Blaire Bitch Project
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I have a story to tell that is strange but true. It happened a couple of years ago, but the mystery still remains.
At the time, I was attending a small private college in the Northeast. I met the most fantastic girl in the first week of my junior year. She was tall and slim with dancing blue eyes. She had shoulder length blonde hair, long beautiful legs, and a great figure. Her name was Blaire.
I too am blonde and blue eyed, with what one might call a swimmer’s body. I am tall with broad shoulder’s that taper to a slim waist. My name is Greg.
We met at a little welcome back cook out on the Quad. The attraction was instantaneous and mutual. We spent the entire evening together walking around campus, laughing and getting to know one another. The conversation was effortless and we both had a great time.
Our relationship blossomed as we began to see each other every day. Some days we saw each other for only a short time due to classes and studying, but Saturday night was our night. We sometimes went to movies or parties, but most of the time we just stayed in. We would cook together, eat, talk, and after the second date, make out. It was a magical time kissing, hugging and exploring each other’s bodies.
On the Saturday night before Christmas break, we made love for the first time. I was so excited, I didn’t last very long. I knew Blaire didn’t have an orgasm, but I told her I would be ready to go again in just a short time. She said she was totally satisfied, because it was the closeness that mattered most. I thought that was so sweet and unselfish.
We didn’t see each other at all over the holidays. However, we talked on the phone and sent e-mail every day. Our conversations were full of references to our lovemaking, so by the time break was over I was ready for action. We both returned to campus on Sunday, and I couldn’t wait to get together with Blaire. We hugged and kissed passionately, but Blaire said she had to get ready for her new classes, so we’d have to wait until the next Saturday to do anything. I couldn’t believe it, I was so horny I thought I’d lose my mind. Not wanting to be a jerk, I told her I understood.
Needless to say by that Saturday, I was so excited that again I finished very quickly and Blaire again didn’t have an orgasm. I suggested we do other things or go again, but she declined.
This pattern went on for several weeks. She was loving and attentive during the week, but reserved sex for the weekend. And, the sex was on hour or so of hugging, kissing and disrobing, followed by a quick missionary coupling.
I finally told her that she was driving me crazy and that I would like to try some other stuff. I told her I wanted to go down on her, but she said that was gross. I convinced her that it was a loving, intimate act that we would both enjoy. She finally agreed under one condition, that I stop the minute she said. I started by slowly licking down her chest, stopping to lick her breasts and suck her pert, pink nipples. I then made my way down her stomach, nuzzling the soft skin above her golden triangle of hair. Then my tongue reached the lovely folds of Blaire’s pussy and she stiffened. I told her to relax, that I really loved being down there. After a few short minutes, she opened up and I tasted her sweetness. I then concentrated my attention on her clitoris, which was beginning to swell and reveal itself to me.
I think that was too much for Blaire, because she yelled, ” Now,” and pulled me up and told me to enter her. I did as she said and after a few short strokes we both came together. It was incredibly intense, but once again I wanted more.
This new pattern of cunnilingus until Blaire was about to cum followed by my short missionary burst, now became the norm. She was very content with our mutual orgasm and didn’t understand my complaints. I tried to explain that I needed more than just a few minutes of intercourse after waiting an entire week. I asked if we could go again when I was ready, but Blaire said she was too sensitive down there and just wanted to cuddle.
It was getting close to the end of the term and I decided to take a stand. I asked Blaire to return my oral favors. She said she couldn’t possibly, so I entered her without licking her first. She didn’t cum that day and I think she got the message.
Our last Saturday before leaving for the summer, Blaire brought out soap and a wash cloth and gently cleaned my penis. She then licked the shaft up and down a few times, kissed the head quickly, then laid back and spread her legs. Although it was very short it felt fantastic. I figured it was a start, so I returned the favor and entered her on command.
We saw each other only once during the summer, since we both had internships in different cities. I met her at her parents house Fourth of July weekend and only got a quickie one evening when her parents went out for a walk.
I had a great deal of time to think about our relationship over the summer. She was so loving and beautiful, but I had to admit I was becoming more and more frustrated. adana escort When I tried to express my frustration, Blaire put me off and made me feel like a pervert for wanting more.
When we got back to school for our senior year, Blaire was very excited to see me and we made our now ritualistic love on Thursday night instead of waiting for Saturday. I took this as a good sign, but I was wrong. We fell back into the same pattern. Because of our sexual incompatibility, we began to fight over the least little thing. At this point I decided to end things.
