Mother and Daughter Shared Pt. 01

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Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


The new neighbours moved in two years ago, and the whole adventure began.

Debbie, and her daughter Kat were renting the house next door after her separation from husband Pete. He had started a relationship with his PA, and the marriage had crumbled.

Debbie was late 40s, tall, about 5′ 10,” long blonde hair, blue eyes, and nicely shaped figure. Kat was due to go to uni, and was a younger version of Debbie. 18 years old, and a regular gym user, but as I was to find out, a precocious minx.

I was a guy, just turned 60, who’d taken early retirement from my lecturing post at a local university. I’d also been widowed six years, and although I’d had a few ‘short term’ relationships, I’d not had ‘sex’ for two years.

So it was with some relish that I introduced myself to Debbie on her first day.

I got the impression that she wasn’t flush with money, and I actually gave her some garden furniture, and an old barbecue for that summer. I played the friendly neighbour, and I did genuinely want to help out.

Kat was a typical teenager, a bit scatty, and perhaps unaware of her physical attributes. I was careful not to appear too ‘pervy.’

That was until about five weeks after they had moved in. I got along fine with Debbie, taking parcels in when she was at work, taking the bins in on ‘bin day.’ I had joked a few times with Kat, but I wasn’t sure if she took to my dry sense of humour. She knew I’d been a university lecturer and we did have a couple of conversations about her future studies, but it always seemed to be a conversation with me averting my eyes away from her boobs, or ass.

However, one very hot day I was in the spare back bedroom that I used as a ‘study,’ when I glanced outside, and saw Kat carrying a towel, a book, and a bottle of water onto the small patch of grass that posed as a lawn. I whispered a quiet, ‘Phew!’ as I took in her body, marginally covered, in a bikini.

I carefully stood back in the room so that I couldn’t be seen, and watched as she positioned the towel, and lay on her front, propping herself on her elbows, to read her book. But before she settled, she reached behind her back, and undid the bow to her bikini top. My jaw must have dropped open, and I heard myself inhale deeply. Kat’s boobs dropped forward to rest on the towel. As much as I wanted, her nipples were not in view.

I was trying not to be seen, but Debbie came out, and had what appeared to be a brief conversation with Kat, half turning, and looking up at the upper windows of my house. It was obvious that she was telling Kat that I might be able to see her sunbathing. I dropped back into the room even further, as Debbie went back inside, with a final long look at my house.

I sat in my chair at my desk which made it too low for me to see out. I was feeling hot in so many ways, but the temperature outside was rising as it approached mid day. Wanting to have another ‘peek,’ I stood up and opened the top window. Reaching up, the handle made a noise that Kat must have heard, because she half turned, and looking up she briefly waved. Smiling, she was well aware that in doing so, her right boob was clearly visible to me. I gave a little half hearted wave back, trying to seem very casual about it. I sat back down out of sight, and took a deep breath. Kat was being a little minx, and I was unsure about being a ‘peeping Tom.’

I played around with various papers on my desk, before I dare raise myself from the chair. I was being very careful, I got out of my chair, and went to one side of the curtain, and a step back from the window.

Indeed Kat was really being a tease. I couldn’t believe my eyes. She had turned over, and was laying on her back, propped up on her elbows, with her bare boobs on display, she was also clearly looking up at my window, waiting for any sign of me.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing Kat?” It was clearly Debbie’s voice.

I peeked out again. Debbie was standing in the garden, and remonstrating with her daughter, half turning, and gesturing towards my house.

“What if Mr Carter sees you, apart from you being a girl, what’s he going to think?”

Kat really pushed her luck with her mum, “I reckon he’s seen me already, bet it got him hard.” And she giggled, as she put her bikini top back on.

I retreated from the window, but continued listening. Debbie didn’t reply to Kat’s provocation, but after a while both of them disappeared indoors.

I saw Debbie the next day at her front door, but nothing was mentioned, however, Kat did give me a broad smile when I saw her a couple of days later, as I went to get in my car.

And then Saturday arrived, it was still hot and around mid day I was sitting at the table on my patio when an upstairs window opened next door, and Debbie cried out, “Oh god Tom, I’m in a bit of a mess, I’ve got a radiator leaking, and I’ve managed to turn the water off and phone the landlord; he’s got a plumber coming in the next hour, gaziantep rus escort bayan and I’m supposed to be picking Kat up from her music lesson in Market Layton.”

