Testing and Research
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My mother and I work for several different companies doing testing and research. My mother, Jan, is 42, 5’6″, 130lbs, and 36d, nicely built. I’m Vic, 21, 180lbs, and work out regularly. It’s because of our age we are employed by these companies. We get a regular delivery of sex toys, jells, condoms, blowup dolls, and DVD’s, every week. We must evaluate their performance and make any suggestions that we feel are needed to enhance the product.
My mother and I keep it a secret as to what we do, as very few people would understand. We have a lot of fun with most of the toys and sometimes we test them together. Mom will tell me how a condom feels or if a dildo is shaped right. I have to test the fit and comfort of cock rings and mom and I test if they really work.
Sometimes we have to use a third person. If we get a strap-on, mom will sometimes use her sister, Joan. We usually end up doing a threesome before it’s over, but we do a hell of a good test. All the toys and stuff we get is ours to keep, as we can’t send anything back. We take pictures of failed pieces and e-mail them to the proper customer.
Mom started this home business several years ago. I had no idea what was in the boxes that were always being delivered to the house or what my mom and dad were doing. When I was eighteen, dad left us to go off with his girlfriend; Mom got divorced and finally told me what was going on.
I was a little confused about this strange way to make ends meet, but I thought it would be an interesting endeavor. You could work your own hours gaziantep escort bayan and have a lot of fun doing it. Mom said it was really time consuming because you had to recoup so much. I was eighteen, what’s recoup mean? I could be hot and ready in a couple of minutes,
Mom started me off working with her toys and her. I had to get use to my having sex with my mom and very often having sex several times a day. I love my mom, but we are not in love. This is just a job. Mom had me use dildos on her till I saw them in my sleep. Whenever I would get a hard-on, she had me put on a cock ring or condom, or penis extinctions, and we would fuck till I couldn’t move anymore.
After about a year of this, it became pretty normal to get hard, fuck, write a short opinion of the product and then get hard, fuck and write again. It seems that the toy companies keep coming out with different product all the time. Anytime they change a compound or use a different place of manufacture, they start testing all over again. Because there is so much competition, they try to out do one another all the time. Mom said, “It’s job security.”
Mom finally got her sister, Joan, to help out on some of the testing. I am not real happy when we get a box of toys for men-men. My cousin Phil, Joan’s son, helps with those. I try to be fair, so we use them on each other, that way no one is too dominant. Phil sometimes will fuck my mom, or his mom. Joan seems to get off too quickly with her son fucking her, so mom and I just let them gaziantep escort reklamları fuck and only pretend it’s a test of the product.
We have been testing remote vibrators lately. Mom will put one in her cunt and hand me the control. We go outside so we can test for distance and ease of use. I’ll put the controller in my pocket and we’ll go to a restaurant where I’ll speed up the vibrator or slow it down, never removing the remote from my pocket. One thing you learn fast is to always have spare batteries for both the vibrator and remote. We can not go to a couple of restaurants again, because the batteries were too low to take the vibrator off high. Mom said she lost five pounds onetime, before she could get inside the car to take it out. I thought it was funny.
I tried a penis erection cream that made my cock feel like it was in the fire of hell. It was three days before I could get back in action. Phil was really pounding my ass, knowing I couldn’t get him back. I had a penis extension come off in mom one time. It was a real pain in the ass to get it out. A blow-up doll was made in China, and whatever they used for the material, gave me rash. I had to go to a doctor and get some ointment to stop the itching.
I haven’t dated for almost a year. The girls think I’m gay because I don’t try to fuck them or even get a blow-job. Truth is I can’t afford to waste even one fuck. Mom’s on my case now because were backed up from my last reaction to a condom rash. The gaziantep escort resimleri condom was suppose to glow at night, but what ever made it glow, came off and made my dick glow and break-out in a rash.
Mom and Joan are trying some lisbo toys. I get a hard-on watching them fucking each other. Sometimes this job is a pain, but sometimes it is the tops. Joan has small tits. She uses the vacuum pump on her tits and cunt until they look ready to burst. I use the penis pump and it works pretty well. I can usually get ten inches long and five inches diameters with it.We don’t get much for oral sex. Sometimes a flavored lube, mom and I will do a sixty- nine test.
Only very light S&M products will we test. Mom and I are not into pain. Nipple clamps and latex are about the limit. We sometimes get special orders for testing unusual products. A number of motorized fuck machines have come in lately for extended testing. These are equipped with an assortment of dildos. Mom will have to get help with these as we have so many. We have found that married women are the best testers for us. They won’t go around telling everyone and the money is good enough that they come back when needed. Mom lets me show them the ropes after she interviews them. I start off by getting a few of my test done using these women as partners. If they aren’t good at fucking we don’t use them. I like the variety of women we use. Some are very young, eighteen being the youngest and some much older, sixty being the oldest. Mostly we like them around forty.
With business picking up, mom is looking for a larger place to live. We’ll need at least four bedrooms and a storage place for all the arriving toys. My cock is getting used a lot; I think some of these women just want to fuck. I try to keep it on a business level, mom is thinking of semi retirement. Like I said, “the money’s good'” and the job isn’t bad either.
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