Now, here is where the mystery comes into play. I wanted a momento of our time together, namely a naked picture. I know what your thinking, Blaire was right about me being a pervert. I just had never seen a body as perfect as hers and I wanted a photo for when my memory faded.
Since I knew Blaire wouldn’t pose naked, I concocted an elaborate plan, involving my roommate Eric. I invited Blaire to take a walk in the woods the Saturday before Halloween, so we could take pictures of the fall colors with my new digital camera. I bought Eric a hooded Scream mask, some duct tape, and a realistic looking plastic switchblade. I told him where we were going and I told him to surprise us, push me down, and duct tape my wrists loosely. He was then to take out the switchblade, force Blaire to get naked, pick up the camera and take a few shots. I would then free myself, run Eric off, and meet up with him later to retrieve the camera. I would then have some lovely naked pictures of Blaire in a beautiful outdoor setting.
The Saturday in question was fantastic for taking pictures. We had a cloudless sky with temperatures in the mid-seventies. Blaire was in a great mood, as we set off on the path through the woods. We were both wearing just polo shirts and shorts, since it was such a warm day.
We were having such a great time talking and laughing, that I soon regretted my plan. I figured when Eric showed up I would pull his mask off and abort the mission. After walking about a mile or so and snapping a handful of pictures, Blaire suggested we leave the path. That was strange, since that was part of my plan. We walked almost another mile to secluded grassy area surrounded by dense colorful trees. It was a spot I took Blaire to last spring for a picnic. It was also the spot, strangely enough, where I told Eric to make his move.
I was taking a few pictures of Blaire against the beautiful backdrop, when I heard a rustling of leaves. Next thing I knew, I went sprawling and the camera flew out of my hands. I expected Eric to grab me and duct tape my wrists. But, the person in the Scream mask pulled Blaire’s hands behind a small tree and duct taped her wrists together.
I soon realized it was not Eric. The person who taped Blaire was very small with smooth, tan legs. It was a woman. She looked in my direction pulled out a switchblade and said, ” Take off your clothes stud.”
I said, ” Fuck off, I’m not taking my clothes off.”
She then put the knife to Blaire’s throat and said, ” Take all your clothes off right now, or the girl gets it and I’ll see you get framed for it.”
I said, ” That’s not a real knife.”
She said, ” Oh yeah,” and then reached down and cut a button off Blaire’s shirt.
At this point I wasn’t sure of anything, so I said, ” All right…all right…calm down, I’ll do whatever you say.” I figured Eric would be along any minute to help me out.
I then slowly pulled my shirt over my head. I undid my shorts and let them fall to the ground. As I stood there in my boxers, the masked woman said, ” Take it all off stud. Hurry up.”
When I was completely naked, she said, ” throw your clothes over to me.”
I did as I was told. Then the masked woman picked up the camera and proceeded to snap some pictures of me in all my glory. At this point I glanced over at Blaire and she seemed very cool and collected. I thought that was very strange, under the circumstances.
After taking the pictures, the masked woman threw the duct tape to me and said, ” Tape your ankles together.”
I said, ” What for?”
She said, ” Just do it.”
So I bent down and taped my ankles. With that she approached me and said, ” Put your hands behind your back.”
I again complied and she taped my wrists tightly. She then knelt in front of me and grabbed my cock. She said, ” If you try anything now, I’ll cut this thing right off.”
She then proceeded to stroke my cock as she said, ” I want to see just how big and hard this thing can get.”
All of a sudden Blaire piped up and said, ” Mary, that’s enough.” Mary is Blaire’s roommate and Eric’s girlfriend. I figured Eric told Mary about my plan, Mary told Blaire, and now the joke was on me.
The chick laughed a diabolical little laugh and said, ” I’m not Mary.” She continued to stroke my cock until it was good and huge. She then grabbed the camera and took more shots.
Just then there was another rustling in the woods and a guy in a Scream eskişehir escort mask came into the clearing. I said, ” Thank God, Eric, get us away from this psycho bitch. But be careful she’s got a real knife.”
He said, ” I’m not Eric. I saw what was going on and I decided to join the party.”
He nodded to the woman with the knife and said, ” Nice mask, can I play too.”
She said, ” No problem, be my guest.” and handed the guy the switchblade. Now I was starting to get worried, I didn’t know who these two were or what they had in mind.
