you can fool some peoples, or persons all times, &

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you can fool some peoples, or persons all times, &hello, hey, hi, … hello. hey. hi. how are you all doing being of my social-media family otherwise for this particular search engine being of a pornographic nature, huh?but then nevertheless let me say, &/or state for that being of the record how that that being of the person of I myself am sorry if some of my words were misspelled during that being of the last story post being of which I myself had composed, & then had it printed, or posted, well hopefully not all of my stories were like that, & then whereas you all must excuse, or pardon that being of my English grammatics being as it is of the American dialect if it is not all that it is suppose to be cracked up to be likewise, as well, or all the same however said.anyway though, or regardless that being of the, or a person of I myself would like to say now that I have gotten your, or you all’s attention being of those persons among yourselves being of whosoever of whatsoever race/s, & of whatsoever walk/s of life, faction/s of society, or lifestyle preference/s being of hopefully of the legit as in legal age limit being of both of the two sexual-genders representing the global community within this post-911-era of our new-millennium of this apocalyptic-day-&-age whereas that being of the-doom’s-day-clock is now suppose to be at a couple, or a few minutes to midnight compared on to how at one given moment in time, or another formerly, previously, or prior to then was suppose to be at a quarter to midnight for these rather biblically-prophetic-times, &/or in other words, then for anyone of you all among yourselves being of whom could kaçak iddaa have possibly taken that being of the liberty to try to think of it being of a mind’s intentions to check out that being of this one particular story post as of the present given moment in time, & now that that being of the person of my same self have gotten all of the preliminaries out of the way, so therefore permit me to get into that being of this present one being of a story post to be expressed with that being of a line of thought, &/or within that being of the same sense of the know,, but then some of you all may get offended at this here for what I myself am about to put upon your minds, &/or placed within your hearts, & if so that may be, or could possibly become that being of the case, &/or situation then feel free to go on elsewhere to somebody else’s social-media account for this one particular free app of a website-site-address, & not that I myself am meaning to possibly attempt to hold anyone, or anybody hostage for after all we live within what is supposedly a democratic republic, or democracy, not a dictatorship, & yet I myself am wishing, or hoping to possibly share this here particular present story post with some, or such of anybody, &/or everybody be any of you all believers, or not in a higher power, or The Higher Power being of whom I myself choose to recognize, &/or realize to be God, our Lord, & Savior, The Christ, The Messiah-Deliverer, & though, although, or regardless of how at times I myself can, or could possibly play that being of the part of the-devil’s-advocate as the lesser of two evils being of a prodigal-son, & whereas perabet güvenilir mi the worser of two evils is suppose to be of the likes of the worser, or worcest of unbelievers, or nonbelievers being of some, or of such deceivers who pretend to have become, or pretend to be believers as in namely religious-church-hypocrites being of whom likewise, or as well therefore would be of the worser, or worcest of some, or of such closet-devil-worshippers making up the majority of church-goers of whatsoever religious denominations.we all being of whom are composing, &/or representing that being of persons among ourselves being of the human species not only citywide, statewide, & nationwide, but then equally as well worldwide regardless of whether this generation, or the next generation, or future generations could possibly, or may not be able to travel to near, & distant planets throughout the many different galaxies, &/or solar systems of the universe, exploring strange new worlds, trying to think of it being of a mind’s intentions to try to boldly go where no man has gone before to take a star-trek elsewhere, but then neglect to prepare for what is much more important being of the survival of our inner c***d being of whom gives us some, or such new dreams, &/or visions, & hope that we being among ourselves can, or could possibly be transformed, or evolve into a higher being for that upon a better note, level, or rung of human, &/or spiritual existence, & yet very few of us would think of it being of some, or of such a, or the mind’s intentions to try to go directly to that being of the source of the highest, tipobet & with blind faith so that we can, or could possibly discover with ease compared on to those being of our fellow humans who find it to become, or be so difficult to grasp that being of the concept from the peace of mind be it religious, spiritual, or secular regarding, or in reference to so far as concerning helping others much more often than ourselves, but then neither can we help any others until we can, or could possibly help ourselves to the greatest gift offered on to mankind, or humankind being of the love in the highest degree being of that of the blood sacrifice of our Lord, & Savior, The Christ, The Messiah-Deliverer, i mean whereas we can, or could possibly help ourselves to some, or such others, or to other things but then nevertheless it is usually being gone about of a pursuit that is much less fulfilling, &/or is much more being of some, or of such ulterior motives of selfishness, & in losing that being of our dreams, &/or visions as those being of some, or of such persons of whom were at one time, or another of some, or of such innocent little c***dren who are so willing to not only learn, but then to contribute, &/or participate with others to better that being of a community, or a society then as we get older to become, or be mature adult persons, &/or peoples we then lose ourselves, & become, or be like robots, like wind up toy soldiers that come in boxes, & Christmas, or xmas wrapping paper, experimented with like so many human guinea-pigs, losing our identity, or what defines us as being individuals much rather than instead of going about like robotic machinery of some, or of such business, country, or state, believing more what we are told by the status quo of the ruling elite, we have got to once again learn how to live outside of the box, & get Salvation, & then Deliverance, … …

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