It happens in 3’s all the time!
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This is my world where anything can happen, not fact just a story of fiction. I’m of Irish/Italian descent, so I will warn you now there will be mistakes, if you’re one of the nit-pickers I suggest you find another story to read. I enjoy constructive criticism, but if you’re going to be an ass-hat about it, don’t say anything, Thank you!
My name is Remo Williams, I’m thirty-eight years old, 6’2” 245lbs with hardly any body fat, as it is mostly muscle. I look like I could play rugby and did in college. I hit the gym 4 times a week while taking jujitsu classes in between. I came from a middle-class family that didn’t have much, so I worked two jobs to put myself through college. As for my major, I took computer science. The teacher who taught the course liked me and offered to teach me how to write coding for computers in exchange for working to fix up his house and do some landscaping.
It turned out to be a win/win for me as I created a few programs for large firms that made it impervious to all attacks from other companies trying to steal their secrets while backtracing the signal used back to the computer being used for the attack. By the time I graduated, I was worth $12 million, I sold the programs to the big corporations, but kept the rights to the coding, as it had to be updated from time to time to stay ahead of the game.
So now I’m 38 and had been married three times. the reason for my divorces was due to my big sister Janet not being able to keep her big mouth shut!
Let me explain, when I was little I grew up in a neighborhood where my playmates were mostly girls. Jenny Brown was one that I had a crush on, we were next-door neighbors and were together all the time growing up. We played with her Ken and Barbie dolls until her dog ate Ken and all we had left was her Barbies to play with. Well, one thing led to another and Jenny asked me to try on one of her dresses. Janet found me in a dress playing with Jenny’s dolls, and yelled to my Mom, “I found him, Mom, he looks so cute in his dress playing with his dolls!” loud enough for the whole block to hear. We were little kids and didn’t know what we did wrong.
For the next few years, she would embarrass me in front of all her friends, asking me if I found a dress that I liked or some such thing. She and her friends would have a good laugh about it, and even sometimes on my birthday, she would wrap up that year’s Barbie and gift it to me. I was ten I got sent to my Grandma and Grampa for the year, because she bought me ‘Barbie’s dream house’ and then took a picture when I opened it and then put it up on her Facebook account with the caption, ‘My little got his birthday wish!’ Then two days later I took my revenge, she sat with her friends in the living room showing them all the pictures. I just snapped, remaining calm, I took the baseball bat my Dad had gotten me and walked up to the back of the couch she was sitting on, and with a swing worthy of any homerun ever, connected with the back of her head. Her friends ran screaming from the house and then using words I had heard my father kağıthane escort use. I walked out on the porch, my Mom was on the porch next door when I yelled out, “Hey Mom, the fucking bitch needs an ambulance!”
They had never said anything to my sister when she kept up her bullshit, so I didn’t think it was wrong and left to play baseball with my friends. But when I returned home a few hours later, I walked into the house and without any warning, my Mother slapped me hard enough to draw blood and I felt something crack in my mouth. Then my Dad ran into the room and back handed me hard enough that I heard and felt the side of my head explode and everything went black.
When I came too, I was in the hospital with a severely sprained neck, a broken jaw, an eyeball socket cracked in two places, and had lost a few teeth. The doctor and a nurse were checking me over, I noticed Mom and Dad in the room as well. I started swinging and trying to get up and protect myself. The nurse grabbed a syringe and shot it into my IV tube attached to my left arm. Just as the darkness took me, I heard the doctor say, “You two had best leave now and don’t return until I say you can!”
I woke up finding three days had passed and only my Grandpa was in the room with me. He saw me awake and opened up the door calling for the doctor, then stepped up to my bedside and told me, “You’ll be staying with us now, try to forget all this bullshit and concentrate on getting better.” My Grandparents owned a 30-acre farm and as soon as I was released that’s where I went. Working on the farm helped me work through a lot of my built-up anger, so after I got out of school, I went right to work even though my jaw was still wired.
Three months later they removed the wires holding my jaw together and replaced my missing teeth with implants and wired me up again for another month. By the time I graduated from high school, I had grown in size and had enough muscles from hard work. Now I was a force to be reckoned with. At my graduation party, my parents showed up but stayed away from me. Grandpa took me aside and told me, “Son, there will never be enough apologies to make right what happened, but you have to let the anger go or it will eat you alive for the rest of your life, and will always hold you back. Let it go and live your life as you feel best.” Then gave me a bear hug and whispered in my ear, “You are the son I should have had!”
I nodded, then grabbed three beers, and then walked across to my parents. I noticed I had four inches on my Dad and was almost fifteen inches on my Mom. Dad started to say how sorry they were when I gave them each a beer and told them never to mention it again. My Mother asked if I had an opener as twist-off caps weren’t around yet. I grabbed her beer and popped off with my thumb, and then did the same for my Father.