I interrupted straight away, “Dont worry, you stay there, I’ll pick her up, where is it exactly?”

“12, Oaks Way, it’s just off the high street, at the far end, thanks so much, I’ll text her and tell her to expect you.”

“On my way,” I replied, and set off.

It was about fifteen miles, and it didn’t take me long to find the house. As soon as I pulled up Kat was coming down the path with just her folder of music in her hand. What I did of course notice, was the fact that she was wearing rather tight shorts, and a T-shirt that showed certain contours.

“Hello Mr Carter, this is a surprise, mum says she’s had a leak.”

I chuckled, “Yes something like that.”

Kat’s perfume had rapidly filled my car, and my nostrils. I was trying desperately not to take sideways glances as I drove off, but her bare thighs were clearly in my peripheral vision.

As we got onto the dual carriageway Kat was clearly in the mood for teasing.

“It’s fantastic weather again isn’t it Mr Carter?” and she added, “May I call you Tom?”

“Of course you can, I never mind what I’m called,” I said chuckling again.

“I think it’s sunbathing weather, definitely, I might get out in the garden this afternoon.”

Kat was certainly “fishing’ for a reaction.

I think I must have blushed, or coughed, or something. I knew Kat had turned her head, and was studying my face for any sign of embarrassment.

“I hope it isn’t a problem for you, I mean I know you work in your ‘office’ and I didn’t want to distract you.” This time Kat giggled.

My cock was the current distraction to me, as it was becoming a little engorged!

Kat was moving her bare thighs on the leather seat, and doing as much as she could to get me to respond to her teasing. She had obviously seen the pressure of my cock against my chinos.

And then she did something totally unexpected. Her right hand reached over, and gave my cock a squeeze through my trousers.

“Mr Carter…Tom, you really shouldn’t be frightened of looking out of your window.”

“Jesus, Kat, you shouldn’t be doing that.”

I grabbed her hand,and moved it from my cock, “You’re just a young girl, and I’m old enough to be your dad, or even grand dad, and what on earth would your mum say?” But as soon as I’d let go of her hand, she replaced it on my hardening cock, and massaged it again.

“I’m eighteen Tom, I decide what I do, and mum won’t know.”

I was trying to keep the car in a straight line as this young girl was playing with my crotch. Coming up was a lay-by, and from 60mph to zero I pulled in, and screeched to a halt. Even before we had stopped Kat had flicked off her seatbelt, and had unzipped my chinos.

Expertly, and before I had put the handbrake on, my cock was out through the opening in my boxers, and Kat was leaning forward, clamping her mouth onto the head.

“For fucks sake Kat, stop it,”

I had her head between both hands, and was trying, with no real intent, to pull her up.

“Oh god,” I groaned, and I knew I wasn’t going to resist. Oh god,” I groaned again.

Kat was gripping my cock, and rubbing it up and down, as she sucked the head. I was gone. And with no recent experience of any sex at all, I started to cum.

With a groan of despair, mixed with pure pleasure, I felt myself pumping my spunk into Kat’s mouth. She took every last drop, keeping my cock in her mouth, until it began to soften.

As she sat up she was grinning, licking her lips.

“Wow that was quite a load, I knew I’d get you one day.”

She leaned forward, and kissed me on the lips briefly, and there was that hint of spunk on her breath.

“You’d better get zipped up before we get going,” and just for a moment said. “hang on.”

Kat looked down, and my cock was still slightly oozing. Leaning forward once more she licked the last drops from me, before sitting up and fastening her seatbelt, as though nothing had happened.

I was in a daze, and when we finally drove off I had to say something.

“Look I dont know how all that happened, but it’s not happening again Kat, it was just a one off.” I tried to sound serious, and authoritative.

“Ok Mr Carter, I mean Tom, I’m off to uni soon so there won’t be the opportunity.” She laughed again.

“Hmmmm,” I said, as we pulled up behind the plumber’s van outside her house.

“Bye, and thanks.” Was all she said, as I watched Kat’s ass sway down the path, and I just sat in the car in shock.

An hour later there was a ring at the front door, and Debbie was there wanting to thank me for picking Kat up. I invited her in and we had a cup of coffee, and chatted quite happily about this, and that. She explained that the plumber had fixed the leaking radiator, and she also explained about her, in her words, gaziantep swinger escort bayan ‘stubborn’ daughter. She added that only the other day she had to warn her about sunbathing topless in the garden. When I raised my eyebrows Debbie laughed and joked, “I hope you didn’t see anything, I don’t want you getting overexcited! Oh I am terrible aren’t I? Joking about my daughter like that. I’ll have to put the umbrella up when I go out there!”

