Grampa’s Last Hurrah Pt. 02
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This is set in the UK in the 1970s, so attitudes are very different. There is no social media, mobile phones, or internet. It was also easier in many ways to disappear and leave your past behind. It is a different POV but overlaps the second chapter of Losing Inhibitions, which is in Loving Wives.
James played tennis with his sisters on Grampa’s tennis court on Wednesday morning. They’d improved a lot from last year. He was finding it hard to judge how well he had to play to be seen as taking them seriously and not so well as to discourage them. This was another problem of them moving from girls to potential adults. Hell, in a few years, they would have to take it easy with him, or he’d have to play as Mother did nowadays and rely on positioning rather than strength. Mother had perfected a light drop shot, which just got over the net and hardly bounced.
At around 11, Mother and his aunt Juliette arrived back from the latest shopping expedition and emerged from the car with more bags of clothes. The twins ran towards the two women. It was interesting to him that seeing their new aunt Juliette in the polka dot dress on Monday night had changed their opinion of the woman who was only five years older than them. They liked her on first meeting, but she was now becoming a glamourous older sister. They had already moved from talking about Aunt Juliette to just Juliette. He hoped that it would have the same effect on Uncle Bernard.
Grampa had shown him the photographs he had taken on Monday night. It was a little unnerving to realise how attractive he found his new aunt now Mother had started taking her in hand. The next step would be the hairdresser, and he understood an appointment had been arranged for Friday morning so that when Uncle Bernard reappeared on Friday evening, he would be meeting a transformed wife.
He hoped Uncle Bernard would appreciate Mother’s efforts. He had known boys at school who had reminded him of Uncle Bernard, and they fundamentally believed that sex was dirty and hated the fact that their bodies betrayed them at the slightest provocation. It was a difficult line to tread between making Juliette attractive to Uncle Bernard and making him think that she was a scarlet woman like Aunt Cora. He decided that he would have a word with Mother. For understandable reasons, the men who knew Mother rather liked women. She may be an expert on Uncle Bernard as a young man, but most men she knew were more like Grampa.
Mother packed him and the twins off to see the variety show at the end of the pier while she, Grampa and Juliette had a new photographic session. During the interval, he discovered that Mother had also commandeered the twins. Naomi said, “Mother says that Juliette did not have enough hugs when growing up.”
That sounded like something Mother would say, and he replied, “She’s probably right.” Maybe she was. Juliette had lost her parents at twelve, and Grampa had noted that the aunt who had looked after her was a good rather than a demonstrative person. Certainly, Juliette hadn’t hugged the bridesmaids at the wedding, and for a bride and bridegroom, she and Bernard had barely touched each other during the wedding reception. Looked at each other, yes.
Naomi continued, “Mother’s bought her a new swimming suit, and as we have sunny weather coming, she wants her to get a suntan.”
“That’ll go well with the new clothes.”
“She’s made us promise not to snigger when you put the suntan lotion on Juliette tomorrow.”
“Mother says she needs to get used to being touched without flinching or becoming embarrassed.”
Just then, the bell sounded for the second half, and they moved back into the auditorium.
“Thanks for the warning.”
“No problem.
Oh, well played, Mother (and Naomi on her timing). He couldn’t tell the twins why he was not happy about the proposal, and when he thought about it, he realised that Mother was probably right in theory. After all, Juliette needed to get used to being touched by a man. Uncle Bernard would not be relaxed about touching her, and James could be trusted not to take advantage of her. Getting someone outside the family to touch her up would be risky and better for him than Grampa to do the honours within the family.
He hadn’t been expecting to spend his holiday helping Uncle Bernard’s sex life, let alone acting as Grampa’s proxy with the waitress, Samantha. Her willingness on Monday to get his dick out had excited Grampa, who was no doubt looking for any opportunity to add a new photograph to the Albums.
James wasn’t certain what to make about Samantha. He liked the woman and realised she was more intelligent than most women he had flings with. Mother had tried to persuade him that the girl could look after herself and had known many Samanthas when she had been in the ATS and the Colonel’s wife in the regiment. Her message was that provided he was honest about this being a summertime fling and treated the girl with respect, then he would do her no harm. Well, Sahabet also use a Durex, but that rather went without saying. It was just rather hard to work out how to try and give Grampa a chance to enjoy her favours and treat her with respect simultaneously.
