Perfect Big Tits
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A whole year had passed since I had last seen Megan but that last night seemed to last forever. I remember that day very clearly, it was the day before going back home to my parent’s house. I was twenty-one and my sister Megan had just turned eighteen.
After a four hour drive, I finally made it to my parent’s driveway. Megan was sitting on the porch wearing micro jeans shorts and a white tube top. She looked so grown up and incredibly sexy. She ran to me and gave me a very tight hug. She felt so good in my arms and I had missed her so much.
Our parents were out of State and were not to be back before the end of the weekend. Megan and I had the home all alone. We went up the stairs and to her room. She had made the sofa bed in her room saying how the two of us would be sharing the room that summer.
She said, ” Dad turned your room into an office, sorry bro!”
“I don’t mind sharing with you Megan, ” I said. ” I miss you.”
And she came into my arms and we hugged for a good five minutes.
” So it’s been so much fun picking those outfits online with you,” she said.
“Can’t wait to see you put them on and give me a show,” I said. “Hope you did not wear those sexy dresses while I was away.”
She laughed and said,” I’ve been waiting for my brother to come back home, and I think we should go and shop for more outfits and maybe some lingerie.”
“I like what you are wearing now, it looks far better on you than on that ugly model online.” I said.
I unpacked my bag and arranged my shirts next to Megan’s mini dresses. Her closet was full of hot outfits, push-up bras, thongs, garter belts….even toys. I could see a 6 in vibrator lying on her night stand. My sister was the naughty hot girl I always knew she’d turn into.
Megan then started showing her latest pictures on her laptop. She was so much prettier than any girl I’ve ever seen. As we were going through her pictures the door bell rang.
“I’ll get it Meg,” I said and went down the stairs.
My buddies, Chris and Jamie were over to see me.
“How did you guys know I am in town?” I said as I gave them a hand shake.
“It came up during Steve’s party last Saturday,” Chris said.
I dropped asking more questions and turned on the TV. Chris was being such a pain as he was trying to make me play the new sex tape he had in his hands.
“Dude this is unlike anything you have ever seen before,” Jamie said.
“It’s not a good time and let’s do this some other time,” I said.
But neither Chris nor Jamie seemed to want to listen and so they played the DVD. It was a bad quality shoot of a girl getting gang banged on Steve’s bed. There were three black guys and their dicks were big and so obvious on the screen. The girl’s face was not obvious as she was down on her knees licking three black cocks. Her ass was tight and curvy and I really wanted to see those black dicks dp her on my screen.
I heard Megan come down the stairs so I turned off the movie despite my hard on. But when I saw what Megan was wearing coming down the stairs my hard dick got even harder. She was wearing a silver gray micro dress with an open back. The front was shaped as a V that went all the way down to her belly button exposing her cleavage and showing off her big perfect tits. Her skirt was so short that her ass was barely covered and those legs were so sexy.
Chris and gaziantep olgun escort Jamie were both speechless until Jamie said, ” do you want to turn that movie back on?”
Megan sat on the couch next to me crossing her legs and taking a very sexy pause.
She turned to Chris and said, “I had fun at Steve’s.”
She says that and gives me a kiss on my cheek and stands up and walks toward the door.
Chris and Jamie take off five minutes after Megan and they leave the porn DVD behind.
I watch the scene more than five times and it was a huge relief to see the face of Mia. Her face was covered with cum from three black dicks and it’s not something I had not seen before. But I would not want that face to be Megan’s face.
Few hours after I had fallen asleep on the couch in the living room I felt a soft hand massaging my neck. I opened my eyes and said, ” you naughty girl, you made that sexy walk down the stairs on purpose, didn’t you.”
Megan leaned closer to me and said, “Yes I did. Told you I will do it for real. Now tell me, which dress should I put on tonight?”
We spent the whole afternoon in Megan’s room. I helped her take off her clothes and put her in one hot outfit after another.
