Wedding Night
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It was a storybook wedding complete with the horse drawn carriage carrying the bride and groom away from the crowd in front of the church.
Michelle had been planning her big day for over a year and everything had gone off without a hitch.
The newlyweds had their pictures taken at nearby Gage Park and then were whisked to the Chandelier Club for their reception dinner attended by over three hundred guests.
Everyone enjoyed their dinner with the anti-pasta appetizer and the Prime Rib entrée. Then speeches went on endlessly and eventually all began dancing to a wide variety of tunes supplied by Les Battersby the DJ.
The booze flowed like water and everyone was in cheerful spirits. All too soon it was time for the bride and groom to depart to begin the honeymoon.
Michelle tossed her bouquet which was caught by Donna Stockard, one of her bridesmaids, and off they went.
The plan was the newlyweds were to catch a plane the following morning to take them to a resort in Jamaica.
Dave White, Paul’s best man was driving them to the Constellation Hotel by the airport to spend the night before catching their early flight in the morning.
It was about a forty-five minute drive to the hotel. There was not much traffic so late at night and Dave’s Buick gobbled up the miles at a steady 60 mph.
Michelle still wore her bridal gown as they checked in. She wanted to wear it as long as she could on this her special day.
The bellhop showed them to their suite carrying there luggage with Paul in tow.
Michelle thought it was strange Dave coming up to the room with them but figured he just wanted to make sure they got settled in alright.
As soon as the bellhop left Paul went to the mini-bar and got him and Dave a shot of whiskey to drink.
It appeared as if Dave was in no hurry to leave.
Michelle was surprised to hear a knock on the door, they hadn’t ordered anything from room service?
Paul opened the door and there stood half-a-dozen guys, all guest from her wedding. Four of them being members of Paul’s wedding part and the other two a couple of Paul’s friends.
“C’mon in guys!” Paul greeted them raising his drink in a salute.
Michelle wondered what the hell was going on with this sudden intrusion of guys on her wedding night.
“Baby, you’re going to have a night to remember!” Paul promised her.
Right away Michelle realized what was happening. bakımlı gaziantep escort It was a long time fantasy of Paul’s to see Michelle being gang-banged by his horny friends. She had avoided it until now but it looked like time had come for him to get his wish.
“O.K. guys, she’s all yours!” Paul grinned as he took a seat to watch the show.
Michelle realized she was going to get little sleep that night. She was now Paul’s wife and she had promised to “honor and obey”. If this is what her husband really wanted it was her duty to impress his friends with his choice of a wife.
Dave kissed her first. It was not a casual, friendly kiss, but his tongue entered her mouth entwining with hers.
His hand grasped her ass, caressing it in small circular motions enjoying its round firmness.
“Give somebody else a chance!” she heard one of the others exclaim.
As they broke their embrace she felt a hand sliding up her leg beneath her gown.
The hand reached the top of her thigh-high stocking and kept moving upwards until it found her silk covered crotch.
Her attention was diverted by someone unfastening the back of her wedding gown. Button after button popped open allowing the bodice to loosen on her breasts. She felt hands peeling the gown off her shoulders and tugging it down to her waist.
She had carefully selected the white silk half-bra that cupped her breasts for all to see.
The hand moved from her crotch allowing the gown to be pulled over her hips and fall to the floor. She now stood before them in her panties and bra, a pair of white thigh-highs and her white satin covered pumps.
Suddenly someone yanked my panties down over my hips to my ankles revealing my freshly waxed pussy. I was as smooth and soft as a baby’s bum in front of my to-be studs.
“Holy fuck!” someone cried out and then the commotion began.
It was a stampede to get their cocks in me.
Cocks came at her from every direction, she had never seen so much stiff meat at one time. Michelle braced herself for the onslaught.
“Easy guys, everybody will get their turn.” Dan cautioned the rushing herd of bulls.
Gently Dan took Michelle over to the marriage bed and laid her on it still wearing her stockings and bra.
“O.K. Ralph, you can go first.” Dan decreed.
Ralph Declarico was Paul’s boss. A middle-age guy bakımlı gaziantep escort bayan with a bit of a paunch and two adorable children Michelle had met.
Uncertainly Ralph approached the sacrifice bride with his cock in his hand.
“Give it to her!” the onlookers cheered.