“I’ll try not to look, but I won’t promise,” I joked back.

Debbie squeezed my arm, “Yes I know you men.”

With that she got up to leave, and added, “You’ll have to come round for lunch, or a bbq someday soon, Kat leaves for fresher’s week at uni next Friday. Maybe when she’s gone.”

“I’d love that Debbie, I will look forward to it.”

All was quiet that week, the weather continued to be warm, there was no more sunbathing next door, and I only saw Debbie, and Kat briefly getting into their car. But on the Thursday evening I heard both of them shouting, and it became obvious there was a row going on. It continued for a couple of hours, and I thought it sad that next day Kat was leaving for uni, and it looked like she’d be leaving on a sad note.

It was on the Sunday lunchtime that I was sitting on the patio reading the newspaper, when I heard someone sobbing quietly, it was Debbie. Her kitchen door was open, and I was able to hear her over the fence. It went on for some ten minutes before I got up and phoned her.

“Tell me to stop poking my nose in, but I couldn’t help hearing you upset. Can I help in any way?”

“Oh Tom, thank you so much, it’s just Kat, we had a blazing row before she left, it’s lots of things.”

“Well if you need someone to offload to…?”

“Tom, would you like a coffee, if you’ll excuse the mess, and my make up?”

“I’m there in five minutes, get the coffee on.”

Debbie looked tired, her eye make had run, and true, the house was untidy, but that sort of stuff didn’t bother me.

She gave me a hug, and it was the first time I’d considered how tall she was, but it felt nice, she felt nice, and she smelled exquisite.

We sat on the sofa with our coffees, it being the only available space around. I watched her as she curled her legs under herself with her bare legs covered by her short skirt.

Debbie poured out her recent past, the messy split with her husband, Kat’s obstinacy, and her dare devil nature, and now her being on her own. And then the row.

“We had this blazing row, it was partly about advice I was giving her about uni, men, studying, and men. She’s a one for chasing anything in trousers, you’re just the latest.”

I looked quizzically at Debbie, not sure if I was blushing yet again. And I was.

“Yes I know Tom, you might blush, the topless sunbathing, and then my biggest mistake, sending you to collect her from her music lesson. I know what happened, she took great delight in telling me about.”

“Oh my god Debbie, I’m so sorry, I should have stopped her.” I looked crestfallen, and guilty.

“Oh don’t worry, I know what she’s like, she won’t take no, I just hope she’s careful at uni.”

I didn’t know what to say. The silence was broken by Debbie moving closer to me, and saying quietly, “Look Tom, stuff happens, we all have moments we regret. You’re not married so no one else is hurt.”

“I’m never one to make excuses, but when you’ve not had sex for a couple of years, and a sexy young girl hits on you…well.”

Debbie took my hand, “Oh Tom, sounds like we’ve both gone without, lets forget the world. Do you want something stronger? Red wine?”

“Please, yes, let’s start this conversation again.”

Debbie got up, and went into the kitchen to open some wine. We settled down on the sofa once again, and Debbie was in better spirits, wanting to know a bit more about my life. I explained about the years of my marriage, my infidelities, my weaknesses, and how it ended in sadness. And then in the few years after, when I went through a period of total promiscuity, trying many different situations that presented themselves. Finally, how the last two years have been years of total abstinence.

Debbie described how she had gone through a period of ‘sleeping around’ when she found out about her husband’s affair, and how she became involved in swinging for a while.

Both of us felt quite emboldened by our frank and open conversation. Some of our admissions were a precursor to our time together in the two years between then and now.

As we chatted I realised how Debbie had overcome many hurdles in her life, and the problems of bringing up Kat. There was a moment when her eyes filled with tears, describing how Kat seemed to continually go against her advice, and how she was sure her sexual experience was wider than Kat would admit. She referred back to my car journey with her, and how she knew that she had had sex with at least two older men.

We’d had quite a bit of wine when gaziantep travesti escort kızlar we first kissed. I wasn’t expecting it, but it just seemed right when in that moment she felt so sad.

Like so many first kisses it was a bit clumsy, but we kissed again, and again, her plump lips and generous mouth making me want more, and more. As we paused for a moment Debbie looked at me with a serious expression on her face.