The guy approached Blaire and started to unbutton her shorts. I said, ” Cut it out buddy…Don’t you dare.”
He flashed the knife and said, ” Shut up or your girlfriend here gets it.”
He then lowered her shorts, as Blaire pleaded, ” Please don’t…Let us go.”
The masked guy ignored her and proceeded to pull Blaire’s panties down to her ankles. He then made her step out of them. I hate to say it, but I was totally turned on at this point. Blaire was bound to the tree and standing there with only her top and tennis shoes on. It was a very sexy sight as the sun glinted off her golden pubic hair. Then the guy took the knife and cut Blaire’s shirt open and she began to cry. Again I shouted, ” Stop it right now… that’s enough.”
He turned to me and said, ” I’ll tell you when it’s enough.. Got that.”
When Blaire’s shirt was completely cut, he proceeded to cut the shoulder straps of her sheer beige bra and it fell to the ground. He then ran the flat edge of the knife over her nipples. She let out a little scream and jumped. Her nipples responded to the cold steel and became hard. The guy said, ” Those are real nice.”
The masked guy backed away and the masked woman took pictures of Blaire’s naked body. He then went over and lowered Blaire to a seated position next to the tree. I was concerned about what might happen next, but I was also rock hard from what I was seeing. The guy nodded to his cohort and she grabbed me and led me to where Blaire was seated.
She said, ” We want to see you suck your boyfriend off.”
Blaire said, ” I don’t do that.”
The masked chick flashed the knife and said, ” Well today will be a first then.”
With that she grabbed my hard cock and fed it to Blaire. She looked at me and said, ” This is your lucky day stud, fuck that sweet mouth for us.” I had wanted to be inside Blaire’s mouth for the longest time and I selfishly figured if these psychos were going to kill us, I might as well go out a happy man.
I began to rock my hips back and forth ever so gently, being careful not to gag Blaire. I told her, ” I’m sorry to do this, but I think we should do what they say.” She looked up at me and nodded. I could tell Blaire wasn’t too happy, but her mouth felt incredible wrapped around my throbbing cock. It was so warm and soft as I continued to move myself in and out. She was softly sobbing and whimpering, which was strangely sexy. It didn’t take long before I could feel my orgasm build. I knew Blaire would not want me cumming in her mouth, but I knew I couldn’t move very far being bound as I was. All the while, I could hear our captors taking pictures.
Then it happened, my cock started to spasm and I pulled out just in time to cover Blaire’s face with my cum. She squealed and turned away the best she could, but I released so much it was all over her hair and face. The masked woman came running over and said, ” No we want to see her suck every last drop.”
With that she guided my cock back into Blaire’s mouth and told her, ” Suck it honey, Suck it hard.” And to my surprise, Blaire did just that. I don’t know whether she was scared or enjoying herself, but it was wonderful. My cockhead was incredibly sensitive and Blaire sucked and sucked until I thought I would go crazy.
Then the masked woman took my cock out, pushed me to my knees and said, ” Lick your cum off your sweetie’s face and let your her eat it off your tongue.” Again I did as I was told and Blaire hungrily and passionately kissed me until all the cum was transferred. I couldn’t believe what was happening.
Blaire then whispered, ” I was going to have Mary play a joke on you, but I don’t know who these people are, I’m scared.”
I said, ” I don’t know who they are either, but I think as long as we do what they say, they won’t hurt us.”
Then the guy in the mask said,” Now it’s my turn.”
This worried me as he came over and pushed me to the ground. He then cut the tape from my wrists and rolled me over on my back. He said,” Don’t move,” as he went over to Blaire with the knife.
I asked,” What are you gonna do?”
He said, “You’ll see.”
He then cut Blaire loose from the tree, led her over to where I was on the ground and had her straddle my face. He had her lean back and put her hands on my hip bones. He then said, ” Okay stud let’s see what you can do with that tongue of yours.”
I was more than happy to oblige, and slowly ran my tongue up and down sakarya escort Blaire’s steamy slit. She was wetter than ever as I drove my tongue into her hot pussy. I was incredibly turned on by this, even though we were at the mercy of who knows what. I began to furiously wag my tongue over Blaire’s clit as she began to writhe on my face. She let out soft little moans as I heard the camera go off once more.
” That’s it baby cum all over his face,” the masked man said.
