Jessie Ch. 01

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I woke up with a start. There was a noise. The bedroom is dark now except for the moonlight streaming in through the open windows. Light and shadow hold one another in the warm breeze from the window. Curtains moving gently in and out. Traffic noise muted ten stories below.

“Jessie?” I ask the pitch black hallway.

Remembering now; meeting over drinks. Jessie and me, flirting, talking, a throaty laugh from smiling ruby lips, hazel eyes, smooth, dimpled face framed in dark hair. Tall, tan dancer’s body–long legs, bare perfection in stiletto heels, wrapped in a cream silk blouse and a black mid-thigh skirt. Drinks finished. A long, silent gaze rich with promise cutting through the noise of the bar. Caressing the question? Squeezing the answer. The cab ride to the apartment; teasing and teased over clothes growing damp and tight. In the elevator; holding each other, thudding hearts, hands cradling faces. That first kiss–eyes closed, soft lips–a deep base note in my heart. Inside the apartment, pressed up against the closed door. More kisses, lush tongues, curious, bold–eyes open, soft moans. The base note a rhythm now. Eager now. Urgent Now. NOW! Clothes pulled and peeling; trailing down the dimly lit hallway to the bedroom.

Tumbling backwards onto the bed. Jessie in the soft glow of the lamp above me. Straddling me. Grinding down on me…grinding bedava bahis up at her. Both of us half-naked, hungry eyes devouring as we finish–slowly–with what’s left. Her hair breaking over her shoulders. My hands cupping firm breasts. Her fingers curled into my hair pulling. My lips and tongue at her nipples. Her back arching and with a gasp as my teeth catch and tug on the studs there. My fingers curl into her thong and begin to pull it down.

“Wait!” Jessie says, pulling me away and looking into my eyes. “Not yet, Glen.”

“Jessie” My voice almost breaking with needing and wanting for us both.

“Lay back lover, you first.” She croons to me as she steps back, kneels and pulls my briefs off, releasing my straining prick.

Her eyes never leave mine as her head slowly descends, rubied lips parting, warm breath and then…wet heat low and tight…up…then lower and tighter still…again. This time to the base. Her eyes close and…her throat! Sweet Jesus, her throat! Back up again, sucking air, sucking me. Down again. Up again. Groaning, my hands find her hair pulling. She grunts and grabs my fingers pulling my hands away. I let go and grip the sheets. She begins her decent again and my head falls back. I’m all cock now, can’t think, just–nothing else. Her saliva trails back down to cover my balls casino siteleri as her mouth comes up. Her hand clamps around the base of the shaft. Pulsing. Her tongue at the head in slow, lazy circles. Sweet, delicious agony. I spasm briefly, trying to hold On, Hold Out, HOLD. She drops back down the shaft only this time fast and hard. Bruising those soft lips on my groin–a hair-trigger now.

Gasping. “God! Jessie, I’m…”

She doesn’t stop. I can’t. But time does. My hips buck once, twice. She rides it. Comes up a little for a breath and then a spit-slick finger finds my asshole and pushes in, crooking and uncrooking. Pulling the trigger. I go off.

“Aaaaaahhhhha!” Yelling as I’m firing into her hot, tight, sweet mouth again and again.

“Suck it, Jessie. Yeah!! Yeeeaahhh!! Fuck!!! Cu…unnh…Cumming!! OH FUCK! Aaaaaagghhhh!”

She hangs on. Her ruby lips a seal now as she keeps sucking and swallowing jet after jet of my cum. I pass out…


She comes from the dark of the hallway gazing at me. Moonlight and shadow chase each other along her body as she moves. The thong is still there.

“I’m right here, Glen.” Her voice is smoky, rich like my single malt earlier. “Back among the living?”

I come off the bed in answer and pull her into my arms kissing her. Tasting the bahis siteleri remnants of myself, inhaling her scent, savoring…us. Feeling a throb at my belly as we hold each other.

“Wow! God, baby, that was…”

“Not bad?” She finishes with a sly smile.


“Why thank you kind sir!” She steps back and curtsies.

Oh, you are very welcome kind miss!” Bowing to her in return, I take her hand and pull her back to me,,,towards the bed.

“And how can I ever repay you?” I ask grinning.

Ohh, I may have an idea…or two.” She stops by the side of the bed and puts both hands on my shoulders.

“Anything.” I tell her.

She gazes into my eyes, assessing, mischievous.

“Kneel.” She commands.

“Yes, lover.” I obey.

Her thong, half in shadow is inches from my face. I reach for the sides and and curling my fingers into the snug fabric slowly pull it down her long, toned legs to her high-heel clad feet. Balancing herself on my shoulder, she steps out of them and sits back on the bed. Her legs spreading wide, one stilletoed foot on the floor and the other on the bed. I raise my head slowly and look upon her smooth, bare crotch, luminous in the moonlight. Gazing in rapture as her long, thick, semi-hard cock begins to rise.

“Like what you see, Glen?” Her voice a rough silk whisper above me.

“No.” I answer, grasping the base in my hand, stroking lightly. I look up into her eyes and lean forward slowly, my lips parted, letting her feel my breath now.

“I Love what I see, Jesse.”


to be continued…

Copyright 2007 waltermittyjr

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