“Tom, it’s been so good to tell someone about me, no one ever really asks how I am! I find you very easy to talk to, and we have a lot in common.”

“Well I feel much the same, Debbie.” I replied, “I think you’re an incredible woman, sexy, intelligent, compassionate. I’m not just saying that to get you into bed.”

Debbie chuckled and playfully punched me, “Too damned right you’re not.” And then looking me, she gently kissed me again. Pulling away once more she whispered, “But I think I want you to fuck me.”

I didn’t say a thing, I just stroked the side of her face, and under her chin.

“Please go slowly, it’s been a long time,” Debbie relaxed back into the sofa.

“It’s new to me too, there’s no rush.”

As we kissed once more, we stretched out, side by side, along the length of the sofa.

Debbie’s body was an exciting prospect, I tentatively slid my hand under her t-shirt, just above the waist band of her skirt. The feeling of a woman’s skin had been a memory, but now it was here, at my finger tips. Debbie’s muscle tone felt like a young woman’s, the hollow of her lower back, and spine was a trigger for me.

As we kissed, my fingers ran upwards, and I surprised myself at unclipping her bra with one hand, it must be like riding a bike, I thought. With her t-shirt, and bra pushed up around her neck, my mouth was ready to enjoy her hardened nipples.

Debbie was responding to my gentle sucking with quiet sighs, and soft murmurs. We both were enjoying this unhurried foreplay.

As my lips moved from one nipple to the other, my hand was reaching down and caressing Debbie’s thighs. Lying side by side she lifted one knee to allow my fingers to stray further up her legs. My tongue was still playing with her nipples as I felt her hands unfasten a couple of buttons on my shirt. One of her hands found its way to my nipple, and she felt mine grow hard to her touch.

My fingers had reached her panties, and as I tugged a little at the lacy hem, Debbie lifted her hips so that they slid down her legs. As soon as I’d pulled them over her ankles I unbuckled my belt, and unzipped myself, and with difficulty shuffled my trousers and boxers down to my ankles. We both then seemed to relax again, and our tongues began exploring each other mouths once more.

Debbie’s arms were around my neck. My arms were holding her body with our clothes scrunched up around her neck, her waist, and my ankles. My cock was pressing against her leg. But when she whispered, “Gently Please Tom,” I knew that she ready.

As I lifted myself over her, she parted her thighs, wrapping one leg around the back of mine. I felt the head of my cock find her pussy, and I pressed just hard enough to move between her lips. With just a slight movement I was able to moisten my cock enough to push her pussy open.

With the quietest of sighs Debbie said, “Take your time.”

It had been a long time since I had had that pleasure of entering a woman, but strangely, unlike my frantic blow job with Kat, I was totally in control.

Inch by inch my cock went deeper inside her. I did feel her pull her mouth from my kiss and there was a quiet gasp as I went in all the way.

And then we were both still.

We both looked at each other, and smiled, and Debbie quietly muttered, “This is the nicest feeling in the world.”

My reply was, “In the universe!”

And we kissed again.

But we could only remain still for so long. I started to move my hips, and I felt Debbie begin to match our gradual rhythm. We didn’t rush, there were no histrionics, no screams, or cries, no creaking of the sofa, but slowly, and inexorably, we moved towards our climax.

Debbie came first, her body quivering beneath me, a little whimper, followed by a soft groan, and gasping, “Oh Tom.”

As I was continuing to move, she watched my face change, my eyes closed, my mouth gasping, and she felt my hips give their final thrust, burying myself deep inside her. My cock was jerking, as I emptied all of my desire into her.

“Thank you Tom, no one else could have made it more pleasurable, it was wonderful.”

We kissed again, but we needed to disentangle ourselves from our clothes.

“Let’s go to bed Tom.” Debbie was saying what I was thinking.

She led the way upstairs, and both of us wanted the feeling of being completely naked together. We had both been around long enough to know that the ‘chat’ in bed after sex was an integral part of the whole experience. We held each other, and laughed, and chuckled, as well as owning up to each other about various kinky situations we’d been in at various times.

When we finally had sex again, we knew we wanted to express ourselves a little more. Debbie showed how adventurous she was as I gave in to her dominant side. At one point I was pinned down as she rode me to her first orgasm, she then reversed the roles, and offered me her pussy in traditional doggy style, wiggling her ass, until I was forced to fuck her to her second cumming.

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