Sister and Little Brother Ch. 01

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All people in this story are 18 and older. This is my first submission. Please let me know what you think in the comments. I would love to get some good and bad criticism in the comments if it will make my story better.


(Kelli’s POV)

I walked into the bathroom while talking on my phone to one of my friends. I looked up and stopped right where I was. I mumbled, “Gotta go” into my phone and hung up not caring that I was being a bitch. I bit my lip and continued to stare at my brother, who was in the shower. I slowly walked back out of the bathroom and closed the door until it was open just a smidgen.

I bit my lip hard as I watched my brother hand fist around his cock. I tried to look away as he continued to jerk off in the shower. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t look away. My brother had a to die for body. Hard biceps, eight pack abs, and a ‘V’ that looked carved into his skin led down to his hard cock.

As I was watching him, I slid my hand into my panties and was surprised to bedava bahis find myself soaking wet. I started to rub my clit, then slowly inserted a finger into my pussy and started fucking myself. As Dylan’s moans got louder and he got closer to cumming, I bit my lip harder trying to keep quiet.

All of a sudden, Dylan let out a loud moan and came all over his hand. It was so hot that it had me orgasming right on the spot.

I heard Dylan shut the shower off and hurried into my room and shut the door quietly. I laid on my bed and tried to understand what just happened. Did I really just watch my little brother cum and get off on it, I thought.

I quickly took my mini-skirt and panties off and grabbed a clean thong. I put that on and was just reaching for a clean mini-skirt when my door opened and Dylan stuck his head in.

I jerked around and held my mini-skirt up as protection against him. He looked dazed at what he had just seen.

“Did you need something Dylan?” casino siteleri I asked.

He looked at my mini-skirt then dragged his gaze up my body until he was looking at my face and said, “I found your phone on the floor by the bathroom. I just figured that you’d want it back.”

He hands me my phone and shuts the door. I quickly slip my mini-skirt on, my favorite heels on and grab my phone and purse then leave the house.

(Dylan’s POV)

I wake up, hearing Kelli coming in. Sounds like she’s drunk. Again. I hope she didn’t bring some guy this time. I hear Kelli go into her room, but I don’t hear her door close. I quietly get up off my bed and out of my room. I look into Kelli’s room to the small crack the door left and am surprised to find her fucking herself with a dildo.

I’m even more shocked to hear her moaning my name. I look down and realize that I’m getting hard watching her. I know I should leave and pretend to not have seen this. But my sister bahis siteleri is seriously hot.

I slide my boxers down a little, so that my hard cock is free. The I rub the tip and bite my lip to keep from moaning. As I watch Kelli start fucking herself harder and faster, I slip my hand down and fist it around my cock and start jerking off.

I imagine pounding hard into my sister’s wet pussy and feel my cock start to throb. I’m so close. I keep jerking off and squeeze my cock when I hear Kelli moan my name. I jerk off harder and fast when I see how close Kelli is.

Kelli moans loudly and whispers my name as she orgasms all over her dildo. Watching her and hearing my name makes me erupt all over my hand and stomach. I tiptoe back to my room and clean up. Then I try to go to sleep.

When I wake up in the morning, I put a pair of shorts on and knock on kelli’s door to see if she’s awake. I go in and see her still sleeping. Without her panties on. I look at her face then walk around until I’m kneeling by her bed and licking her pussy.

Oh god, she tastes so good, I think. I lick her again and rub my hard on through my shorts. I then quickly leave her room, not realizing that she had woken up and saw me get hard from just licking her pussy…

Stay tuned for more.

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