With Dave holding one of her ankles and Paul the other Michelle lay on her back with her long shapely legs wide open exposing the moist pink between her parted pussy lips. It was too tempting for any man to resist.
Declarico covered the trembling bride and felt his cock slid into her sanctuary.
Michelle’ vaginal walls stretched to accept the invader and she instinctively thrust her hips upwards to meet the plunging cock.
Paul and Dan released her ankles once Declarico was fully into her and Michelle’s legs wrapped around Ralph’s hips pulling him further into her.
Everyone cheered as the couple began to fuck.
Declarico came quickly, blasting his load of sperm into Michelle’s hungry fuck hole.
A lineup had formed beside the bed of anxious guys wanting to dip their hard-ons into Paul’s new wife.
As Declarico withdrew from Michelle’s cock holster Barry Lillicrop stepped up to the plate.
Barry was one of Paul’s ushers from the wedding party. About the same age as Michelle and Paul he was betrothed to marry Karen Gardner, one of their very good friends, in the upcoming autumn. Michelle had promised to be a bridesmaid for Karen.
Barry slipped effortlessly into Michelle’s already enlarge tunnel. Declarico’s cum lubricated her hole.
Barry’s cock felt good in her and Michelle responded by gyrating her hips pulling his cock in eccentric circles as he danced in and out of her.
“Oh yes, screw me!” Michelle moaned as she felt a stirring deep within her belly.
Everyone watched wide eyed as the couple fucked passionately working themselves up to a climax.
“Give it to her!” Paul encouraged his buddy.
Before her husband’s curious eyes Michelle entered the throes of her orgasm with another man fucking her. Her body began to tremble and shake as the ecstasy yanked control of her body from her.
“Oh my God, I’m coming!!!” she screamed for all the room to hear.
Michelle was taken by one of the most intense orgasms she had ever experienced. Spasms shot from her head to her toes causing her to loose escort gaziantep bakımlı bayan control and squirt her juices all over Barry’s deeply embedded cock.
“Oh shit! I can’t help it. She cried as she bathed Barry’s cock in her nectar.
Barry wasn’t complaining, just driving his cock deeper and deeper into her as his sperm spurted from its head.
Michelle was exhausted after her super climax with Barry but relief was not in sight. As Barry withdrew his dripping spent cock from her now sodden fuck hole Ernie Taylor was waiting to take his place.
Taylor was a geeky looking guy, spectacles and all. He was Michelle’s age and had had a crush on her since high school days. Michelle liked him as he had an jovial personality but she never had any romantic feelings for him. Now his dream was about to come true, he was going to fuck her!
“Hello Michelle.” He said as his cock slid into her.
Michelle was still recovering from her climax with Lillicrop and offered no resistance as Taylor kissed her and started his cock in motion inside of her.
Taylor fucked Michelle’s motionless body as she lay with her legs wide spread allowing him to add his sperm to the others.
Taylor came mercifully fast draining his balls into the girl of his dreams.
“C’mon Taylor, we’re waiting our turn.” Someone hollered as Taylor’s cock soaked in Michelle’s cunt.
Begrudgingly he climbed off Michelle leaving her open for the next hard cock.
Michelle wasn’t even halfway through the lineup of studs when Dave White climbed aboard her.
White was another one of Paul’s ushers, a not bad looking guy that worked with Paul at the auto repair shop. Dave had a pretty girlfriend, Candice, and Michelle knew they were fucking.
Dave’s cock slipped into her now sloppy cunt with no resistance. Michelle’s cunt was throbbing and she could not longer feel the cock in her.
Dave fucked her as if she were an inflatable doll, hammering his cock in and out of her wet hole until he blasted his load into her to mix with the others’.
Jim Malcolmson and Larry Gooding both had their turns before Dave came in as clean up man.
Michelle’s crotch was coated with a thick layer of glistening white cum. The cum of half-a-dozen men trickled from her pussy and the insides of her thighs were smeared with sperm.
Dave buried his face between Michelle’s open legs.
A shiver went up Michelle’s spine as Dan’s tongue began licking the cum cocktail from her shared chalice.
Dave licked and sucked her cunt lake a starving dog, scavenging every drop of cum he could find. He licked the insides of her thighs clean and her belly where a few wayward shot had landed.
Paul smiled as his bride had been initiated and would serve him well. Paul had many more men in his mind who would like to mount his wife.
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