When the party was over, my Grandparents handed me an envelope. Grandma said, “We don’t have the money to send you to college, But we have a few friends that owed us a few favors” kağızman escort Then she hopped up on a chair, gave me a hug and a kiss, “Make us proud, Remo!” Inside was a letter of acceptance to Stanford University and a check for $10,000 to get me started. All I could do was to hug her as tears began to fill my eyes. I set her down and grabbed my Grandfather in a bear hug, telling them how much I loved them. Then I left with my parents, to say goodbye to the rest of my family and begin my journey west.
I bought a good solid used car and left a week after I got back, I wasn’t surprised that my sister was never around until the day I left. She was a bit more humble and apologized for always humiliating me when I was younger. I graduated with honors. Unfortunately, my grandparents never got to see me graduate having been killed when their car was hit by a semi hauling grain, the driver was drunk.
I was seeing a cute blonde girl with hair down to her hips and an hourglass figure with DD breasts while at Stanford. We were married right after graduation and bought a 3-bedroom home with a large backyard. she was beautiful in her wedding dress. We spent our honeymoon in Hawaii. She looked up at me with her emerald green eyes after we spent the last three hours making love and said, “I know you’re a crossdresser, and I think it is so hot! So I went shopping for you today and bought you everything you would need to continue your hobby. After we get you all waxed and teach you how to do your makeup just right, we can go to clubs that cater to people like you so we can have fun, and you can ‘let your hair down’ and enjoy yourself!” then she jumped out of bed and went into her walk-in closet and came out with four dresses and a couple of wigs. “Come on honey, pick out your favorite, and let’s get you all prettied up!”
I couldn’t say anything, I just looked at her like she had lost her mind! “I’m not a crossdresser, nor do I want to be one. If that’s your fantasy, you can count me out!”
She continued, “Ok baby, we don’t have to start you out in the deep end, we’ll just gradually ease you into it then nobody will be the wiser. I have three of my girlfriends who think it’s hot as well, and are coming over tomorrow so we can get you started looking like the girl I know you want to be!”
“You can forget it!” I said and rolled over to get some sleep. I woke up with the feeling that someone was playing with my feet. As my morning fog began to clear, I looked down to see a black-haired woman painting my toenails. My wife and two of her friends were laying out a bra and panty set with a matching garter belt! One of my wife’s girlfriends was telling her that she had been dressing up for years and that it was best to start small and then build up for one who was in denial of her true self.
I came unglued and kicked the woman off my feet, then got up and grabbed her and the other two and threw them out of the bedroom. then my wife hit me with something and I went down on one knee, all the while screaming at me about how fucked maraş escort up I was and to never treat any of her friends like that again! I grabbed her by the belt and her collar and escorted her through the front door so she could be with her friends cowering by their cars. I knew she didn’t have her keys with her, so I locked the door then went upstairs, and opened the bedroom window that faced the front yard. I started throwing out all of her crap letting where ever it happened to land in the yard.
Someone called the cops and they showed up in no time at all. After taking statements from my wife and her three friends, they approached the front door and knocked telling me to open the door. I did and they rushed inside the house as they assumed I was armed and might hurt someone. I told them what had happened. I showed them my toenails and showed them my shoulder. They asked me if I knew I was bleeding, and I said no because my adrenaline must have kicked in so I didn’t feel anything. They sat me down on the couch so I could relax until the ambulance got there.
Just before it arrived, a man came in the door and introduced himself. “Sir, my name is Detective John Manners, I’ve talked to the women and the officers outside, so now I want you to tell me what happened,” I told him what had happened and told him to go up to the bedroom and see for himself. He came down 15 minutes later with the polish and the lingerie in separate bags. He sat down in the chair across from me and asked if I wanted to file assault charges against the four women while the EMTs stopped the bleeding and got me ready for transport to the hospital. I said, “Fuck yes I do!”
They locked up the house and then took me to the hospital to get checked out. Six weeks later I was served with divorce papers, go figure! My next two marriages followed the first down the drain because of the same reasons. I had my lawyer contact all three of my ex-wives to ask them what made them do what they did. All three said the same thing.
At their bachelorette parties, they all had invited my sister who got wasted and let it slip about my childhood incident, and then followed up by asking them not to let anyone know she let them in on my ‘secret’.
So here I stand in my penthouse at the top of the building I had built to house my corporation. looking out through my wall of glass at the city below. I was worth $250 Million now. My current wife grabbed me from behind with her arms. “I want you to make sweet love to me right here so the whole town can watch us.”
I turned around and ripped the clothes from her body, then I sat her on the corner of my desk while I got down on my knees and took her six-inch cock into my mouth and worshipped her cock and balls with my mouth and tongue. “Drink my come baby so I can fuck that tight ass of yours and make everything all better!”
You see I’m Bi-sexual, and while I was never a transsexual, I never said I would not enjoy the pleasures of a good-looking woman that was!
And as I promised my Grandparents, I let go of my anger. After I bought the companies they worked for just so I could fire every one of those fuckers! So when they called me to help them out, I promised them I would set them up with a business of their own. I visit them whenever I’m in town. But they just keep asking me the same old thing.
“Would you like fries with your whopper?”
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