through her tight shirt.

Hey sweetie! I want you to meet my new friend Steph.” She leans over and gives me a peck on the cheek. I reach out my hand and shake Steph’s.

It is nice to meet you!” We all sit down together. “So how did you two meet?”

Well, I met Steph in the clothing store earlier. She is the one who recommended the micro bikini.” She gave a shy smile at Steph.

I have to say Steph, I am not sure what you said to her, but thank you! I have been trying to get Cindy to wear a bikini for years now.”

No problem. I could just tell with her killer figure, she would just look great in it.” Another sly smile passed between the two of them. Definitely strange, but not really in a bad way. Cindy was always a little slow to make friends due to her shyness, so it was probably her being a little awkward around new people. She never has been very good at taking compliments either. It was good to see her starting to open up.

The waitress came up and got our orders. As soon as she walked away, I suddenly became invisable Steph Cindy began chatting away like life-long friends. I looked through our beach bag and found my book. I started to get lost in the story when Cindy squealed and grabbed my arm.

Did you hear that? What a small world! Steph has been here for about a week now. She lives only about 30 minutes from us and will be here for another week. She is staying in the hotel down the street from kocaeli escort us. That is great!” And with that, they were back into their own world.

When the food and drinks came, I put my book away. Within a minute, we were all talking and laughing like we had known each other for years. It was exciting to see Cindy making a new friend, and it looked like it could be a lasting one since we all lived so close to each other.

Over lunch Steph told us about some of the fun things to do around the area (that weren’t necessarily in the travel brochures). Cindy got real excited about a dance club that was just up the street. Now I know Steph was having a big influence on her, because in the last ten years Cindy had never wanted to go dancing. Steph was talking about a cute shop where they could pick up some club wear, so after paying the bill I headed over to the hotel while the girls went shopping.

After getting a hot shower I flopped down on the bed and started channel surfing. The next thing I know I am woken up by an alarm on the small clock radio next to the bed. The sun had already started to set and Cindy wasn’t back yet! I got up and was starting to panic when I noticed a long garment bag hanging from the back of the door with a note taped to it:

“Hey sweetie! I didn’t want to disturb your nap so I went over to Steph’s hotel to get ready. Here is a new outfit for you that I just couldn’t pass up. Meet us at the club around 10:00. Here is how to get there…” I finished reading the directions and put the note down on the side table.

Lifting the garment bag from the hook on the door, I laid it out across the bed and unzipped the flimsy zipper. Inside I found a pair of white linen pants that a lot of the men on the island were wearing, a black short-sleeved button up shirt, and a pair of black leather sandals. I looked at the clock and it was already 9:00 p.m. Since I had already taken a shower, I figured I could get ready and head up to the club early.

As I walked up to the door with the neon sign over it, I could hear the dance music and already start to feel the bass in my chest. I walked through the door and made my way through the crowd to the bar. The bartender brought me my beer and I turned and leaned against the bar to look out over the crowd.

Gazing over the dance floor and the handful of tables and booths, it was pretty evident from the pairing of couples that this was a gay bar. I was no stranger to gay bars from a few friends who did drag shows, so it didn’t bother me. Cindy and I found that we usually had more fun at the gay bars because of the kocaeli escort bayan great music, friendly people, and more laid back attitudes. As I sipped my beer I found myself in a conversation with Gloria and Michelle, a real sweet lesbian couple next to me. I lost track of time as we chatted until Gloria stopped mid-sentence while looking over my shoulder at the door. Michelle saw her gaze and looked as well.

“Damn, I ain’t even mad. I would give you a pass for either one of those.” Michelle said with a sexy grin.

Before I even had a chance to turn around I felt one arm wrap around my waist and another drape over my shoulders. I could feel two warm bodies pressed up on each side of me.

“Well ladies, if you are into that sort of thing, you can have him for the night while I entertain his wife.” I heard Steph say over the music.

