To the Highest Bidder
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Author’s note: Yeah I know it’s long but hey, it’s been a while.
Audrey Brandt panned her eyes from her husband cleaning the BBQ, to her son rising from the pool. Their bodies couldn’t have been more dissimilar, Dane’s 18-year-old frame toned and tanned, Stephen the polar opposite. Though who was she to judge? She thought to herself as she scanned her own appearance laying upon the banana lounge. Swimming shorts over her wide hips, a tankini to cover the extra weight around her middle. How long had it been since she’d worn a regular swimsuit, she wondered?
Dane went through a series of stretches to loosen his joints, water flicking from his fingertips as he swung his arms, twisting his torso. His back to her, his mother allowed her eyes to slowly rise up his legs finally to settle on his ass, the tight black Speedos clasping his muscular buttocks.
“Well is it yes or no?” She asked, recalling an earlier conversation, aware he would know as to what she referred.
He turned his entire body to face her and behind her sunglasses, Audrey retained her level of sight. So heavy his balls hung behind the thin layer of material. His cock positioned horizontally across his groin, she needed no imagination to gauge her son’s size and shape.
“I don’t know Mom,” Dane groaned. “A bachelor auction? Not very PC in this day and age!”
“Oh, it’s all harmless fun,” Audrey struggled to wrench her eyes from his crotch. “Your father’s agreed,” she added. “And he’s not even a bachelor!”
Dane looked across to his father who stopped scraping the hotplate to scratch his ass.
“It’s for charity Buddy,” he argued. “We just strut around for the geriatrics and whomever has the most money to waste, we do some odd jobs for.”
“They’re not all ‘geriatrics’ Stephen,” Audrey protested. “They’re my women’s group; I hope you’re not bundling me in with that term?”
“Well you’re no spring chicken Darl’,” Stephen scoffed and although she assumed he was joking, Audrey couldn’t but feel some slight at the jest.
“What would I even offer?” Dane questioned at the suggestion of ‘odd jobs,’ looking back down at his mother. Was she looking at his dick!? He asked himself in puzzlement. Her eyes, though shrouded by the sunglasses, seeming to rise as he questioned her. Why would she? He quickly dismissed.
“Well you ARE captain of the swim team,” Audrey made a gesture towards the pool with her hand. “What about offering some free swimming lessons, or some coaching?” She suggested.
“Or just pool cleaning,” Stephen threw in. “Could be less work.”
“Or that!” She agreed, dropping her sunglasses down her nose to look him in the eye. Had she picked up some suspicion on his behalf as to where she’d been looking?
“I don’t know,” Dane turned once more and prepared to dive into the pool. “I’ll think about it.”
She watched his shaved smooth legs enter the water and replaced her glasses, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the warmth of the sun on her body. It wasn’t long before she allowed the thoughts to materialize. The ones that came to her late at night. That had a hand between her legs as her husband lay snoring beside her. The forbidden ones. He was at her feet; his fingers massaging the soles before his lips peppered her skin, kissing his way up her legs. Her thighs parting for him, welcoming his breath upon her sex, his tongue between her folds. On this occasion he mounted her, knees astride her torso as he stroked his erect cock inches from her mouth. She begged him to cum. To release his incestuous seed upon her face. Her son’s cream filling her awaiting open mouth.
So real was the fantasy she sensed his presence above her, could feel the spray of semen coating her chest, her neck. She arched her back and sighed as the cum rained upon her flesh.
“Are you alright?” Dane chuckled as she opened her eyes to see him above, purposefully allowing water to drip from his hair upon her as he stooped over her. “You sounded like you were in pain!”
“Oh, no. I’m fine,” Audrey straightened up, feeling herself blush at being caught, struggling to leave the fantasy behind with his presence so close.
“I’ll do it!” Dane proposed and for an instant Audrey imagined (hoped) it was her daydream to which he referred.
“Oh, wonderful Honey,” she composed herself, placing a hand upon his in response. “I’ll be ever so grateful.”
Dane shuffled up beside his father amongst the throng of men behind the curtain. All topless wearing merely black satin boxer shorts and bow tie. To say Dane felt ridiculous was an understatement but looking at his father who’d donned suspenders over his shoulders to hold up his shorts, he took some solace in his own appearance.
“You ready to go Buddy?” Stephen grinned at his son.
“No! Not at all,” Dane smiled nervously, hearing the inebriated screams of the women from the other side of the curtain at the next bachelor’s appearance and beginning to feel like a chunk of meat.