My favorite was a long sleeve very short tight mini white dress. The back was all bare. Her tits looked huge and perfect even with no bra or push ups. I took a look at her and brought her thigh high boots from the closet. She put them on and I zipped her boots all the way up to her thigh.
And so I finally asked, “Megan how do you know Chris and Jamie?”
“I met them at a party last weekend. We had so much fun I really wished you could be there too.”
“What did you do Megan?”
“I put on the dress you bought for me last month. Remember the black lace micro dress, the one that’s very low cut around the chest. Look I have a picture of it on my phone.”
She shows me a picture of her sitting on Malcolm’s lap with his hands all over her thigh. Her ass was right on top of his cock. It made me go crazy seeing my sister be that close to Malcolm, my buddy from the college football team. All I hoped was that their relationship was nothing more than just a picture.
“Megan, are all the rumors true then?”
“What have you heard my love,” she asked.
“The guys have been mentioning you in the locker room. True I no longer play but you understand those guys are all my friends and we talk.”
“What do they tell you about me?”
“They said you like taking dick in your ass,” I said. “Is that true Megan?”
“It’s weird talking about this with my brother,” she laughed and giggled as she said that.
“Why Megan?”
She put her head on my shoulder and said, ” guess I can tell you everything.”
“Or show me.” I said.
She replied,”You want me to show you how I went down on my knees and sucked on your friend’s big dick? You want me to put my mouth around your cock and show you? Guess it won’t be the same as I can not imagine you having a dick as big as Malcolm’s.”
“How do you know that Megan?”
She laughed and said,”Malcolm told me how he caught you staring at his cock in the locker room. He said he saw yours and it was not as big as his.”
“When did he tell you that Megan?”
“While he was fucking my mouth with his dick.”
I gaziantep oral yapan escort said, “you are a naughty slut.”
“Why are you getting upset? I thought I could tell you anything?”
“You can,” I replied. “But you are making all this up. Go put on that black dress we bought on line last week, the one with the silver metal around the belly button.”
I make a few calls while Megan was up getting ready.
An hour later, she comes down the stairs wearing that mini black dress with her tits standing perfect in the little slit of tissue that was covering in the shape of a V. She had nude stilettos on this time.
“Turn around Megan,” I said.
As she turns I see her g-string showing in the back so I tuck it under her skirt. Her ass crack felt so good under my thick fingers. A part of me wanted to throw her on the couch open her legs and lick her rim and pussy….
We get to the party at Steve’s house. Megan whispers in my ear, “I’m so happy we are here together this week. I want to show you so you believe.” And she winks.
I give her a kiss on her cheek and say, “You look so hot.”
All night passed and I did not get even five minutes with Megan. She was so outgoing and friendly as usually. But most of all she was a big dick magnet. Every single guy hit on her that night. I watched her tease dick all night long. It was clear that she was all talk and none of those rumors were true. My sister was nothing but a cock tease.
We both left the party around 1AM.
I said, ” Megan I’m starving, let’s get a burger.”
“I’m not hungry just get me a vanilla milk shake.”
“Why vanilla?” I said. “You always pick chocolate.”
“Get me what I asked for and stop asking questions.”
As we sat in my car waiting for our drive through I asked Megan, “What was Jamie telling you?”
“Oh nothing really.” She said.
“But you two were laughing the entire time.”
Megan giggled and said, ” He was telling mw how he showed you Mia’s sex tape and is planning on mailing Tape 2 to your address.”
“What’s it about?”
Megan replied, ” Can’t tell. But bet you will like the girl in it better…”
Our conversation was cut short as the employee opened her window and handed out our food. Megan took her drink, opened the lid and started drinking her shake. It’s so cute how she never uses a straw and always gets white foam around her lips.
“Let me get that Megan.” I said as I wiped the corner of her mouth with my finger.
She said, “You want to taste. Lick your fingers it tastes so good.”