His problem was that he felt guilty about thinking about her as someone who would be a fun experience and no more. Bluntly, the girl had a brain and was underselling herself. While it suited him for the relationship to be a pragmatic, short-term, fun one, he felt he was exploiting her.
Mother had bought some more clothes to give Samantha. These included lingerie and an outfit which mirrored one of those which Grampa had photographed Samantha’s mother wearing 19 years ago. It had become clear that Diane Fraser had been one of Grampa’s most enthusiastic and flexible models. He and Mother both suspected that the ten photographs Grampa had shown them were the tip of the iceberg.
He and Mother had also discussed the next book to give her. Mother had dug out a copy of a Nancy Mitford book, The Pursuit of Love. She said that it was amusing and that there was a good chance Samantha would never have heard of it. She gave him a quick synopsis of it, and he realised he would need to read it himself. While it was one thing to admit that he had taken Grampa’s advice on her measurements for the clothes, acknowledging that his mother had chosen the books and the clothes did not seem a good idea if he wanted to go as far with Samantha as he and Grampa hoped to.
He had read the Muriel Spark book and realised that if Samantha was two-thirds as intelligent as he thought she might be, Mother had risked him being left up shit creek with no paddle. Luckily, it was a short book, and he was a speed reader. He had reread the book a little more slowly and interrogated Mother about what people thought about it. In particular, he asked her what the response might be to someone who might identify with the most sexually active character.
On Thursday morning, he put on his swimming trunks under his trousers when they went down to the seaside. They were amongst the first people on the beach. The tide was coming in, so Mother placed them a fair bit away from the sea. She’d also insisted that they bring the windbreaks with them, and they protected the family group on three sides. He was puzzled as normally mother enjoyed the male view.
Mother did not go swimming, so she was in her usual shorts, bikini top, and sunglasses. There had also been a blouse, but that was taken off when they sat on the towels. The twins were in their one-pieces. Both had had a growing spurt this year, and most of their clothes were new. Juliet had also put her swimming costume on before she left the house.
Mother had done good work again. It was a mostly backless one-piece. Still, Juliette couldn’t see the amount of skin shown, and besides this, the back was not seen as too outrageous a piece of skin to display. It had a halter top behind her neck and another strap across her back. He hoped for Juliette’s sake that the knot at the top of the suit was good.
Mother sent Juliette and the twins down to the sea, but before doing so said to James. “Time for you to be useful. Could you rub in the suntan lotion for me on my back and legs?”
Mother usually took care of her legs herself and got one of the twins to deal with her back. Still, although initially surprised, he quickly worked out what she was up to. If Juliette saw that his mother was okay with James rubbing in suntan lotion for her, she would be happier about him doing the honours for her.
As he attended to Mother, she said, “You’re OK about doing this for Juliette as well?”
“Of course. I would have objected if you had suggested it, but getting Naomi to tell me gave me time to think things through. I think you’re probably right about her not being hugged enough.”
“Of course I am. Besides which, even if I wasn’t, it helped with the twins liking her. She’s also very tense. Can you massage her as well as rub the suntan lotion in?”
“This is for her and your uncle’s good. She’s far too wound up and almost as worried about having children as Bernard. It’ll also please your Grampa if he can see her relaxing.”
“I spoke to your Grampa this morning. After the first hour of the photo shoot, he will show the waitress some of the cheesecake photographs he took of her mother. You will be expected to be discrete and leave her and him alone.”
“Why? You clearly agree.”
“It’ll allow her to ask questions about her mother and for him to hint at the price he expects her to pay to answer them fully. He knows more than she can reasonably hope that he knows.”
Mother had her sunglasses on so he could not see her eyes. There was something in her tone which made him laugh. Grampa would have another objective.
“No doubt it will allow him to test the waters.”
“Don’t worry. He won’t go for everything at once. If you are feeling guilty, then remember Grampa has always believed Sahabet Giriş in giving value for value. He’s a businessman, not a conman.”