“Hah!” Stephen scoffed. “You’ll be alright. Just do as your mother directed. Walk out afyon escort there, flex your muscles and hope for the best.”
Audrey downed the last of her Champagne and a waiter was quick to refill her glass. The music blasted as the next bachelor came from behind the curtain and awkwardly strode the stage. No models these men. All beer guts and hairy backs. But at least they tried, Audrey thought.
The MC touted the current bachelor’s credentials as a familiar presence sidled up beside Audrey, the reek of too much Chanel No. 5 pervading her senses.
“Miriam,” she nodded as the women surveyed the man upon the stage.
“Audrey,” the well-dressed middle-aged women responded. “I see Stephen’s going again. Still offering to mow lawns?”
“That’s right,” Audrey smiled, eager to extract herself from the conversation. Being ‘frenemies’ with Miriam Hollander since high school, she was well aware of the woman’s attraction to her husband.
“Well I’ll see if I have any money left over after I make my purchase. There’s another Brandt that’s caught my eye this year.”
Audrey turned to her peer and searched her eyes.
“You wouldn’t,” she challenged. “You don’t even have a pool!”
Smiling, Miriam took a sip from her champagne flute.
“Oh, you know how these things work Audrey,” she attempted to grin. Botox and far too much makeup fighting against her change of expression. “There’s always something else we get them to do!”
Backstage, Dane watched his father pass through the curtains to a muted yet still enthusiastic response from the women.
“First time?” A voice spoke from beside and Dane looked to the owner.
“You can tell?” He chuckled.
“Don’t worry about it. Enjoy yourself. Relax and hope for a hottie,” the roughly thirty-year-old responded.
“What’s that got to do with it?” Dane questioned.
“Are you serious?” The man laughed. “You do know these old birds expect a little more than just pruning the hedges. Especially if the bidding goes high!”
“What?” Dane asked.
“Ah, yeah. I went for $200 bucks last year. You can bet I had to work hard for that. My dick was red raw after that old chick was done with me,” he laughed.
Another name was called and passed through the curtain as Dane’s new acquaintance found someone else to harass.
Was that true? He asked himself. Was his mother aware? Why would she encourage such a thing?
His thought process was interrupted by an announcement.
“…and now making his debut. At only eighteen years of age. Captain of his school’s swim team. Dane Brandt…”
To an almost overwhelming barrage of whoops and catcalls from a warmed-up crowd of approximately one hundred middle aged and senior women, Dane passed through the velvet curtains and paraded the runway under a harsh spotlight. Walking the length of the catwalk as his resumé was read aloud, he turned to present his ass to an equally enthusiastic cheer as the bidding began.
Audrey scowled at Miriam when she opened with a bid of $300, the crowd gasping in response to the figure. Her husband having been just sold for a mere $75 and the record for the night only $250, the opening bid was bold and seemingly an attempt at a winning gambit.
“$320,” another voice was heard, quickly followed by a counter by a third party.
“What am I, chopped liver?” Stephen commented to his wife as he joined her, beer in hand.
The bidding rapidly approaching $500 and not slowing, Audrey turned to Stephen.
“I didn’t expect this!” She admitted before catching the eye of Miriam, a wicked expression on her face. “She’s doing it to spite me.”
Dane began to enjoy the moment. Stopping to flex his arms in a bodybuilder pose at the behest of the crowd, receiving more encouragement from the women at the act. $600 was the current bid and although slowing, the offers kept rolling in.
“$700!” Miriam made a $50 advance and it seemed to wipe out most of the other women in the running. A counter was made at $720 which Miriam quickly matched followed by seeing each incremental offer as they became less and less.
“…at $749.50. Do I have any other bids?” The MC questioned the crowd and Audrey scanned the room, anxiously searching for sign of a latecomer to the auction, anyone but Miriam.
Stephen sensed his wife’s angst and pressed a hand to her forearm.
“It’s a good outcome,” he reasoned. “Think of the charity.”
“But it’s HER Stephen!” She countered. “I know exactly what her motives are. And they’re anything but charitable.”
“… $749.50 going twice,” to a silent room. “Going three times…and…sol…”
“One thousand dollars!” Audrey heard herself shout over the auctioneer’s final word and the room erupted in gasps.”
“Mom!?” Dane lifted a hand to shield his eyes from the spotlight.
“The fuck?” Stephen’s hand tightened around his wife’s arm.
Audrey looked immediately toward Miriam whose lips pursed at the audacity of the offer.
