The New Boss Ch. 02
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I waited patiently downstairs as Monica and Rachelle finished their meeting. It was just yesterday that Monica had returned from her year-long leave of absence. The first thing she did was to tell us that our District Manager had gotten promoted to a different district and that she had taken over this district.
She also wanted to talk to us one on one. I did not feel threatened by Monica, on the contrary, we had a perfect work relationship in the past, but something about her made me a bit on edge.
I guess seeing your husband fucking another woman while being fucked by that woman’s husband, would make anyone change in some way.
Apart from her hair, which had always been cut short, just above the shoulders, now it was longer, straight and nearly halfway down her back. She had always been a big woman, but now she had lost a lot of weight. Still on the curvy side but nothing like she had been before. I stood up as I saw Rachelle and Monica coming down the stairs.
“We will have our talk tomorrow.” Monica said to me as she walked outside, Rachelle followed her out. I breathed a sigh of relief. I looked around. It seemed everyone was more relaxed now that she was gone.
No one knew how to take her now. They had worked with her before she had taken her leave. She used to be joyful and happy, now she walked with a purpose, and it seemed like she was judging you the moment she looked at you. Rachelle walked back in. She had a smile on her face.
“Relax everybody, everything is fine.” she said. She motioned for me to follow her upstairs.
“What was that about?” I asked as we got into the office.
“Oh, the usual. She wanted to see whose breasts were bigger.” Rachelle said, letting her hair out of the pinned back position. She stood close to my desk.
“What?” I asked in shock.
“You know how, when a new boss comes in, they want to push their weight around. Show who is the boss. Well, that’s what she wanted to do,” Rachelle said with a smile and a shrug.
“So, what now?” I asked. I thought that things might change as far as workload. Monica had always been a numbers person. I made a move to my desk.
“What now? Well, right now. You are going to take that big dick of yours and shove it down my throat,” she said, moving towards me. Before I could say anything, she was on her knee’s in front of me. My zipper was down, and then I felt her lips wrap around my dick.
“Fuck me,” I said as she began sucking it back and forth, making it hard within the first few strokes.
“That will come later,” Rachelle cooed. Holding my dick with one hand and licking it from the bottom to the top while looking up at me. “Sit down,” she said, pointing to my chair.
I walked over to my chair and sat down. Rachelle crawled on her hands and knees over to me, waving her big Latin ass back and forth as she crawled. When she reached me, she took hold of my pants at the hip, and with one swift move, she had them down and at my ankles.
“I have been thinking about this big fucking black dick for hours now,” Rachelle said. Her mouth glided back and forth along it while looking at me. “You like me sucking your dick. Don’t you?” she said. All I could do was nod. “Say it!”
“I love when you suck my dick,” I replied. She smiled more as she took it into her mouth and deep throated it all the way down.
“Damn,” I said, relaxing back in the chair. Rachelle repeated the slow process over and over. I watched as all nine inches went down into her mouth and down her throat. I grabbed a handful of her jet black hair and began bouncing her head harder on my dick.
“mm. Mmmffh,” Rachelle said as she took it all in. She slowly took my dick out of her mouth with an audible pop.
“I promised you something yesterday,” Rachelle said as she got back up to her feet.
Rachelle took off her black blazer. I sat there watching as she took off her work shirt, revealing a large black lacy bra. She strutted over to her desk, then laid on top of it. I walked over to her. Her big boobs were barely held upright in that bra.
“Well?” Rachelle asked as she looked at me staring at her. “Take it off,” she said, smiling at me. To which I happily obliged. Her large breasts fell naturally to the sides. I looked at the bra, there in black bold letters and numbers 32JJ. “Now you know how big they are. Still think you can put that dick between them?”
“Fuck, yes,” I said as I hurriedly climbed on top of the desk, straddling her chest. She pulled her boobs apart as I laid my dick between them. She pushed them over my dick, totally enveloping it. I began to fuck her tits steadily, sliding back and forth between them. It was fucking heaven. She looked up at me with a big smile.
“That all you got?” Rachelle said smiling. “It’s not coming out on my side. Fuck harder!” she ordered.
I took that as a challenge. I began fucking her massive tits harder, grabbing the table just above her shoulders. I looked down at her as I fucked her big tits.
“Still nothing,” Rachelle escort bursa teased as she half smiled and moaned at the same time. Her arms were folded against each other across her massive chest.