“While that is sweet, I think we would rather take her for awhile.” Gloria said with a wink.

Michelle looked the ladies up and down with a seductive smile and said “I would prefer both.”

As Steph pulled away and walked around to the other side of Cindy, I finally had a chance to see what all the commotion was about. Steph was dressed in a pair of ultra tight white leather pants that hugged her curves and really accentuated her amazing ass. Her black top was shiny and came off the shoulders. The bottom of the shirt barely came to rest below her perky C-cup breasts. This left her midriff exposed and I wasn’t wrong about her rock-hard abs. She had a pair of black ankle boots to finish off the ensemble. While I thought Steph looked scrumptious, it was Cindy that made my jaw hit the floor. Like a negative image, Cindy was also in black and white but opposite Steph’s outfit. Cindy had on a white crop top that also fell off the shoulders, but instead of shiny, it was nearly see through. Shed had on a black pleather demi-bra with lace trim on underneath. She had the most amazing pair of black pleather shorts on that had built in garter belts attached to black thigh highs. Capping off the outfit was a pair of white leather boots that came to just above her knees. This was definitely not like Cindy, but I couldn’t really complain about the changes.

Before I could even get a word in edgewise, Steph put a hand on Cindy’s ass and pulled her close. “Not tonight ladies, she is all mine.” She smiled at Cindy and then gave me a playful wink.

“Who knows, maybe next time?” Cindy said to Gloria and Michelle and shot them a smile. “Come on, let’s go dance.” With that, Steph and Cindy each took a hand of one of my new friends and pulled them escort kocaeli on to the dance floor. I was left there at the bar with a drink in my hand and my jaw on the floor.

For the next few songs I watched as my usually reserved wife danced with Steph, Gloria, and Michelle. They were all laughing and having a good time. It was amazing to see Cindy relaxed and enjoying herself so much. I noticed that my bottle was empty, so I turned to the bartender and ordered another beer. As I was facing the bar, Gloria came up next to me and playfully bumped my shoulder.

“You are one lucky guy! Cindy is such a blast!” I raised my hand to catch the bartender’s attention and motioned at my beer and at Gloria. As she brought over a beer for Gloria, I turned to her and grinned.

“I have never seen her like this before. Not complaining or anything; I am loving this new Cindy. At home she just has so much pressure on her, she never lets her hair down.” I turned to look at the dance floor and didn’t see any of the girls.

Gloria must have seen the concern cloud my face, because she quickly stated: “Don’t worry, Michelle is introducing them to a friend of ours. We are supposed to try and grab the corner booth in the back if we can.” She grabbed me by the hand and pulled me towards the back. Just we were getting to the booth, the occupants were getting up. Gloria asked them if the both was free and it was.

“Fantastic… it is impossible to get a booth around here. Of course that means at least one of us will have to stay with it all night.” We had just slid into the large, round booth when the girls came up to the booth carrying a handful of bottled waters. Cindy slid in next to me with Steph on the outside. Michelle slid in the other side as Gloria scooted around to the middle with me.

“Okay sweetie, I know this sounds crazy, but I want us to try something new tonight.” Cindy grabbed my hand and looked me very seriously in the eyes. “Do you trust me?” I nodded yes, but she could see the quizzical look in my furrowed brow.

Taking one of the bottled waters she twisted off the cap. Holding the bottle to me in one hand, she held out her closed hand to me. I took the water and held my other hand out for her. She dropped a little pill into my hand and told me to take the pill. No questions asked. Just trust her. I looked around the table and everyone else was taking a swig of water, obviously already taking a pill. Normally I would have been much more obstinate, but if Cindy was being so daring this trip. She should know me and my thoughts about any drugs. I closed my hand tightly and acted as if I had dropped it into my mouth. I then chased my still empty mouth with a big shot of my water bottle. Then discreetly under the table I pushed my hand into my pocket to release the mistry pill.

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