Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

It was a particularly trying day at school and work. After exams and computer crashes I finally pull up to my new apartment. I’ve been frustrated until now but hurry to get through the door; ever since my roommate defaulted on the lease Alex has been living in my room and I know he’ll be waiting for me. The one condition I asked for allowing him to stay rent free was a wonderful one—he is to greet me after work, freshly showered and properly attired. We part during the day, going about our lives and functioning as separate individuals, but at 8:15pm he waits for me, skimpily clad in my panties and a lacy tank top, his penis unashamedly poking out of the thin material on the side.
I shut the car door loudly so that he can hear me approaching the door and jangle my keys as I take them out. I know that on the other side he’s arranging himself to please me and I feel myself tighten with the sudden wetness it gives me.
Of course, when I enter, he is sitting Betist on the stairs, poised so cutely that I almost can’t stand it. A suggestive grin creeps across his face and I can tell that he’s proud of his newest outfit. Without a word I grab his hand and lead him upstairs, scooping him up and placing him on the bed. I appreciate his patience and willingness to please, kissing the nape of his neck and the smooth angle of his jaw as his read rolls back. I gently kiss the corners of his sweet mouth and straddle him while tracing my lips upward then nibbling his ear. I can tell he’s enjoying the tenderness, as he wriggles with my movements and starts to breathe heavily, moaning with the flicks on my tongue and caress of my lips.
At the same time, my hands wander through his hair, across his nipples and down to brush his cock. It stiffens and I draw myself closer, exhaling lightly down his neck. I whisper with a hint of playfulness , Betist Giriş “How was school today?”. I don’t want him to answer, only to draw his attention back to the exchange. Our eyes meet and I see a spark of acknowledgement. He wants me to take care of him, to guide him in our pleasure, and to be rewarded with his own. I want to have him as mine to guide and keep and love and command. My hands find their way across his torso and downwards. His body is so lean and masculine, and the contrast of the delicate lace only enhances that. I play with it and watch him curl up in response to the affection and it makes my pussy flood with juices.
Without a word I grab his hips and guide them upward, as he responds and goes on all fours, arching his back and presenting his privates to me. I love the sight of him so surrendered and eager to accommodate my ideas. His penis bounces slightly, swollen with his erection and waiting to be attended to. My fingers run past his anus, caressing at and he moans and rocks backwards, his body asking for more. I bend over him and ask gently in his ear if he wants me inside and he shyly nods. I reach downwards and brush my wet pussy, coating my finger and turn my attention to his silent request. Slowly, I penetrate and push my way in, as he moans and leans forward and shudders. With the other hand, I grab his penis and stroke it, up and down as we rock backwards and forwards as I enter his anus and surround his penis until he’s on the brink of coming.
I tear the panties off and remove my clothing. Seconds later I push myself down onto him and fuck him as he lays on his back. I can feel my breasts rocking with the movement and him swell with suddenness, but I don’t care about anything other than the feel of me sliding up and down the length of his cock. He gives me a look of gratitude as I have him cum inside of me, filling my pussy and overflowing as we slow to a gentle stop. I my insides continue to spasm and I hold him there in a gentle hug, still inside of me. As always, he breathlessly whispers, “Thank you” before falling asleep in my arms.
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32