And she did. I almost drowned as Blaire’s pussy began to gush. She was bucking hard and screaming, “Yes, yes, yes…..ooooh yes.”
After her pussy stopped contracting, she came forward, collapsed on top of me and whispered, ” That was incredible, I wish I had let you do that to me before.”
The masked woman then said, ” Hey baby you really know how to turn your man on.”
I looked down and I was huge. Blaire’s screams and total orgasm had gotten me rock hard. At this point the masked guy came over, retaped my wrists in front of me and pulled Blaire to her feet. He grabbed her, bent her forward and taped her arms to the tree. She said, ” No more, just let us go.”
He replied, ” We haven’t seen any fuckin’ yet.” With that he had Blaire arch her back as he took pictures of her beautiful ass and dripping wet pussy. I had never seen Blaire in such a position. All I could do was stare at how great she looked bent over with the sun gleaming off her great backside.
Then the masked woman came over to me and cut may ankles loose. The guy said, ” Hey what are you doin’?”
The woman said, ” Don’t worry he’s not goin’ anywhere,” as she reached out and shook my erect penis.
I smiled and whispered, ” You got that right.”
Then she helped me to my feet, led me over to Blaire, and guided my cock into her sopping wet pussy.
” Ahh…Yeah,” I said, as I buried myself deep into her silken hole.
Blaire said, ” Mmmmm yes…your cock feels so big.”
Then I started to stroke it into her, slow at first, then faster and faster. I was really able to get a rhythm going. I had never been inside her for more than a few minutes and this felt wonderful. I heard the camera again, but all I could think about was fucking Blaire to within an inch of her life. I kept pounding into her as I watched her ass cheeks bounce against me. I knew that Blaire was enjoying herself too, because she kept moaning,” Ooh yeah Greg..just like that…just like that.”
After what seemed like the longest time, I could feel myself reaching the point of no return. My cock was getting bigger and harder than it had ever been. Then Blaire’s pussy began to contract and she let out a wail, ” Oooooooooohhhhhhhh yeah….Aaaaaaaaaahhh…Oh my God, Oh my God,… Oh … Oh…”
And then I exploded. My cock started to spasm sending torrents of cum into Blaire’s pussy. I yelled, ” Aaaaaah yes… yes… yes, take it all.”
I kept cumming in wave after wave as I felt Blaire’s pussy milking the cum right out of me. It was incredible. She was incredible. I stayed inside her for as long as I could. I didn’t want the feeling to end.
When my cock finally slipped out, I looked around and our captors were gone. Not only were they gone, but my camera was there on the ground. I said, ” Blaire, look they’re gone. It’s all right.”
She turned her head and said, ” Where did they go?”
I said, ” I don’t know.” I then went around, bent down and freed Blaire from the tree with my teeth. She grabbed me around the neck and began to kiss me.
“Oh Greg, were safe, were safe. Aren’t we?”, she asked
I said, “Yeah they’re gone. Now let’s get out of here.” Blaire untaped me, grabbed me and held me so tight. We were both shaking from fear, anxiety, and sexual exhaustion.
She said, ” Greg I didn’t know it could be like that. I was so scared, but my body kept responding and it all felt so wonderful.” We passionately kissed and held each other close. Then we gathered up our clothes and got dressed. I gave Blaire my shirt and draped hers over my shoulders, since it was beginning to cool down.
She said, ” Who were they and why did they leave the camera?”
I said, ” I have no idea, but I can’t wait to see the pictures.”
To my surprise, Blaire excitedly said, ” Me too.” With that, I tried to scroll threw the preview window, but the batteries were dead. We were both disappointed, as we made our way back through the woods on wobbly legs.
As we walked Blaire asked me, ” Why did you think that guy was Eric?”
Afraid to tell the truth, I said,” Because I know he has a mask like that and I told him where we were going. I thought he came to scare us.”
Then I asked her, ” Why did you want Mary to take naked pictures of me?”
And she replied, ” Your always posing and showing off your body, I thought it would be funny.”
Went we got back to campus, we took a long, hot shower together. It was wonderful. We also found some batteries and transferred the pictures our masked couple took from the camera to the computer. They were incredibly sexy. We both loved them.
After that we tracked down our respective roommates and grilled them about where they were all afternoon. They both had airtight alibis. They had taken a bus trip to our school’s football game, which was in a neighboring town. They had plenty of witnesses and sunburn faces as proof.
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