Soccer Girls Ch. 05
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The next soccer game was an away game in the Florida Panhandle, which meant the team would be flying. It also meant that Carol Rogers was going to drive down to the game. Carol had not flown in a plane since the death of her husband (Katie’s Father) Paul Rogers in a plane crash a little over a year prior. Between Paul’s insurance and the settlement with the airlines, Carol had the financial freedom to continue to work only part time from home as an accountant. This meant that she had the time to drive to some of the locations where Katie would have her soccer games. Paul had been close to retirement when he died, and they had already planned to be seeing Katie’s games these next two years. So Carol was carrying on now by herself.
Melanie’s mother, Jen Smith did not have the same luxury. Her job left her with little time, and she also had a live-in girlfriend, Susan McPherson. Susan was not a big sports fan to begin with. Add to that the relationship between Melanie and Susan had always been strained and it all added up to Jen only planning on being at one game that year.
When the girls came out onto the field it was pretty easy to pick Carol out of the crowd. She had bought a shirt that looked like a team uniform. It had Katie’s number and, on the back, where the name would go was printed “Katie’s Mom.” She also had the Thundersticks that Paul had bought for a game they had seen in Katie’s freshman year and a big cowbell.
Carol also made a point of cheering for Melanie as well. As had been the case in the past, Katie tried to ignore her mother while Melanie loved all the noise and waived back. While the team was stretching before the game, Jo came up to Katie and said “Is that your mom?”
“Like it isn’t obvious.” said Katie, still a little annoyed.
“She’s hot. A real MILF.”
“Jo don’t even!” Katie snapped.
Jo broke into a smile and said “I’m just saying. C’mon Melanie, back me up. You’d do her, wouldn’t you?”
“I will.” was Melanie’s answer.
Jo had been kidding and was surprised by Melanie’s answer. She didn’t sound like she was joking when she said in the future tense and with conviction. Seeing the look of shock on Jo’s face, Melanie continued “I’ve seen pictures of Katie’s mom when she was in college, and she looks exactly like Katie does now. So in thirty years from now that is exactly what I’ll be ‘doing’ as you so eloquently put it.”
Jo now somewhat recovered added “So Katie, your mother was a real hottie huh?”
Melanie interjected “She still is Jo. But you’ll have to satisfy yourself with the younger version.”
“For now.” was Jo’s response. When she saw that Katie was very much not amused she quickly added “Just kidding, Katie. Okay? JK.”
The game went well for the team. While the defense did hang back, especially on Melanie’s side, Katie was still able to get her a ball behind the defense. As she moved toward the goal, she saw the goalkeeper staying hard to the near post. However, since their last game and their talk with their old friend Liz, Melanie rifled the ball across the box instead of shooting. And there was Katie running hard on the far post for the pass and score. Needless to say there was quite a bit of cowbell and thunderstick noise after that goal.
Jo anchored a defense that did not let up a single shot on goal the entire second half and the final score was 0-3.
After the game the girls who had family there were able to spend some time with them before they got back on the bus to go the team hotel. Carol came down and gave Katie a big hug and then she gave a big hug to Melanie too. Melanie said “Mrs. Rogers…”
“Oh Melanie, we’re almost family. You can call me Carol.”
“…Okay, Carol. I want you to met Jo. She’s a very good friend of mine and Katie’s.”
Carol looked over at Katie, remembering a phone conversation she had with her daughter about Melanie’s wish to have another person be intimate with Melanie and Katie together. Carol looked over at Katie, who was remembering the same conversation. Katie just nodded her head but that was enough for Carol.
Jo came up and Carol gave her a big hug and said “Nice to meet you, Jo.” Jo took advantage and wrapped herself pretty tight around Carol and held the hug a little longer than might be expected. Katie cleared her throat and Jo backed out of the hug.
Carol was a little taken aback by the contact, but she quickly recovered. “The forwards get all the glory, but the defense wins the games.” Carol said this to Jo but loud enough for Katie and Melanie to hear her as well.
“That’s right. Katie told me you played in college too.”
“Well not at your level, but yes. And I played on the back line as well, so I know how important the defense is.”
They all talked for about 20 minutes until the Coach called the team back to the bus. As they were saying their good-byes, Carol mentioned “Look, I can’t make you next away game but I will at the one after that in Chicago.”
“Oh great. That’s the game my mom is coming to as well.” Melanie said with delight.
