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Sitting on the steel table in tight black leather pants, I attached a collar that read “Slut.” Tiffany had given it to me and instructed I put it on.
From across the room she yelled, “Just lay back slut, I am going to have some fun with you.” A smirk appeared on her face.
The table was a bit cold on my bare back. Tried to ignore it, didn’t take much when I could see what she was wearing. My cock hardened. Tiffany was wearing shoulder length gloves, a corset with straps, a pair of panties and stockings that glistened in the light. All latex. My favorite.
“It appears someone is already getting excited,” she whispered towards my ear.
She rubbed my dick through the leather pants. I wasn’t wearing anything underneath, so the feeling was astounding. Grabbing and slapping at my leather covered crotch. I’d jump each time. It both surprised and excited me.
Her tongue started at my balls and moved up to my bare stomache. She moaned a bit as she squeezed. My cock was straining against the leather until she finally let it out.
“Mm, Bostancı Esmer Escort so big. Did I cause that?” she laughed as she reached over to her cigarettes. The smell of menthol filled the room as she lit up. Blowing smoke over my balls then deeply inhaling before putting them in her mouth.
“You love that, don’t you slut?”
I shook my head.
Tiffany walked towards me, cigarette hanging from her blood red lips. Leaning forward she put her large d cup breast in my face, “Since I gave you a bit of pleasure, I’m going to get some of my own.”
Climbing on the table, I saw the latex panties move closer until they were pressed firmly against my face. The smell of latex, smoke and her cunt filled my nostrils. Licking wildly at the tight panties that covered her, she pushed her pussy against me harder. Tiff puffed away at her cigarette, inhaling more as I started pushing the smooth material inside of her with my tongue.
“Mmmm, yes, lick my cunt. Breathe in my scent you fucking worthless whore. Yeah… Bostancı Eve Gelen Escort you fucking love it.”
She couldn’t be more right.
Suddenly, I felt her rise up. Took one last hit off her cig and tossed it aside.
Looking over at her I became confused. She was putting a condom on my prick. We never used condoms but I ignored it.
Tiffany got up onto the table and slowly brought her body down. Moving the latex aside, she sat on my dick. Starting off at a slow pace to drive me wild.
She moaned before saying, “Hope you don’t mind if I have a smoke while I let you fuck me.”
The cigarette hung from her mouth before she inhaled and took it out. Holding tightly between her latex fingers. Her breast bounced up and down as she rode me harder. The smoke floated through the air.
My cock was throbbing and it was hard to take all of this. I started thrusting with her body. Pushing every inch of me inside of her wet slit. Pounding her opening as she moaned loudly. Occasionally trying to quiet Bostancı Evi Olan Escort herself with a long drag on her cigarette.
“Ohhh fuck,” I exclaimed, knowing it was too late to prevent.
My semen spurted several times, filling up the condom. Lying back, I closed my eyes.
She stared me down, “I Guess I won’t be getting off. You fucking useless piss rag. Get over here!”
I really didn’t want to but I listened anyway. She pulled the condom off and tossed me to my knees.
“You are going to drink every last drop of your milky cum here”
I shook my head but changed my mind quickly when she about ripped my hair out. She pulled and gritted her teeth, yelling at me. So I agreed.
“Open up my little cum slut.”
Closing my eyes, I slowly opened my mouth all of the way. I knew I had filled that condom up and wasn’t looking forward to it.
Then it hit my tongue. It just kept dribbling out into my mouth. It felt like it was never going to end. I gagged but forced myself to swallow it all.
“All gone?” she asked me.
I shook my head as she pulled my mouth open with her latex gloved fingers and fucked my throat with them before smearing it across my face.
An alarm went off. I smacked it, disoriented. Damn. It was all a dream. Perhaps, Tiffany would be willing to make that a reality…one could hope!
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