I rocked back and forth, slamming into her massive chest, all the while she laid there smiling again up at me.
I had never fucked tits this big and never seen someone that enjoyed it this much. Usually, they laid there and waited for it to be over.
“Want me to help?” Rachelle asked.
Before I could answer, Rachelle started moving her arms back and forth to meet my thrusts. “I knew you couldn’t handle my large chest, look at them, they make your big cock disappear between them,” Rachelle teased.
I didn’t know how she knew, but I loved dirty talk during sex. “Fuck my big tits with your big black cock!” Rachelle said as she squeezed her tits together tighter, the pressure on my dick increased as she held them.
“Fuck, I can’t,” I began to give in, as I felt myself cumming.
“Come on, fuck my tits. Fuck my huge fucking tits!” Rachelle screamed up at me.
“I’m cumming!” I said as I started to slow down.
Rachelle released my dick from its prison and held it close to her face as she rocked her hands back and forth on it. I came hard, Rachelle held my dick steady as I shot my cum all over her face. “Good Boy. Now let me get some work done,” she shooed me off.
As she picked up her bra, I walked over to my desk to pick up my pants. “Come back in an hour. Hopefully, you will have recuperated by then,” she smiled as she put her clothes back on.
I went downstairs to see what everyone was doing. My mind was still on what had happened upstairs and what the talk with Monica was going to entail.
I had forgotten about what was happening down here. There were a few fires that needed my help to sort out as well as some people that needed to talk to me. But for the most part, everything went well. Rachelle came downstairs in a hurry.
“Sorry emergency at home,” Rachelle said as she hurried out. I smiled as I knew that meant she was going to be pissed.
The rest of the day flew by with minor difficulties. I began to close when I got a phone call. Not recognizing the number, I was reluctant to answer it, but seeing as I was still on the clock for a few more minutes, I picked it up.
“I am glad you’re still there,” Monica said.
“Yeah, I was not going to answer,” I replied.
“Well, I am glad you did,” Monica said. “That old storage room in the back, is it still empty?” she asked. I began to think.
“Hold on, let me transfer you down there,” I said as I transferred the call to the receiving area.
I ran downstairs. It was a short walk across the floor and towards the back. I pulled open the storage room door. It was a large room. It was empty except for a few chairs for meetings as well as a few odds and ends, nothing that could not get placed somewhere else. I picked up the phone.
“It’s empty. We would have to move a few things. But it’s good. Why?” I asked.
“Have to make it my office. The room here at Store 234, is too small,” Monica said. “Hate to throw this on you, but can you stay and help me?”
“I can do that,” I replied. I did have a game session with a few online friends, but that wasn’t until much later. “Can I come in a little later tomorrow?”
“Sure,” Monica answered, she hung up. I took off my work shirt, leaving my black sleeveless shirt. I began to take the stuff out of the room. Then my cell phone rang. It was Rachelle.
“Hey,” I said, partly heavy breathing.
“What are you doing?” Rachelle asked.
“Moving stuff out of the storage room. There was a heavy desk in the back,” I replied
“Why are you doing that?” Rachelle asked.
“Monica is going to use it as her office,” I replied.
“What!” Rachelle screamed into the phone. “That bitch!”
“What the room at 234 is too small, so she said.” I replied, leaning against the wall.
“Too small, huh?” I could hear the smile on her voice. “Fine!” Rachelle said with anger on her voice. “Two can play this fucking game.”
“What game?” I asked.
“Nothing. Don’t you worry about it,” Rachelle said. “What are you doing afterward?”
“I have to do a few things. That’s why I am trying to hurry and get this done,” I said. I did not want to tell her that I was going home to play an online game with people I had never met in person.
“Okay. Well I was going to let you fuck me in the ass again, but it can wait till tomorrow.” Rachelle said. To this I perked up. Then I heard a man’s voice. “Remember tomorrow, your dick, my ass. It’s a date. Don’t keep me waiting either!” she quickly said, then hung up.
I cursed myself. Hell, I would rather fuck her perky Latin ass then play a fucking video game any day of the week. I kicked the wall, which was not the brightest idea as I began to move the last of the stuff. I heard keys jingling moving toward me.
“Wow! Look at you,” Monica said bursa escort from behind me.