She got me so hard I had to go home and finish jerking off somewhere under my sheets.
As soon as we got home I went up to Megan’s room and into my sofa bed. I was so horny and wanted to fuck but all I could do was jerk off and so I did. Not sure if she did it on purpose but I could see Megan take her clothes off in the bathroom as I had my hand on my thick hard dick. She was standing in front of the mirror in hot black lace bra and matching g-string. She took everything off and gave me a view of her tits. They were so big and her nipples were so hard. She then sat on the edge of the tub, lifted her leg up and I saw her pussy for the very first time. She applied white cream all over her legs all the way up to her cunt. She then gaziantep otele gelen escort stood up and rubbed some white cream on her tight abs and went higher to her tits.
And then the phone rang.
Megan said, “Can you get that?”
I picked up and a thick voice asked if Megan was home. I said no and hung up.
Megan asked, “Who was it?”
I lied and said it was a wrong number. In order not to to get interrupted I took out my cell from my jacket and turned it off. That’s when I saw more than 3 missed calls and 5 texts from Chris.
The text said: ” Hey buddy, come back we are calling some hot girls over for an after party…”
I turn my phone off and can’t believe that they were calling Megan for an after party fuck.
As I wait for her to go in her bed, I fall asleep.
I wake up to take a piss an hour later and find Megan’s bed still untouched. I start looking for her and she was not in the house.
That’s when I see a message on the night table saying: “Turn your phone back on. Need you to pick me up from Chris’ house in the morning.” It was signed Megan.
This was so unbearable and I got so pissed.
Put my jeans and a blue T-shirt on and went back out to my car.
Drove to Chris’s house and I could see the light in his bedroom on.
I knocked on the door and the front door was open. I went in and saw Megan’s thong lying on the stairs leading up to the bedroom.
I could hear Megan moaning….
I opened the bedroom door and there was Megan with her hot dress still on, sitting next to Chris laughing so hard.
Malcolm was there too and said, “You were expecting a dick in her pussy?”
I did not say a word but felt like a fool.
Chris turned to Megan and the two started making out. My sister’s tongue was in Chris’s mouth and his hands were touching her tits.
Malcolm took his pants off and whispered in my ear, ” We will tell her all the truth if you don’t do what you are told to do tonight.”
I sat on the bed and Megan came and stood in front of me. I put my hands around her waist and up her bra. I took it off and she pressed her tits around my mouth. It was so hot feeling her hard nipples on my lips so I held her tits in my hand and bit her hard nipples then licked and sucked on them too.
Chris’s tongue was in her pussy. He gave Megan a clit suck and finger fuked her pussy.
Chris said,” Megan open your legs and let me put my face in your cunt, I want to eat your pussy.”
She did exactly as she was told. And Chris sucked and licked my sister’s clit.
I felt like pulling on her hair and taking her back home but it was too late as Malcom was already fucking her mouth with his big dick.
I went out of the room as it was all too intense.
Thirty minutes later I went back in and saw Malcolm’s black dick in Megan’s ass.
Megan was saying, ” Fuck me harder Malcolm…Don’t stop, deeper, oh baby I’m going to come again.”
At that point Chris was out of her pussy squirting his load on Megan’s face.
Malcolm said: “Megan you are so tight…”
Megan said, “I want your cock in my mouth.”
Malcolm comes in her ass and then out of her ass into her mouth and squirts the rest of his load on her face.
They made a mess out of my sister.
Megan cuddled on the bed with Chris and Malcolm both naked on top of her, their dicks still between her legs.
I lifted her off the bed and said: “Let me take you home.”
And I licked her face and cleaned all that cum.
She opened her mouth and gave me her tongue. We kissed like lovers do.
She said, “Don’t stop yet, there’s more cum on my tongue.”
I said: “I never want to stop Megan. Let’s go home.”
We cuddled naked in bed and slept in.
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