Sister in Law Backseat Pt. 04

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This is the fourth instalment of my sister in law story. Please read the previous chapters for context.

I love hearing from readers so please feel free to comment and message feedback and thoughts.


Chapter 4

Family dinner

This had all started with a handjob in the backseat of a car. My 19 year old sister in law, Jenny, had jerked me off with my wife, Kristen, in the front seat. From there it was a series of pictures and sexy texts back and forth between Jenny and I until, finally, at the shared family cabin we fucked against a tree in the forest.

At first I was reluctant. I had not wanted to cheat on my wife. I still loved her, after all. We had a good life, financially stable, childless by choice and comfortable. We even still had a decent sex life. There was no reason for me to risk it all.

Jenny, however, had other plans. She seduced me with words and pictures and her hot body. She called me daddy, something that I had not known would get to me, but each time she said it I was instantly hard. I called her princess. She was young, fit, with amazing large breasts and a cute freckled face framed by long curly brown hair. I had no chance to resist her and I did not.

After fucking her in the woods, however, I was no longer the passive one. I was addicted to her young pussy and needed more, damn the consequences. As soon as I came inside of her I was already thinking of doing it again.

The last time I fucked her she asked me if next time I could fuck her in the ass. She said that she was saving that hole for me and, honestly, I couldn’t wait to fill it.

It was difficult, however, to arrange a meeting between us. I worked, of course, and Jenny was taking summer classes at the university. Kristen, understandably, wanted to spend my free time with me so I did not get the chance to sneak away and fuck my sister in law.

This was doubly frustrating because Jenny never stopped sending me photos and videos. Several times a day I would see a notification from her and, if I were alone I would quickly open it or, if I had someone around I would rush to the bathroom to check it out alone.

They might just be a photo of her displaying herself to me. Maybe, holding one of her large breasts in her hand, tugging at her hard brown nipple. Or with her legs spread and her fingers in a glistening pussy.

Other times I would receive brief videos. She would have a vibrator buried in herself crying out for her daddy to fuck her.

I would respond with photos of my 7.5 inch, thick cock in hand, maybe with a spray of cum in the image. She told me she would look at it while fingering herself to orgasm after orgasm.

She would call me sometimes. I would put in my ear buds and listen to her moan, the wet sound of her fucking herself in the background as she called me daddy and begged me to come to her and use her.

I was in a near constant state of arousal and most nights I would grab my wife, Jenny’s sister, and rail into her, imagining it was my secret princess that I was fucking.

I still felt guilty about that. I knew I was a cruel and reckless man for doing this behind my wife’s back, but any time I convinced myself that I would end things before it all blew up in my face Jenny would send me another message, another photo and my resolve would be gone.

A week or so after I fucked her at the cabin I got another message from Jenny. I was alone in my office so I eagerly opened the attached image, my cock already beginning to harden just from the thought of her.

The image was of her bed, something I had seen in her photos many times before but she was not present in it. The caption read: look what was delivered today!

Spread across the bed were four butt plugs arranged left to right, from thinnest to thickest. The smallest girthed one has a narrow cone shaped tip and the shaft was only as thick as my thumb. The thickest one had a large gem on one end had an impressive cone and the shaft part was slightly thicker than my erect cock.

‘Very nice,’ I texted back, teasing her. . ‘But I don’t think I’ll like wearing those…’

‘lol,’ she responded, ‘you never know. Anyway these are for me. I want to be ready for the next time we can get together.’

‘I can’t wait,’ I texted. ‘Send me a pic with one in.’

I waited impatiently for several minutes while I squeezed my cock under my desk in anticipation. Finally I got the notification. I opened up the attachment and had to smile.

She must have put her phone on the tripod she used to take photos of herself. She was on all fours on the bed, facing away from me. She had on a skirt but it was flipped up revealing her full ass to me. One hand gripped her ass cheek and was pulling it to the side, exposing her to me. I could see the lips of her pussy, but above that the shiny round end of the plug buried in her asshole. My cock twitched in my hand and I groaned happily at the sight.

‘Very nice!’ I messaged. ‘How do you feel?’

‘Very…full,” türkçe bahis she answered. ‘But good. Sexy. I can’t wait until it’s your cock in me. I’ll make sure I’m ready.’