“And what do you think she is looking for?”
“She wants to understand why her parents are who they are. I hope she is happy with the answer.”
He looked at her and was taken aback. “That sounds rather heartfelt.”
She laughed, “Tout comprendre, tout pardonner.”
“Understand all, forgive all?”
“I knew some of your O-level education stuck. I’ve told you more of the truth than Mark knows. I think you are the better for it.”
“Are you trying to tell me some more truths now?”
“Don’t think I’m perfect. I did my best to do no harm, but I always looked after myself, you, and the girls.”
“Not Mark?”
“I tried to do my best for him, but your father insisted on being primarily responsible for Mark’s upbringing.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“You’re far too nice for your own good, and I’m worried that you are comparing the women you meet to an idealised version of me.”
“I’ll think about what you said and implied.”
She smiled at him and said, “Honestly, the girl will be happiest if you enjoy yourself with her and talk to her intelligently. If she decides to please Grampa, that will be her call.”
After he’d finished with the lotion, they sat next to each other until she said, “Go and ask the twins if they want an ice cream. Your Aunt Juliette will decline as she was brought up not to spoil her appetite. I’ll have what they are having. You aren’t to have one either.”
Mother was right about Juliette, and soon, the women in his family were happily licking their ice creams. Mother turned to Juliette and said, “We will get you a backless evening dress soon for the social occasions you will need to attend with Bernard. You need to get your back tanned the same way as the rest of you to get it to work properly. We must also protect you from sunburn.”
Soon, Juliette was lying on her front, and Mother said, “James, will you help your aunt with the suntan lotion? You did well with mine, and Juliette isn’t used to the sun.”
That was obviously true. The twins had been playing sports in shorts or short skirts for the summer term and were well-bronzed already. Juliette’s normal clothes covered her entire body apart from her face. She was rather pasty around the legs and back.
It was amusing watching Juliette’s face as she hesitated between the conflicting embarrassments about letting him touch her body and objecting to the idea. He guessed that Mother’s preparations had paid off. After all, he was the only one in the group without an ice cream in his hand who was in a position to rub the lotion in and had already helped Mother. Also, both his mother and sisters were there, and she wouldn’t want to be rude to him and Mother in front of them.
He started off on her arms and eased her into things. He felt her relax before moving onto her shoulders and neck. Mother explained that when you usually wore blouses and high dresses, it was far too easy to burn the shoulders and neck if you were out in the sun.
He didn’t like to comment, but her shoulders felt unbelievably tense. He sensed it wasn’t primarily to do with him touching her. She must spend all her time like that and treat it as normal.
He then moved on to her back and looked across at Mother. She took the hint and said, “Juliet, allow James to undo the strap across your back. You don’t want a white line across your back. It’s important that you tan evenly, and you want you to look your best when Bernard takes you to the Chamber of Commerce dinner dances.”
He worked the lotion in and massaged her back as well. The fact that she was so tense and in need of a massage somehow made it easier for him to concentrate on her well-being and forget that he was kneading the body of an attractive young woman. He felt the stress disappearing from her.
Mother had started telling stories of her childhood and adolescence and playing on the beach and going to shows and the funfair with her parents and grandparents. She also confirmed the details of the tennis afternoon on Saturday. Her friend’s daughter-in-law had a younger brother staying with them and would also be coming on Saturday.
He had now moved on to Juliette’s legs. He started on the feet and lower legs. He wanted to avoid her feeling uncomfortable, and working his way up was the way to go. He was also listening to Mother and his sisters’ questions and forgot it was his young aunt he was rubbing lotion into and massaging.
He wondered if that had been what Mother intended as he realised that Juliette was responding to the touch of his hands on her upper thighs. She was moving her legs apart, and if he had wanted to take liberties, he would have been in an excellent position to do so.
He hesitated, and Mother said, “James, you don’t want to leave the job half done. We don’t want Juliette getting burned.”