“Have a safe trip home Mom.” said Katie.
“It was nice to meet you Mrs. Rogers.” chimed Küçükyalı travesti in Jo.
“It was nice to meet you too Jo. Keep an eye on my girls for me.”
As they got on the bus, Jo turned to Melanie and said “Hey, does she know about us.”
Melanie replied “She’s a mother, Jo. Of course she knows.”
The next two games were at home against lesser opponents and the team won both games handily. That Saturday night after the second game, Katie, Melanie and Jo were all just hanging out in Katie and Melanie’s room. Jo was on the bed. Katie and Melanie were at their desks although they were not working, and both had their chairs turned in toward the bed.
Melanie turned to Jo and said “It’s Saturday night and there are a ton of parties around campus. Shouldn’t you be somewhere else?”
“Nah. I wanted to hang out with you guys tonight. Besides, maybe we can have sex right here.”
Katie asked Jo “But what if we don’t want to have sex?”
“Then we’ll just hang out. But something tells me if one of you wants to, the other will join in.”
Melanie then said “Speaking of that…”
Jo turned to Katie but pointed back to Melanie with a “See I told you so.” look. Katie looked a little exasperated but really if Melanie was going to suggest something physical, Katie was up for it.
Melanie continued “…there is something we have not tried that maybe you, with your vast experience can help us with.” Melanie had emphasized the one word in a playful manner and Jo took it as a compliment, which it was meant to be one.
“So, what can the Guru of Girl Sex teach you. Hey I just made that up. I like that. Guru. Girl Sex.” All three of them laughed.
Then Melanie brought up her topic. “I believe it’s called tribbing. I am familiar with the mechanics of it, but I want to know more that just the basic geometry of it. That’s really what I was hoping you could help us with.”
“My dear, you’ve come to the right place.” Jo then turned to Katie and said “Do you know what she is talking about?”
“Yes, I know. We’ve even seen it on porn videos.”
“Wow. Maybe you two aren’t still newbies after all.” Then looking at Katie, Jo said “So are you up for doing this with her or do you want to watch me and learn from the master?”
“I’ve always felt I was better at learning by doing rather than watching.”
Jo then turned to Melanie and said “So do you want to start out right with her or do you want to watch?”
“Hey, no. Doing this was my idea. I don’t want to just watch. I want to do it.” Melanie replied.
“Okay I guess I’ll just have to talk you through it and hope you’ve got something left for me at the end. Okay so first off, it is going to work a lot better if your kitties are both very wet. So we could get right into the position and get some lube or do you guys want to fool around a little to get you going?”
Melanie piped up “Yes, let us work up to it a little. Maybe you can help with that so you don’t feel left out?”
“No, let this be the two of you. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
Katie and Melanie each came over to their side of the bed and embraced each other. Katie pulled back a little and then leaned forward with her forehead against Melanie’s just looking into her eyes. They just stared at each other for a while before Jo said “Ladies, this is sweet, but it’s not going to get you wet just staring at each other.”
Katie said “It does when I get to look in these eyes.”
Melanie was touched by the sweet words of her best friend and fiancée. She said “Oh Katie that is so nice to hear you say. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I love both of you but if we don’t start moving this along I am calling off the training session.”
Katie and Melanie giggled at this, but they did move and began to kiss each other passionately.
“That’s more like it.” said Jo. As Katie and Melanie continued to kiss, Jo, as was her habit, kept up a running one-sided conversation. “You know I am jealous of you two. You are so lucky to have found that perfect person for each other. What did your goalie friend say, some kind of Jedi mind think or something? She’s right you know.”
Katie and Melanie stopped kissing and looked at each other. Then they turned to Jo who said “What?” In an instant Katie lunged forward and tackled Jo onto her back and began kissing her. Melanie immediately moved to one of Jo’s breasts and began sucking on the nipple. Jo was initially surprised by the onslaught but she quickly relaxed into the pleasure, returning Katie’s kiss. After about two minutes, Katie and Melanie move back from Jo, who said “What was that all about?”
Katie said “We needed to shut you up somehow.”
“Whatever.” was Jo’s response. “Okay, I have to move this along or you two will have me here all night. I want you to start getting into the position but don’t move up all the way just yet.”
Katie and Melanie moved so they were facing each other. They each put one leg over and one leg under the other’s legs and scooted up a bit but were still about an arm’s length away from contact. Now Jo Küçükyalı travestileri kneeled next to them and reached out her hands to cover each of their groins and began rubbing up and down their slits.