“I have a bid of $1000,” the auctioneer exclaimed. ankara escort “I throw it back to you Madam,” he gestured toward Miriam who clearly frustrated, managed to shake her head in response. “Then $1000 going once, twice and three times. With no further bids…”
“Jesus, Audrey, what are you doing?” Stephen questioned her sanity, searching the room himself for a savior to their bank account.
“… sold!” Was stated to a round of applause from the crowd.
“Oh shit!” Stephen exclaimed, his shoulders slumping. “I need another drink.”
Dane climbed down from the stage as the next bachelor was introduced to a lackluster response, “…ah do I have any raise on $5?” Weaving through the women before finally approaching his mother.
“Mom, what the hell?” Dane questioned.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry if I embarrassed you,” Audrey attempted to right any perceived wrong.
“I’m not emb…I mean I just don’t…WHY?” Dane managed, confused more than anything.
“I don’t know. I mean I do, but. Oh, it’s a long story,” Audrey rambled suddenly feeling uncomfortable in her son’s presence, dressed how he was, with all the eyes upon them. “I’ll explain when we get home.”
Dane looked to the bar where his father had taken up residence with his buyer and a line of shots.
“Well looking at Dad, that ‘aint gonna be any time soon,” he remarked.
It took the both of them to wrangle Stephen from the Uber to and through the house when they returned home, Audrey falling upon the bed along with her husband when they finally reached the bedroom. For not the first time that night, Dane’s eyes were drawn to his mother’s attire. The red dress that he’d never seen her wear prior, hugging her body hermetically. He accepted she wasn’t the most lithe of women, her ass especially showing the fruits of the sedentary (not that he was prone to look, he reminded himself.) However, as she rolled from her position face down under his father’s arm, he did allow his eyes to linger. The black pantyhose he assumed she was wearing were nothing but; instead, with her dress riding up high on her hip, the lace tops of stay-up stockings came into view, closely followed by black satin panties.
Amid her slightly inebriated laughter at her tumble, Audrey herself became aware of how much she was showing and upon extracting herself from her dilemma, turned to see her son’s eyes clearly lift from the exposed flesh between stockings and underwear to focus on her face. No obvious sign of lust behind them she noted and immediately scolded herself for even contemplating it. Why would he? He’s my son!
A hand was offered and Audrey rose from the bed, adjusting her dress in the process.
“Should we get him into bed?” Dane questioned, Audrey rolling her eyes.
“I’ll worry about it later,” she dismissed her already snoring husband. “…when I go to bed. I was thinking of having a hot chocolate. Join me?”
They’d not spoken of the night until now and there was a certain awkwardness enveloping the impending conversation, though neither could pinpoint why, finally the silence broken by both simultaneously.
“Why did yo…?”
“It was because of Mir…!”
Before both laughed and Dane signaled for his mother to go ahead.
“It was my friend Miriam,” Audrey explained. “I’m sure you’ve met her. I’ve known her since high school.”
Dane looked confused and Audrey went on.
“She was the one bidding on you and she was determined to win.”
His confusion didn’t abate.
“But if she’s your friend, what was the problem?” Dane asked and saw his mother blush.
“She thinks I stole your father from her.”
“In high school,” Audrey explained. “I mean I sort of did. They were dating and, well…”
“Oh,” Dane was now the one to blush, learning of his parent’s first meeting.
“Well she’s had it in for me ever since.”
“But it’s just a charity thing. What did it matter if she bought me?”
“Honey. She doesn’t even have a pool.”
Immediately Dane thought of what he’d been told backstage. The implication sex was part of the trade.
“Oh. So, you, what? Spared me from something?”
“Possibly. Oh, I don’t know. I was just being an over protective mother, I think. You don’t hate me, do you?”
Dane took the last sip of his chocolate and sat back in his chair.
“Why would I hate you?” He smiled. “You got me out of doing any work.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well YOU bought me. You don’t need swimming lessons. I already clean our pool. You pretty much paid all that money for nothing.”
“Ah not so fast Mister,” Audrey smiled. “I expect something for my payment.”
Ridiculously Dane’s mind went where it hadn’t ventured before, the vision of her stockings, her upper thighs, the briefest glimpse of panty, all contributing to unwholesome fantasies. No, he quickly chased the thought away. Not that.
“I want some coaching!” Audrey acknowledged.
“That’s right,” she antalya escort blushed. “You’re the expert. I want you to train me to be a better swimmer.”
“You’re serious?” Dane laughed. “You hardly even get in the pool anymore.”
