My Life as a Softcore Erotica

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Tristan arrived at the party a little late, but he brought homemade gourmet pizza, so it was okay. It seemed that a lot of people were late, though, because when he came in there were only a few guests lounging around on the sofas and chairs in the room. One petite blond girl in particular caught his eye. She was wearing a very brief blouse and a pink skirt that ended many inches above her knees.

Tristan was a little bit worried about the party, because his ex-girlfriend Kali was the host and the birthday girl, and she had her new partner there with her. Tristan still had feelings for Kali; in fact, he hadn’t even been dating since their break-up, which was strange for him in itself. He was concerned that he would feel jealous and sad, but that evening, as he was deciding what to do, he felt particularly strong. So he’d decided to come to the party.

Soon after Tristan’s arrival, the other guests began to arrive en masse. Soon, the party had reached a comfortable number, maybe about 15 attendees in the relatively small space, and people were talking, drinking, and laughing. Tristan was having fun. He had gotten into a debate with his friend John about whether action/adventure movies with muscle-bound, nearly naked, oiled, hyper-masculine stars were inherently homoerotic, or only became that way when viewed by audiences that responded in a homoerotic way.

Tristan also met a young guy named Johannes, who he’d heard about from Kali but had never met. Johannes seemed like a nice, competent, interesting nerd: the kind of guy Tristan looked for in friends. His girlfriend, though, was the same blond girl he had seen earlier. He asked her name, and forgot it promptly. She seemed quiet and shy, but she was very, very hot.

After awhile, the party-goers decided to play a game. Kali, the birthday girl, had designed it, and the game basically involved drinking, stripping, and doing progressively more daring and sexual things. Tristan wasn’t drinking, because he was driving that night, but he wasn’t someone who really needed alcohol to lower his inhibitions. Instead of drinking when he lost a round, he did tongue twisters, starting with The Modern Major General and working his way through Peter Piper and A Proper Cup of Coffee.

The blond was draining her drinks as fast as anyone, and before long she had lost her top and her bra (a sexy purple mesh push-up), and was proudly displaying her breasts to the room. Tristan thought they were some of the nicest he’d seen… medium-sized and perfectly shaped, but with very large nipples that seemed to stretch out and cover half of the surface area. She was sitting next to him, with giresun escort her boyfriend Johannes on her other side, and as she drank she became progressively more amorous and horny. She kept putting her hand on Tristan’s shoulder, and saying “What’s so funny? What’s so funny?” To which he answered, “You’re just a really funny drunk!”, trying to keep his eyes off of her bobbing nipples as she waved her arms all around. Tristan had forgotten her name, asked it again, and forgotten it for a second time. He wished for the umpteenth time that he was better with names.

Gameplay continued, and Tristan held his own as an entertainer, at one point performing a strip tease around the entire room to the accompaniment of a plethora of beat-boxers. As he chatted with Johannes and the blond, Tristan found out that they were both just 18, high school sweethearts now starting their first year of college. The girl had never been drunk like this before, and it was hitting her hard with a mixture of confusion and horniness. She was grabbing and making out with her boyfriend nonstop, and before long, she’d expanded her interest to several of the other guys in the room. Johannes watched with a rueful expression.

“I told her this was her night to be drunk.” he said to Tristan. “She can just… be drunk… even though I know she’ll be mad at me for letting her do *that* when she comes to.” He gestured to her making out fiercely with another guy, demonstrating what *that* was. Earlier, she’d been asked to fake an orgasm as her favorite animal, and she’d chosen a tiger. Tristan could see why.

Once, when it was her turn, she ended up being dared to get “whipped” with a cat ‘o nine tails that Kali had on hand. She didn’t take much convincing, and before long, she was kneeling, her face in the floor and her ass in the air, as Johannes whipped her several times. “Thank you sir, may I have another?” She gasped after every strike. She didn’t want him to stop. Tristan, along with everyone else, sat and stared. He had mixed feelings on the matter. On the one hand, she was starting to drive him crazy. On the other hand, her ass was just as perfect as her breasts, and he didn’t know whether to keep starring or to cover his eyes and groan in frustration.

She also kept spilling her drinks, and everyone else would rush to clean them up. “Sorry!” she said repeatedly. But she’d lost most of her sense of judgment by then. She was sitting on the carpet, squirming a lot, and moaning under her breath. Tristan was having trouble keeping his eyes off her, especially as she kept leaning over to him, putting her hands on him, and saying “You’re ısparta escort such a NICE guy!” or “You’re such a SMART guy!”. Tristan supposed that this depended on whether the last comment that he had made was more “smart” or more “nice”. He could tell that she liked NICE and SMART guys.

