Your Package Came, So Did I
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It’s bad enough that we have been forced to look outside our marriage for intimacy. It’s so much worse on us that we’re 1,400 miles apart. Thankfully, we’ve found each other, and discovered ways to get us through the “hard” times. Erotic emails have helped, but now we’re looking for ways to get us close as possible. It’s still winter, but our summer rendezvous is already planned! You’ve agreed to send me a special “care package” that I’ve requested, and I can’t wait to get it. You agreed to send this “care package” with the promise that I’d email you immediately with every detail of my first evening with it.
I’ve been checking the mailbox for days. It’s now Thursday, almost the end of the week. Beginning to think my package will never arrive. The post office is closed, I’m the only one in the building. Having prepared myself for another day of disappointment, I slowly open the mailbox. Being that most the lights have been dimmed for after hours, my initial glance into the box confirms that indeed nothing has come yet. Even after all the preparation for dealing with this, I can’t help but feel disappointed anyway….still hopeful, I take a second look. The lights are dim, so I have to bend over and look closely….far to the back of the box, barely visible in the lowlight…..there’s something….looks like an envelope….I reach in and pull, it’s stuck on the back edge of the mailbox where it was inserted earlier today. I bend it slightly, gently pulling it out. It’s a square, brown shipping envelope…addressed to me…no return address. Could it be???? I look at the postmark….YESSSSSS!!!!! It says “mailed from Phoenix, AZ”!!!!!!! My cock instantly springs to full rigid attention at the Bayan Escort sight of the envelope!
It’s now only 6pm, so I know I’ll have to wait at least a couple hours before I can safely play with the contents (and myself) uninterrupted. Wanting you close to me in any way possible, and to discreetly get it in the house in a few minutes, I slide it down the front of my jeans….feeling another surge of sexual intensity as I feel the package your hands have recently touched now nestled intimately against my cock. I leave the post office, and get to my truck. I get in, leaving the package right where I just put it, and drive home with a hardon that doesn’t diminish. I get home, and enter through the garage.
Stopping downstairs to remove the package from my jeans and hide it safely for fun and games later. Pulling it out for hiding, I grin ear to ear as I see the huge precum stain on the envelope. After hiding it securely, I get upstairs and join in the regularly schedule evening routine….things are fine, but my mind keeps drifting elsewhere….elsewhere to an intimate envelope waiting for my attention downstairs.
Time drags on….my cock keeps rising to the thoughts of you, softening when my attention is redirected to supper, then rising again in anticipation for every act of self-stimulation I’ll indulge myself in later…..Supper, homework, drum practice, bathtime, reading…..everything is finally done, and all are settled in their own corners of the house for the night. FINALLY!!!
I make my way downstairs, retrieve the package, and carefully open it… my cock is so hard, I stop to drop my jeans and give it a couple rubs. Pulling the contents out, my cock throbs to the sight of lace panties in a clear baggy and a card. Sitting down, I open the card. Holding the baggie and the card in one hand, I use my other hand to stroke my cock while reading your card….”I need you really bad!”…I open the card, “Can you be really bad? Love You” and your sexy lips imprinted in lipstick where you’ve kissed it….I stroke myself, while lifting the card to my face….still stroking while I close my eyes and kiss your lips…now detecting a faint scent of your perfume… cock throbs and I stroke as if it’s being done by your hands.
I stop and lay the card to the side where I can see your lips, and still smell your perfume. I open the baggie and pull it to my face…..closing my eyes and inhaling deeply, I can detect the erotic aroma of your pussy!!!! Damn! I’m so horny for you!!! I keep holding the baggie to my face inhaling deeply, and resume stroking my cock. I stop and pull the lavender lace panties out…they’ve been folded carefully….pulling them to my face, I am so pleased to discover your scent is even stronger! I press the folded panties to my nose and inhale deeply while stroking….I carefully unfold your panties and almost cum when I see the crotch has a slightly stiff area in them….you have indeed done exactly as you promised!
They were indeed wet with your juices when you folded them and sealed them for shipping! I am so turned on by your efforts to satisfy me in this way. I hold the crotch flat in my open palm and press the fabric to my nose. Inhaling with my eyes closed, I can imagine your pussy being right here! Stroking again, I lightly lick the crotch with my eyes closed….licking once, twice, three times….oh yesssssss, I can actually taste your pussy now!!! The stiff area in the fabric softens from the moisture on my tongue….the wetter it gets, the more profoundly I can taste your incredible pussy!
Eyes closed, imaging that I’m actually licking the pussy I can taste, I continue stroking. The scent and taste of your hot pussy, eyes closed, stroking my cock like it’s your mouth instead of my hand…..I begin to feel a warm, tingling sensation in my balls…the tingling slowly begins to turn into a comfortable burning sensation…..mmmmmmmm, now I can feel my balls boiling with sexual frenzy….I can feel my cum ready to erupt…..MMMMMMMMM, I cum so hard it makes my spine shiver….The first couple of droplets fly up and hit me in my eye….my cock continues to pump cum as it flows over my hand….I stroke slowly….milking every drop for you…..stroking slowly til my balls are drained.
Having temporarily satisfied my most urgent needs for the moment, I take my underwear, and carefully wipe the cum from my hand….then saturate my underwear with every drop of cum from my cock. To be sure I’m thorough, I stand and clean the cum that has oozed down my balls. I lovingly fold the cum-soaked underwear, place it in a fresh baggie, and immediately seal it. I address a new envelope to your return address, and anxiously await opportunity to get it in the mail for you tomorrow.
While anticipation builds waiting to read what you do with your package in a few days, I think I’ll go shopping for a pair of digital cameras. I’ll send you one from the pair so we can take pictures for each other and mail the memory cards back and forth. Fuck, I can’t wait til this summer when we get to see each other again! My cock is getting hard again, I’m reaching for your aromatic lavender lace panties again…
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