“Yeah. I thought I would get a head start.” I replied. Monica was dressed in all black dress skirt, with some cleavage showing, and a large slit on the side of the right side of the dress revealing from the ankle up to the thigh, which was unusual for her. She used to wear sundresses or jeans and shirts that hid everything.
“Let’s see what you got started,” Monica said as she walked past me. “It’s excellent. I will get the broom and dustpan if you want to get started with moving things in. I got two guys to follow me from 234. So, use them,” she said back to me.
Between the two guys and me, we quickly moved a few things into the room. Mainly a rounded desk, a double-sided desk, her computer, and some chairs. As we closed up the truck, one of the guys looked at me.
“So what’s so important about this place?” he asked.
“What you mean?” I replied.
“She said, she had to set up here and not at our store,” the other said.
“She told me the room there was too small.” I replied, shutting the truck. They both looked at each other.
“The room over there is twice as big as that room,” one of them said they both smiled as they looked at me.
“Then, I don’t know,” I shrugged.
“Whatever. We still get paid anyway,” the other said as they got in the truck. I walked back inside. Now things were starting to bother me. I was sweating. I was irritated at missing the chance at a piece of ass. And now this bullshit. I walked into her makeshift office.
“What’s going on Moni,” I asked.
“Oh no,” Monica said as she arranged paperwork on her desk. “You only call me Moni. When you’re pissed,” she said turning towards me she leaned against the desk. “What’s up?” Monica asked, flipping her blonde hair to one side.
“You know what’s up! Why this place? The guys just told me the other room is twice as big,” I said to her, which she rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“Idiots!” Monica said under her breath. “Fine!” she said, folding her arms under her breasts. Pushing them upwards. She knew I was a breast guy; this was to serve as a distraction. And it was working. Her cleavage doubled with her arms under them. She had beautiful curves all over, especially since she had lost the weight. Looking at her now, I could see how big they really were.
“I wanted to keep an eye on things. I miss this place. It was mine for nearly ten years,” Monica said. “You can’t expect me just to give it up,” she shrugged.
“Yeah, but you walked away,” I said, trying not to stare at her chest or her thick thighs.
“Very true, more like ran,” Monica smiled. She walked over to me. “Look, it is your place now. Well yours and Rachelle’s,” she said, placing a hand on my chest. “Just think of me as an observer,” she smiled. Her green eyes were piercing at me.
“Okay, just no more lies.” I said, looking at her.
“You got it,” Monica said, putting her hand out. We shook hands. I turned to leave. “Since you are coming in late. Mind if we have that talk. I have a few other stores and warehouses to visit tomorrow,” she said. I looked at the time. I still had an hour and a half to go before my gaming date. Maybe I could text Rachelle and reschedule our “date”.
“If it won’t take long.” I said.
“Five minutes. Tops.” Monica said, sitting down at her desk. I sat on the other side.
“Good. I Will cut it short since we know each other,” Monica said, clearing her throat. “Sales are good. This warehouse is top in the region for getting items to the stores in a timely fashion, which is good. Only two problems. Hours and Pay. You might have to cut some hours and let loose some of your full-timers.”
“Okay,” I nodded. Which I already knew was coming from a previous email. “I planned on letting Tylene go. And Jamie should be leaving on maternal leave soon, so when she does. I will let her know when she comes back. She will be part-time.”
“Well, that was easy,” Monica said, clapping her hands. I stood up. “Wait,” she said, motioning me to sit down. I sat back down. She stood up and circled the desk to sit right down on it, right in front of me.
“How are things with you and Rachelle?” Monica asked. Her legs crossed so I could see down the slit to her thick white thighs.
“Good. It was a bit rocky at first, but it has gotten a lot better,” I said, averting my eyes from her thighs and her cleavage.
“Good to hear. She tells me nothing but good things about you so that’s good that the two of you have a good work relationship,” Monica said leaning forward. “How about personal?”
Monica was doing this on purpose. I felt interrogated. She knew that I would look down at her cleavage and get distracted, maybe say something I shouldn’t.
“It’s good. We get along. She tells me about the problems she is having with her husband,” I said. I threw her off with the husband statement. She stood up and walked behind me.
“How you bursa merkez escort bayan feel about that? Problems at home. I mean, she could end up doing what I did and leave you. Is that okay?” Monica said as she leaned over my shoulder.
“What happens, happens. Not my problem. I come to work. Not be a counselor, “I shrugged.