After rubbing both of them for a while Jo pronounced that they were sufficiently wet enough that they could continue with their introduction to tribbing. “I should have recorded this. We could have put it on YouTube as a self-help video. Okay, you need to move closer together now. You are trying to get your pussies to actually be in contact with each other’s. If you don’t have the exact contact, you can still do this, but it won’t feel as good.”
As they moved against each other Jo kept a watchful eye to make sure they lined themselves up just right. Finally Melanie said “Ooowww. I can feel Katie right against me now.”
Katie added “Yeah that feels nice.”
Jo said “Nice is not even the half of it. Wait until you get going.”
So Melanie asked “Okay, so what do we do next?”
“Well you start thrusting you hips back and forth and let the movement give you pleasure.”
Katie looked at Melanie and said “Slowly at first.” Melanie thought back to their first time together and smiled. Then she slowly started to grind herself against Katie. While the actual contact of their vaginas did feel “nice” as Katie had put it, the grinding was already feeling more pleasurable.
Jo, keeping a close eye, offered them words of encouragement. “That’s good. Keep going like that.” As Katie and Melanie began to feel more comfortable with the movements, they began to slowly increase their speed as well.
Jo continued her tutorial. “It’s really just another way to try to create the same effect. Whether you’re using your hands, or your tongue or your foot, or your pussy. Your making contact with each other’s privates, causing movement back and forth to create pleasure.” By now Katie and Melanie were moving a bit faster and it was beginning to affect their breathing patterns and occasional moans were coming out of them.
Jo continued “You know it’s great if you can get your clits to rub up against each other while you’re doing this. It’s hard with the motion to get it just right. Although you two with your Jedi mind meld thing, you’ll probably fit right perfect for each other and hump your way to orgasm heaven.”
“Well, it’s good to have a goal.” Katie said. “Plus your mixing up your science fiction show terminology.” This caused Melanie to laugh hard enough to throw off their rhythm for a moment. However, she recovered quickly and they continued to grind each other toward orgasm.
“Sorry. I apologize to any Sci-Fi people I’ve offended.” retorted Jo.
Once Katie and Melanie reestablished their rhythm, Jo felt she did not need to do any more coaching. She had not undressed up until this point, but she now took off her shirt. Since they were just lounging around she did not have on a bra and so her breasts were out and she slowly began to play with them as she watched her friends expanding their sexual horizons.
At some point Jo noticed something. Melanie was turning a bit as she was thrusting. It caused Katie to turn as well and soon Katie was on her back, Melanie was on top of her. Melanie took a hold of Katie’s leg and pulled it straight up against her, apparently for leverage. Then Melanie started humping against Katie in earnest.
Melanie seemed almost possessed and her movements were having a tremendous effect on Katie. Katie stopped moving and let Melanie drive them both toward their orgasms. The scene unfolding before Jo was really turning her on. She adjusted herself on the bed so she could work a hand into her shorts and under her panties and began rubbing herself as she watched Melanie’s feverish humping of Katie. Melanie was going at this like she’d been doing it for years. It all seemed to flow so naturally for them. “Jedi mind meld. Or whatever it is.” Jo thought to herself
For all of her own amorous experiences, there was something about this that was highly erotic to Jo. While she had started out way behind them, she was very quickly catching up to Katie and Melanie with her own orgasm. She could not belief how wet she had become this quickly. Jo could feel her own orgasm rapidly building inside herself and she began to rapidly stroke her pussy with one hand as she mauled her breasts with the other.
Melanie now had Katie right on the edge. Katie began to call out “Oh God Mel! That is incredible! Keep going! You’re making me cum Mel. Just a little more! Oh Yes, Mel! Oh fuck yes! Oh, Mel yes, fuck me. Make me cum. Fuck me and make me cum Mel. Yes. Yes. Oh yes Mel! Yes! Oh Yesssssssss.”
A heavy groan came from Jo as Katie’s reaction was the final piece of her orgasmic puzzle. Katie, still in the throws of her own orgasm, did not notice it. But Melanie looked over. Her eyes met Jo’s and Jo was both aroused and a little scared of the look in Melanie’s eyes.