‘I can’t wait,’ I texted back, taking my phone with me to the bathroom to jerk off looking at that photo.


Jenny continued to send me photos and messages for another week and a half, slowly working her way up to the largest plug. She told me she wore them most of the days, while she went out shopping, while in class. She said it was distracting and her pussy was always wet.

Finally, Kristen called me while I was at work. I guiltily closed the picture of Jenny I had been looking at and answered the phone.

“Hi Babe,” I said, releasing my cock that I had been squeezing through my pants. “How’s your day going?”

“Good,” she said. “Work’s busy but I’ve got it under control. Look, I’ve only got a minute but I wanted to let you know, we are going to my dad’s for supper tonight.”

My eyes widened. I was finally going to see Jenny in person again! I was, however, frustrated. With the family around I was not sure I would be able to sneak off and fuck her. Jenny had been clever so far though. Maybe she had a way.

“That’s late notice,” I complained, pretending to be annoyed. This was the response I would have had before Jenny and I started screwing around and I needed to keep up the charade.

“I know, Mark,” Kristen said. “I’m sorry. I just found out. Apparently dad has this announcement he needs to make and wants us there.”

I sighed in mock exasperation, but we made the plans for the night. I would pick Kristen up from home and drive us both to this supper. I had a smile on my face the entire rest of the day.


We pulled up to Kristen’s father’s place at about seven PM. I looked up at it and felt the small bit of jealousy that I always felt when I saw it. They lived in an affluent suburb of Toronto and their home was one of the nicer, larger ones on the street. It was two stories, with an Olympic sized swimming pool in the back. It made me think of my own smaller house with a much smaller pool.

I shook his head. The jealousy was stupid. My life was comfortable and my home was nicer than I needed with three bedrooms and an office. Plenty of room for a couple without any children.

Hank, Kristen’s dad met us at the door. He was a short man, with a thick round belly and a bald head. We liked each other fine. I found him to be a bit of a loudmouth but he treated his family well. He had made an effort to make me feel welcome in his family. I doubted he would like me as much if he knew I was fucking his younger daughter from his second marriage as well as my wife.

Hank shook my hand and kissed Kristen on her cheek and led us into the kitchen. He told us that Anne, his second wife and Jenny’s mother, was cooking and we should join them.

I walked in and saw Anne with her back to us, stirring something on the stove. She looked over her shoulder at us and smiled. She was 63, a few years younger than Hank. She was plump with silver hair pulled up in a bun.

“Sit, sit,” she called. “Hank! Get them drinks!”

Hank pushed a cold can of beer into my hand and poured a glass of nice wine for Kristen. My wife and I sat in the stools that lined up along the island counter and the family began to talk.

I barely registered the conversation which, like so many in and around the city, was about the insane house prices. The family had always considered me a quiet person so they did not notice my lack of participation, which was good. My mind was occupied with looking at Jenny.

She looked amazing. She was wearing a light layer of makeup, accentuating her green eyes. Her curly brown hair was held back with a scarf. She was wearing a white button up shirt that she had tied above her navel. The top few buttons were undone giving me a decent view of her cleavage. She also had on a black skirt that came to just above her knees.

Nothing about her outfit was overly sexy but because it was on her i was instantly aroused. My cock was semi-hard and I made sure to discreetly adjust myself so no bulge showed in my jeans.

Jenny was on prep-duty and was chopping vegetables. She smiled at me and said a simple hello. The look that passed between us was meaningful, even if no one else there noticed.

Earlier she had texted me a photo with the simple message: waiting for you.

It was of her from behind, standing, the skirt she was currently wearing pulled up revealing a bare ass. I could see, between the luscious globes, the large gem that was on the end of the largest of the butt plugs.

I knew that at that moment, in that room with her parents and my wife, her half sister, she was wearing the toy for me. Ready for me to pull it out and replace it with my cock. I had no idea how she planned to pull that off but I was very excited to find out.


We moved iddaa siteleri from the kitchen to the dining room. Normally when we visited Hank we either ate casually at the kitchen islands or, in the summer on the deck beside the pool. Tonight however he seemed to want it to be more of a to-do. Something to do with his big announcement. Kristen and Jenny kept bugging him, trying to get him to spill the beans but he kept putting them off, telling them he would announce when he was good and ready.