“Well maybe that’s because I’m not a very good swimmer,” Audrey countered.
“Fair point,” Dane agreed. “Do you even have a swimsuit?” He blushed as he said the words, not sure why.
“I was wearing one by the pool the other day,” Audrey declared, incredulous.
“That!?” Dane frowned. “I thought they were shorts.”
Audrey pictured the baggy pants, the unflattering tankini. He noticed what I was wearing, she thought!
“I have a swimsuit,” she stated. “I think,” she added, imagining the rear of her underwear drawer.
“Alright,” Dane rose from the table and took his mug to the dishwasher. Turning back, he was once more able to view his mother’s body in its entirety, her legs crossed, again the hint of her thigh high stockings. What would she look like in a bikini? He foolishly asked himself and was shocked at the reaction he felt in his groin. “Well if we’re doing this, we’ll start in the morning. First thing.”
It felt like a date, Audrey thought. Strangely she was already feeling nervous. Why? She was just going for a swim with her son. Something they’d done hundreds of times. Why did it all of a sudden feel different?
“Okay, I’ll be ready,” she agreed. Were his eyes upon her legs once more? “Your father’s playing golf in the morning so we’ll have the house to ourselves,” she added, not quite sure as to why.
“Oh, okay,” Dane acknowledged, strangely enthused by the revelation. “Well. I’ll see you then.”
He almost felt like they should kiss each other goodnight for some reason, entirely out of character though it would be. Instead, they merely said their goodbyes.
In the shower, a soapy hand between her legs, fingers running through her pubic hair, she’d contemplated shaving her bikini line. Now standing before her mirror, the red one-piece with its high cut on the hips, hid nothing. The skin of her pelvis pale, the pubic hair protruding either side of the swimsuit was clearly unacceptable and hurrying into the bathroom she took Stephen’s razor and dry shaved the problem away, hoping it wouldn’t leave a rash.
“He’s not going to be looking at your vagina anyway Audrey,” she told the mirror when she once more looked at her reflection. God she’d put on weight since last she’d worn it, she observed, noting how her breasts bulged against the thin material (not unhappy with the result.) She turned to look at her ass and was disheartened at the cellulite on her upper thighs yet loved the way the swimsuit cut across her cheeks. Men like big butts, don’t they? She asked herself. Does he?
Dane wasn’t disgusted with himself, but he wasn’t thrilled either. A morning erection that was fueled by fleeting images of his own mother had led to jerking off in the bathroom imagining her spreading her legs and purposefully showing him her panties. When the cum hit the basin of the sink and the cleanup began, he was more confused than anything else. What was wrong with him? He certainly wasn’t a virgin. Had never had a problem finding girls, even had an on again off again girlfriend. What the fuck was making him lust after a woman out of bounds? Unobtainable. And when he thought about it further, illegal. It suddenly hit him. It was BECAUSE it was wrong. It was illicit. It was taboo. And it was hot as fuck.
Audrey was thankful Stephen was long gone as she padded her way barefoot through the house. A towel wrapped around her waist in some way protecting her modesty, even so it was clear something was up and he’d certainly notice. But what was up? Audrey contemplated. She was merely going for a swim with her son. Nothing was out of the ordinary.
Dane swam to the edge of the pool and rested his arms on the deck, chin on his forearms as he watched his mother leave the sanctity of the house. Their discussion the night before on swimsuits obviously had him noting what she wore but would he have been so focused had they not? Some part of his brain recalled it but he couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen her wearing it. Red, similar to a lifeguard, if they were acting in a porno however! Her boobs were literally bulging around the material and in the crisp morning air, he spied his mother’s nipples, standing to attention.
Audrey smiled nervously as Dane looked up from the edge of the pool. Was he looking at her breasts? Her nipples hardened under his gaze as she moved to undo the towel.
“Thought you’d chickened out,” Dane proposed.
“Ha ha, you wish,” Audrey chuckled awkwardly, turning her back to her son as she let the towel unravel and revealed her bottom to him. Dropping it upon a banana lounge, she could feel his eyes exploring her body.
Oh shit! Dane thought as he devoured her ass. One side of the swimsuit had crept further across an admittedly large buttock, almost losing itself in her crack, and he watched fixated as his mother tucked a finger beneath the material and plucked it out, righting the wrong. Was it a wrong? In Dane’s incestuously delirious mind he felt he’d like to see both sides disappear between her buttocks, reveal her wondrously beautiful ass in its entirety. And then she turned.
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