Mr X

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Some people might say my life, as it is now is somewhat disturbing. Disgusting, that I’m going to hell for what I do. But to be desired, to be used makes me feel special. You are probably wondering what I’m talking about. So I will start from the beginning. No one knew my name; pale and unfamiliar, undesirable a nonentity. I spend most of my days wishing I was someone else. Secretly waiting, for someone to pull me out of obscurity. It was the first time I had noticed the sun, streaks of light through the window touching my naked body. I was used to going through the motions but that morning I felt different. Jumping into the shower I noticed my pert nipples. Suddenly my pussy began to ache I was still a virgin so my only option was to masturbate. I began caressing my generous tits, slowly making my way down to my slit. I positioned the shower head so that the water was hitting my clit, it felt amazing but it wasn’t enough. Looking around I found a back brusher. I Scrunched up a face cloth and shoved it in my mouth to lessen porno izle my screams as I started to tease my slit. I inserted my fingers to get it ready for the back brusher; putting it deep inside me I was imagining that it was a huge cock. The climax left me shaking and delirious. I was ready to deal with whatever shit was thrown in my path after that. It was nearing the end of my shift, another day where no one noticed me. Packing up my bag I was feeling depressed. I thought my session in the shower would have kept me feeling good, but in all honesty guilt had crept in. Coupled with complaining customers I was ready to cry. I decided to go for a drink before I made my way back to my solitary flat. It’s not something I would usually do as I have no one to do it with, but I needed it badly. I ordered a large vodka straight and sat in a dark corner pretending I was reading a book. I sat there for a couple of hours, as I was about to leave I noticed a man sitting at the bar who seemed to be staring at me. So I went amatör porno and ordered another drink. I positioned myself near his barstool and I am pretty sure he brushed himself against me as he got up to leave. To my surprise when I went back to my corner he was sitting at my table. He didn’t speak a word for the next hour he just sat silently close to me until he got up and left. I didn’t have the guts to speak to him. But I was intrigued and my pussy was soaking wet. When I got home I couldn’t stop thinking about him and had to relieve my aching pussy once again. I decided while teasing my clit that I would go to that bar every night in the hope of seeing him again. The next night I returned to the bar, my heart sank when I couldn’t see him. I ordered a drink anyway and sat in my corner. Eventually he arrived my heart was thumping, my pussy was leaking like a tap. He came straight over to me and sat down beside me. I was wearing a mini skirt and a see through top with a bra underneath. anal porno He gently put his hand on my bear leg and slowly moved up to my slit. I was finding it difficult not to scream with pleasure. “I see you dressed for the occasion and your cunt is soaking wet”. “I don’t want to know your name or what you do for a living. I don’t want to know what you like or don’t like. I just want you to do a number of tasks for me, so just say yes or no”. I said yes immediately. The fact that another human being was rubbing my clit was enough for me. I would have said yes to anything at that moment. Task one: “I want you to make another woman’s cunt wet by just talking to her. Once you have done that, I want you to take her to me to prove that she is soaking. No touching allowed or you will have failed. I will meet you at midnight in Bumper nightclub don’t speak to me until you have completed your task.” With that he got up and left. I was confused but extremely aroused; I thought to myself fuck it why not. It’s not as if I have anything else to do. I finished my drink went home to touch up my makeup and made my way to Bumper. I was feeling hot and sexy, still wet from my previous encounter with Mr. X. It was 11.30, I was that worked up that I went straight over the first girl I seen.

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