He obeyed. Mother winked at him and then distracted Sahabet Güncel Giriş the twins by talking to them about the next term. They were moving schools to Cheltenham Ladies College, which Mother had also attended. It had a reputation for being an academic hothouse, and Mother wanted them to have the option of a career as well as making a good marriage. He and Grampa would be helping out with the fees. Mother was saving up for a dowry or house deposit for them.
It was just as well that the twins were not listening, as Juliette was purring like a cat, and the gap between her legs was widening. He was also turned on by this and was getting an erection. He imagined Juliette with her bathing costume off and him screwing her from behind. He had done this with previous girlfriends. He would start gently and then plunge deeper as his partner got more excited. His last long-term girlfriend had played with her breasts and her clitoris while he had thrust. He told himself to stop thinking about this before he got too excited.
Mother then told Juliette, “Turn over.”
Mother said, “You must be careful about your front as well, dear. I’ll deal with your chest while James finishes off your legs.
The twins were now discussing what they wanted to do at school and where they should go to university. He and Mother had at least ensured they asked where and not whether. Admittedly, the war would have got in the way for Mother, but it was clear that she regretted not having had the choice. Her mother and grandmothers had been against the idea and were very reluctant to allow her to stay on to the sixth form. Grampa had insisted on her staying on until eighteen, and Uncle Bernard had supported her.
He was glad Mother insisted on dealing with Juliette’s cleavage and the front of her neck. At least he was until Juliette parted her legs and raised her knees as he attended to her thighs. Her moaning got louder, and it was now clear to him that she was being turned on. Mother had positioned herself so the twins could not see Juliette’s face, and the windscreens meant the rest of the beach could not see them easily. Still, this was a little too public for him.
As it was, he was struggling to avoid getting too close to Juliette, and he was failing miserably at not imagining his torso being between her raised knees and thighs. He hoped Uncle Bernard would appreciate the work he and Mother were putting in.
Finally, his mother said, “James, take your sisters swimming.”
He nearly swore at his mother. He agreed with the need to stop, but he had a huge erection, which he had no desire to advertise. He took off his trousers as discretely as he could manage and then, with an inspiration born of desperation, told his sisters to race him to the sea and gave them a five-yard head start on him. Shrieking enthusiastically, they ran off as fast as they could, and he followed them down, hoping no one would notice him (or if they did, would not comment). To his huge relief, the tide had come in quite a bit, and his sisters were in the mood for swimming, not paddling. Soon, all three were waist-deep, and the water was cold enough to deal with his problem.
He was going to have to have a word with Mother. He was worried that she might not appreciate how successfully she was overcoming Juliette’s inhibitions. That would have to wait until the afternoon. Soon, he would have to depart for his date with Samantha. He would have lunch with her and then take her to her first photo shoot with Grampa.
He left his mother, Juliette, and the Twins at 11.45. He quickly showered, picked up the gifts for Samantha and was at the meeting place five minutes early. He had warned her that he would take her to an Italian restaurant, and she had dressed smartly. She was pleased to receive the new book and to be told some new clothes were waiting for her in the studio.
The owner had been a POW and had stayed in the UK after the war was over. Grampa had encouraged him to start the restaurant, rented him the premises, and lent some cash for equipment. Grandfather was still the landlord. It was understood that Grampa and the family paid the full price but got exceptional service.
Samantha enjoyed being on the receiving end of service for a change. He was glad to see that she was a sympathetic customer. Still, it wasn’t as though she would have had anything to complain about. The bottle of Chianti they had was excellent. She enjoyed the Spaghetti Bolognese starter she had chosen for herself and the Osso Buco main course he had recommended.
He was glad he had read the book he gave her on Monday. He had asked her about it, and she had said, “I don’t know if this was what she intended or whether she was just a good enough writer to allow the reader to make up their own mind.”
“Go on. I rather agree with you, by the way.”
“The bloke who went to Haiti as a missionary was a plonker as an anarchist and would have been one as a missionary. No wonder he was killed. The fat girl loved him and didn’t realise he was one. Selina going back for the Schiaparelli dress was not pure evil but a logical reaction. She did not prevent anyone else from escaping the bomb blast; none of the deaths happened because she had come back, and the dress would have been destroyed otherwise. Theft, maybe, but pure evil? Nah.”
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