The True Story of a Threesome

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A quick grin spread wide across my face as I switched on the kettle. Emma always made me laugh with her wild weekend anecdotes about an existence that always seemed light years away from my own. Times she seemed so worldly and open, and I, so untouched by experience in comparison, but we were very different people and I shunned her invitation of abandoned entry to that life. Despite that, her openness intrigued me and thoughts of tasting a little with her often left an itch of curiosity.

We sipped our coffee, chatting, giggling, gossiping, an instinctive silence falling at the creak of the front door and Sean’s arrival. Emma glanced at me as Sean entered the kitchen, and I understood that glance. I watched him move, my eyes caressing him from brow to boot. With his every step about the room, I felt myself slip into abandonment, concern for Emma’s presence and judgment slithering snake-like from my mind. She beckoned him to us and a moment later we sat, squeezed close together on the sofa. He joked and laughed, not seeming to notice at first the hungry looks directed at him by the woman to his left, or the one to his right.

Desire coursed through me, each time Sean brushed against me on the couch, I felt a twitch between my legs, annoying me a little, seeking attention. Over his shoulder, I watched Emma’s generous breasts lift and fall as she breathed. I thought about reaching over and taking Escort bayan hold of one in my hand, firmly, and bending to seek her nipple with my mouth. Just as I began to ache from the pit of my tummy, I felt my breath catch as Sean kissed me, his lips and tongue teasing mine for a moment, then working downwards to my neck and collar, my shoulders. I tilted my head back, yielding to him and was lost. My breasts pushed against the bra that entrapped them, wanting to be touched and kissed, and then the air greeted one, hardening the nipple to a point as he massaged around it with a sure, strong hand. He gently kneaded my flesh, fingertips brushing against my nipple with quick movements.

Lips met mine and hungrily I sucked them and licked my own, opening my eyes to see Emma’s closed as she pressed her tongue deep into my mouth. I saw Sean’s other hand disappear upwards behind her and watched as her breasts wobbled and fell slightly, under her top, freed now. Sean moved his hands towards them, lifting her top to reveal her body. His mouth searched and found a nipple. Slowly, he sucked them and I shuddered as Emma began to gently moan with pleasure, her back arching until her head rested on my lap.

Sean undressed Emma, pulling down her trousers and removing her top until she lay across us in only her panties. Directing her to sit upright, Sean knelt on the floor before her open legs, I joined Bayan escort him. Together we began, he taking her left leg and I, her right, tonguing and kissing the insides of her creamy thighs we travelled upwards until our mouths met. Utterly lost to our senses, our tongues moved from each-others’ mouths to the skin surrounding her clit, now engorged and red as if angry for the teasing. I licked to the left as I held her thigh, lifting her slightly to meet my lips. Her fragrance teased my nose as I crept further and further in, licking and rubbing my lips on her body. Mingled in the smell, was Sean, his musky scent blending as he tongued Emma’s clit just above me, both of us tussling for space like young cattle in a trailer. Emma trembled; the more I worked, the more she shook until she shuddered all over. My face was buried between her legs; she pulled me violently into her, my tongue going as far as it could within her to sweet, wet heat. Sean and I were driven together as her legs gripped us with her orgasm, her moans soothing us with their gentle sound as she came.

I stood and watched Emma lazily, enjoying the sensations that followed, behind me, Sean stretched out his hand to pull me to him. His body pressed against my back as he brushed aside my hair to kiss the back of my neck. As his mouth worked its way down to my shoulders, he unbuttoned my jeans and pushed them down over my hips Escort to the ground. I leaned forward, kneeling on the sofa’s edge. I felt my knickers being tugged a little to one side as he began to lick me, his tongue darting lightly over my ass and all the way down to my clit, and I sighed with pleasure. He ceased suddenly and just as I was about to protest, I felt him enter me, his large, hard cock slowly pushing its way in until I could feel his balls tap gently against my skin.

Underneath, I felt Emma manoeuvre herself until I could feel her breath between my thighs. My knickers were stretched again as she nibbled and sucked my clit. I struggled against collapse as Sean slowly thrust into me, his cock filling me as she worked on front. It seemed as though he were entering totally within me, deeper and deeper to my very core. Emma sucked harder on my clit as she felt me draw towards orgasm, my flesh quivering with the intensity of the act. I clutched her head as I came, my legs weakening beneath me. Sean’s thrusts lessened as he watched my movements. I turned my head to see him stroke his cock, Emma now transfixed on the sight. As his moans became louder, Emma and I drew close to him, watching. In a moment, we felt the shock of warm semen hit our skin, necks, shoulders, face, as Sean groaned with pleasure, his beautiful, brown body stretching instinctively. She smiled at me. How had this act occurred? Had we three simply lost ourselves to desire? Would it happen again? I could not think. My mind was overcome by drowsiness as we flopped across the sofa, not knowing who was perched on whom, savouring the dying moments of our experience.

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