The table was set up in a lavish display. A white tablecloth was spread out and they had candles burning in candelabras. Anne set out the food and we all sat, Hank at the head of the table. Kristen and I sat side by side with Jenny across from us.

Hank liked to talk as he ate and dinners were really long drawn out affairs. Normally I would be bored out of my skull and stifling yawns behind my hand, much to Kristen’s annoyance.

That day, however, Jenny kept things interesting.

It was only about five minutes before I felt her foot against my ankle. The table was shaped to fit the room so, while it was long, it wasn’t very wide. The girl did not have to do more than slouch slightly to be able to reach me under the table. I looked up at Jenny quickly, glancing at Kristen then back at Jenny. Our eyes met and hers were dancing with mischief. I subtly shook my head no, but her only response was a sly smile.

I swallowed as I felt her foot creep slowly up my leg. She had dropped her sandal off her foot and I could feel her bare toes wiggling as she slowly drew them up my calf, to my knee and down my thigh towards my crotch.

I looked over at Kristen but she was very deeply involved in a conversation with her father. It was a slight argument. He had said something vaguely racist and she had called him out on it. Now he was explaining to her that he had black friends so couldn’t be racist. This was all stuff I had heard before.

I couldn’t follow the conversation because Jenny’s foot had found the head of my cock. As her foot had climbed I had hardened, my cock pressing its way down the leg of my jeans. I inhaled when she wrapped her toes around my cockhead and Kristen glanced over at me, raising her eyebrow, silently asking me if I’m ok. I nodded, hoping I was not visibly sweating.

I pushed my stomach against the table edge, looking down to confirm that the tablecloth was draped across my lap, hiding anything that might be happening there.

A second foot joined the first, sandwiching my cock between them and she began to tug me through my jeans. I was amazed at how she could do that without showing any movement on her side.

I will admit I am not really one for feet. I mean, they are ok, but if you were to check my porn history you will not find a whole bunch of videos of foot play. This, however, with the family around and secret under the table, was very much doing it for me.

I stayed as still as I could as my wife’s 19 year old sister gave me a footjob through my jeans. It felt amazing.

She moved her feel away from my cock and I could feel them move up. She gripped the waist of my jeans with her toes and began to tug at them. I realized that she wanted me to free myself but I shook my head ever so slighting trying to say no.

I looked at her and she grinned evilly, mouthing the word, ‘yes’.

I shook my head no again and reached under the cloth to grip her bare foot in my hand. I tried to push it away but she pressed down harder and I realized that there was no way I was going to be able to move it without causing a disturbance.

I glanced at my wife beside me and closing my eyes, thinking to myself how very, very stupid and reckless I was being, I popped open the button of my jeans and began unbuttoning my fly. I was very happy just then that I had chosen to wear button fly jeans so that the sound of a zipper wouldn’t give away the stupid thing I was doing.

I saw Jenny’s eyes open wider and she smiled at me. I felt her soft feet move back down to my lap and she used them to maneuver my hard rod out of my pants.

She had both her feet pressed against it and began to slowly run them up and down the sides. My foreskin, lubricated by the pre-cum I had begun to ooze, pulled back and forth over my swollen purple head.

I swallowed and gripped my fork.

“Aren’t you hungry,” Anne asked suddenly, looking at me. “You’ve barely touched anything.”

I looked down at my barely touched plate. Jenny did not slow her feet making me begin to sweat.

“Oh,” I said, stupidly. “Right. Just…taking my time…”

I cut a chunk of meat from my roast beef and jammed it into my mouth, chewing. Across from me Jenny was hiding a wicked smile behind her hand.

The meal went on for what felt like hours. I could not move or reveal what was happening under the tablecloth. Her soft feet felt amazing as they stroked me but with the limits placed on us, I was nowhere near cumming. My deneme bonusu veren siteler balls were aching for release.

Finally, the meal was wrapping up. Anne asked Jenny to help her get dessert and her feet left my lap as she stood. I took the opportunity to reach under the tablecloth and shove my cock back into my jeans, buttoning up as many buttons as I could.