At one point, she tried to stand up for a moment and fell back down, banging her knee on a metal piece fastening the carpet to the linoleum below. No one really noticed until a minute later, when she said “Wow, I must have really scratched my knee!” and Tristan looked to see blood all over. He jumped up, asking Kali for a first-aid-kit, and he went to get some wet paper towels. When he came back, he cleaned up her knee as gently as he could, and then Johannes put on some Neosporin and a band-aid from the first-aid-kit. By that point, the group had agreed that it was probably time for the girl to get home, but that she was still fully conscious and awake and there probably wasn’t anything to worry about. Johannes asked if someone could give them a ride, and after a moment, Tristan volunteered. Everyone thanked him, especially Johannes and the blond.

They walked out to Tristan’s car. The blond was babbling. “You’re my boyfriend.” She said to Johannes. “And you’re the tall guy with short blond hair.”

“Tristan.” He corrected her.

“Right, Tristan.” She said.

“I forgot your name, again, though.”

She told him what it was. “You have nice hair.” She said. “This is my boyfriend.” Johannes got her into the back seat and Tristan started driving them home.

“Do you think I dressed too slutty for the party?” she asked.

Johannes answered, “No, I think it was just about right.”

“What do you think, Tristan? Was it too slutty?”

Tristan glanced at her over his shoulder. “I think people appreciated how you looked very much.”

“Ooo, I like that you said that.” She put her hand on his shoulder. “But… what about you? How do you think I looked?”

“I think you looked very sexy.” He told her. She giggled throatily and moaned.

She continued to talk throughout the car ride. “You’re such a nice guy.” She said. “You should get my number and call me, ’cause I like when nice guys call me.” Tristan didn’t answer, and focused instead on his driving.

She moaned from the back seat and continued, “Can you hear me?”

“Yes, I can hear you.” Tristan answered her.

“Good. It’s good that you can hear me.” It was silent for a moment. Then she moaned again. “I’m so horny. Johannes, you’re my boyfriend. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” He said. Tristan was impressed uşak escort with how well the young guy had handled the whole night, and how he had talked to her calmingly the entire time. He wasn’t a chump, either. Tristan got the feeling that he was very comfortable with himself, and that they were both very comfortable in their relationship.

After a bit more driving, and a lot more babbling and moaning, she put her hand back on Tristan’s shoulder. “You’re so nice.” She said, and then she moaned. “I need someone to fuck me.” Tristan reflected that she should stop whining, since by this time, he was pretty sure that his horniness was matching hers, hands down. Her ongoing moans had been making him increasingly frustrated, and with her declaration of needing “someone to fuck me”, he was almost moaning himself.

“When we get home.” Johannes said to her. She was silent for a minute.

But then she said, “Why don’t you both fuck me?”

Neither Johannes nor Tristan answered.

“There are two guys in this car and one girl.” She muttered to herself.

They still hadn’t answered, so she repeated herself. “Why don’t you both fuck me?” Then Tristan laughed. It was just a little laugh, more of a snort, but he couldn’t help himself. Somewhere deep inside his soul, a little voice had just shouted out, like a heckler in a B-rated sci-fi film, “This is completely ridiculous”. Tristan had a belief that life tended to be ridiculous in general, and instances like these just confirmed that theory.

“You’re not taking me seriously!” She whined, after Tristan’s accidental laugh. “Neither of you is taking me seriously!”

Johannes jumped to the rescue. “No, we are, sweetie. It’s just that you’re very drunk, and if we did that then you’d be really upset when you weren’t drunk.”

Tristan added, “I never have sex with someone for the first time when they’re drunk. I don’t think it would be right.”

“Oh.” She said, disappointed. “I really need someone to fuck me.”

They were pulling up in front of their destination, and Johannes seemed to be in a hurry to get her out and inside. Tristan couldn’t blame him. He said goodbye, and started driving back to the party.

He was incredibly horny, and incredibly frustrated. “Goddamn.” He said to no one in particular. Visions of himself and Johannes fucking her, hard, wouldn’t leave his mind. He was sure she was already wet and ready. He was sure that Johannes was slipping into her right now; hell, she’d probably practically raped him once they got in the door. He took one of his hands off the steering wheel and pounded his forehead with it, groaning, not knowing whether to laugh, cry, or try to find some quiet parking space to stop the car and masturbate.

As he drove through the night, heading back to the party, to the good friends and the sex games that waited for him, he realized… he’d forgotten her name, again.

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