“Oh come off it, Ray!” Monica said as she spun me around.
Now I was staring directly at her cleavage. Monica stared down at me, sitting in the chair. Her chest heaved up and down as she bore a hole into me with her stare.
“She has nice big tits and a nice ass, with an accent,” Monica growled. “You don’t think I don’t know that you’re fucking her!”
“I am leaving!” I said. As I tried to leave, Monica pushed me back in the chair and sat on top of me. Her legs wrapped around the chair. She took my head and buried it in her cleavage.
“They aren’t as big as hers. However, I can still out fuck her any day!” Monica said reaching between us. She grabbed hold of my hard dick. “And it seems you been thinking of doing the same thing. I have,” she said as she got off me.
My dick was now out of my pants and in her hand as she knelt in front of me, slowly taking my dick and swirling her tongue around it. “Still want to leave?” she asked her eyes locking onto mine.
“Shut up!” I said as I grabbed her head and pushed it down on my dick. She began to bob her head up and down. “How long you wanted to suck this dick?” I asked her, looking at her hungrily suck on it.
“Far too long,” Monica said as she tried to talk with my dick going in and out of her mouth. She was not taking it as far down as Rachelle did, but she did pay more attention to it. She was licking it up and down.
“Take them tits out!” I ordered her. I could see she wanted to be ordered, unlike Rachelle, who liked to give the orders.
“What these?” Monica said, spilling her big tits out of the confines of the dress. They were not as big as Rachelle’s but much more significant than anyone else I had been with before.
“Fuck yeah!” I said. “Wrap those fuckers around my dick,” I said. Monica wrapped her large tits around my dick. For the second time today, my dick was buried between two big tits. She held them tightly as she rocked up and down and back and forth.
“Do you like that?” Monica asked as she held the sides of her breasts and pushed them together. As I pushed upward between them, she slid them up and down on my dick.
“Fuck yeah.” I said as I watched the head of my dick barely make it above her cleavage.
Monica lowered her head and licked the tip of my dick as it popped in and out of her cleavage.
“My turn,” Monica said abruptly like many of the other women I had been before she was not a fan of her tits being fucked, not like Rachelle.
Monica bent over the desk I got out of my char and stood up behind her. I lifted her skirt. Monica did not have tits as big as Rachelle, but she had an ass, nice big round, plump white ass with thick hips.
I slid into her from behind, grabbing her hips and pulling her back. Monica looked back at me with her mouth wide open as I pushed it all the way without stopping. “Fuck that’s a big fucking cock!” she said, lowering her head.
“And I am going to fuck you with it!” I said. I began to pound her deep and hard.
The sound of us fucking filled the storage room. Monica was moaning loud as her nails gripped the table. I grabbed her hips harder and pulled her back on it. Each time our bodies met, it sent small ripples, all over her ass.
This was a revenge fuck plain and simple, for her leaving me in this place with these people. I began to get angry at her for all the frustration I went through. “You deserve this!” I shouted at her as I pulled back on her hair.
“Yes! I do,” Monica said. Her fat ass slapped against me with every stroke. “I deserve more, fuck me hard!”
“You know what,” I said as I pulled my dick out of her pussy and aimed it at her ass.
“No! It’s too big. I have never had a cock in my ass before,” Monica started to say, shaking her head.
“I don’t care! After all the shit you left me with, without warning. Then today you blatantly lied to me!” I shouted down at her. “You’re going to take my dick in your ass, and then you’re going to thank me for cumming in your ass,” I said as I tried to push it in. At first, it did not want to go, slipping and moving away from her tight hole, then slowly the head popped in. Monica gasped loudly as she buried her head on the table.
“Fuck that’s a big fucking cock in my ass! Fuck,” Monica kept saying over and over with every inch I pushed into her. I didn’t stop no matter what she said or how she squirmed under me. “Fuck! Fuck! Slow down. You’re tearing me apart!” she said, looking back at me.
“Shut up! You take it, or I will leave,” I said as she breathed slowly, looking back at me, then at my dick as I pulled it out of her. “Rachelle gladly took it up her ass,” I smiled back at her. “Maybe I should call her,” I said, reaching for my pants.
“No! Don’t call that bitch!” Monica said, shaking her head, I could see the annoyance in her face as I mentioned Rachelle’s name.
“Sit down,” Monica said, breathing slowly, the wheels in her head were turning. I sat in the chair.
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