“Why are you fidgeting?” Kristen asked me noticing the movement.

“Oh,” I scrambled for an explanation. “I…my leg was cramping a bit.”

She shot me an annoyed look but, thankfully turned away.

Desert was a layered chocolate cake and as we ate Jenny spoke up.

“Dad,” she said. “You were going to ask Mark something.”

“Oh,” he said, remembering. “Right. Jenny bought some furniture from Ikea and the guys I paid to drop it off refused to set it up. I’m no good at that stuff. Mark, will you go build it? If you don’t mind.”

I nodded. Building flat packs was annoying but it was easy.

“Sure,” I said. I thought I knew where this might be going.

“I’ll help,” Kristen said, and I groaned inwardly. For obvious reasons I did not want her there.

“No, no,” Hank said, shaking his head. “I need you to help me look at some paperwork. You can come help me in my study and Jenny can help him. Anne will take care of the clean up. It’s Jenny’s stuff after all.”

I looked at Jenny and she was smiling to herself. I could not help smiling as well.

Kristen went to Hank’s study and Anne began clearing the table. Jenny began bounding up the stairs and I followed, trying not to obviously rush.

Her room was down the hall at the end and she opened the door and pulled me in, shutting and locking it behind her.

She stood there a moment, back against the door and we locked eyes. She smiled at me and I grinned then moved across to her wrapping my arms around her, pulling her against me as we began to kiss. My tongue pushed between her parted lips, finding hers and entwining with it. My cock, which had never gone down since her footjob, pressed into her belly.

We broke the kiss, but I still held her.

“So…” I said, “you want me to build something?”

She laughed and gestured to an already built dresser.

“I did it this afternoon, Daddy. IKEA stuff isn’t hard to build. I just needed a reason for you to come up here.”

“Oh yeah?” I said as she gripped my cock through my jeans. I started to unbutton her white shirt, slowly revealing more cleavage and an off white bra that her breasts filled out magnificently. “Why would you want me up here?”

She had my cock out of my jeans again and slid down through my arms until her face was level with it. He took it in her hand and stroked before licking the head. I groaned.

“I had something I need to show you,” she said and then pulled me deep into her mouth sucking hard, bumping the head against her throat before drawing me back out. “In person this time.”

I reached down and gripped her shoulders and pulled her back to standing. As much as I would enjoy a blowjob we did not have too much time and I did not want to wait a moment.

“Oh yeah?” I asked. “Let’s see.”

I turned her so that she faced the door to her room and pushed against her back, pressing her chest against it. I reached down and lifted her skirt, tucking the hem into the waistband, exposing her bare ass. I could see the gem on the plug glinting in the light, the round part keeping the cheeks of her ass slightly apart.

“No panties, Princess?” I teased. “Very naughty.” I pulled my hand back and slapped hard against her ass. She yelped and jumped but instantly pushed her ass back to me.

“Yes, Daddy,” she said, almost a moan. “I am very bad. You should punish me.”

I spanked her ass on the other cheek. She jumped and moaned again. I could see the red welt of my hand standing up from the pale skin. I gave each cheek a few more slaps before pushing my hand between her legs.

I gripped the plug and tugged slightly. She gasped and groaned. It was firmly in place. I used one hand to push on it, moving it back and forth slightly. The other hand found the lips of her pussy.

She was already wet and my fingers slid easily between the folds of flesh. I pushed a finger into her and pushed on the plug. She put her palms on the door and shoved her ass back further towards me, pushing my fingers deeper into her.

I pulled them out and she whined but I took her shoulders and moved her towards her bed.

I had seen her bed in so many photos but this was the first time I had been in here. I ran my fingers over the soft sheets while Jenny climbed onto the bedspread and went on hands and knees, presenting herself to me.

I took a moment to enjoy the view, her full ass on display, the toy buried in her, a gift she had prepared for me and me alone. She was my wife’s sister and I should never touch her but I could not help myself.

“In the drawer in the table beside the bed, Daddy,” she said. “It’s for us.”

I walked around the bed and opened the drawer. Atop the knickknacks, creams and books that were there was a bottle of lube and a small oval shaped vibrator. I grabbed them both and went back around behind her, climbing onto the bed, and pushing my jeans down to my knees.

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