Melanie returned her gaze to Katie who had now recovered from the intense orgasm that Melanie had given her. Melanie had not yet come and while Katie was a bit sensitive after travesti Küçükyalı her orgasm, she did not try to stop Melanie as she ground down on Katie chasing her own orgasm. Jo noticed that Katie was grimacing a little and guessed what was going on. She took note of it, but for once she stayed silent and watched as things unfolded.
Melanie was still humping furiously. She was not saying anything, but her breathing was very ragged and she was grunting, not moaning, as she continued to thrust her hips as hard and as fast as she could. Eventually, she thrust hard and grabbed firmly onto Katie’s leg. Katie could feel Melanie’s body shuddering against her leg as Melanie finally achieved that climax.
Melanie stayed upright for almost a full minute before she opened her eyes and looked down at Katie, a huge grin on her face. Neither Katie nor Jo had said anything during that time. When Melanie looked Katie and smiled, Katie just said “Wow.”
Jo, ever the loquacious one, said “Holy fuck Wow. Damn that was hot.”
Katie looked over at Jo and said “So teach, did we pass?”
Jo said “Pass? You’ve both graduated Summa Cum Loudly.” Katie and Melanie laughed at the joke. Melanie finally let go of Katie’s leg and climbed off her body. She sat up next to her and lightly stroked Katie’s face as the two stared into each other’s eyes, enjoying the afterglow of their intense sexual experience.
Jo said “Oh no. Not more mushy stuff. I’m outta here.”
Melanie said “Well, thank you Jo. I doubt we could have done it that well ourselves if you hadn’t been here to get us started in the right direction.”
“Yeah well, that’s what friends are for. I am sure glad I decided to stay away from the campus party scene tonight. I’ll probably give myself two more orgasms and one before breakfast. So don’t come looking for me until it’s lunchtime.”
Katie said “No problem Jo. We’ll see you tomorrow.” As Jo got to the door Katie added “Jo, you know we love you, right?”
She said “I know. It’s not the way you love each other, but I feel it. And it means a lot to me. That’s why I am willing to give you my sex coaching for free.” And with that she closed the door and went to her room so she could start working on those orgasms she had planned for the rest of the night.
Their next game was an away game as well. Unfortunately for the team it was just not quite far enough. The school had a policy that if the school to which they had to travel was less than 300 miles, they had to take a bus rather than a plane. And while the bus actually drove 307 miles to the stadium, the policy measured the distance, Administration building to Administration building. They were 289 miles apart. So a bus it was.
This also meant no hotel and after the game would be a long bus ride home. Those rides seemed torturously long when they lost. So that was some additional incentive to win this game. That and the fact that, so far, they were undefeated, although no one would say it, so no one jinxed anything.
For the first hour or so, Katie sat in a window seat near the back. Melanie was asleep leaning up against Katie with her feet up on the other seat. Jo sat across the aisle from them by her window. Then Katie woke Melanie up as she started her “rounds.” Katie had been made one of the three co-captains for the team. And this was with some seniors not getting the honor. It was something that she had always taken seriously.
Katie’s first stop was up toward the front of the bus. She would talk with one or two of the assistant coaches to go over the game plan again for the team they were playing. Once she felt she had even last detail from the coaches, she started walking around and speaking to the other players. The coaches always had the first two rows of seats. Behind the coaches were the freshman.
The Freshman rarely played. They knew that coming into the program. Coach Quincannon had certainly made it clear to Katie and Melanie that they were not going to play much if at all her first year, but they would get to watch and learn. And Katie had done that. As luck would have it, she did make it into one game that year. But she took advantage of watching and learning from the older players. She always gave 100% at practice and she understood her role.
Now she was the older player. She was the example for these younger girls. And Katie always worked hard and practiced hard and tried to motivate the younger girls to do the same. But beyond that, she was also a mentor, an older sister. They could talk to her about school problems or relationship problems. She was always a friendly ear and offered whatever help and encouragement she could.
Katie never really spoke about this to her mom. It wasn’t that she avoided the topic, it just was something that never came up. She had always been the heart and soul of the Blue Lightning team and it was this instinct to look out for her teammates that caused her to approach Melanie that very first day. To Katie this was no big deal. So Katie never knew that her Mother had been the exact same way when she was the older player, the mentor to the younger players on her team. Girls like Elena Manescu who saw this upperclassman not only as a role model, but as an ear to listen to their concerns or a shoulder to cry on over their pains. Katie was the same way and her example was followed by each new group as someone always stepped forward just as Katie did.
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