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This short store has no sex, a departure from my usual writing. I post it under incest/taboo because the characters are a grandfather and his granddaughter.


I stare at the blank page upon which I want to write. The distant eastern horizon is casting pink hues foretelling morn’s approach. Hot cup of coffee at my right jars my senses. The trouble with this scene is that it is not bringing me my usual writers joy today.

I am not awake at this hour to start my work. I am awake this hour because my granddaughter is down the hall in the guest bedroom spending a month with me before she goes off to college on the other side of the world. Not seeing her for a year and maybe two made me sad and I knew I would pine and cry a lot over her departure.

Bethany has many friends near my neighborhood and made the best of her visits. I allow her much more freedom than do her parents. I only demand that she stays away from anything illegal. By law, Bethany is legal, 19 years old; yet she still has some of that teenage rebel in her.

My house has an average size private pool and all the privacy fencing that code requires. The pool deck is bleached white concrete that makes a nice tanning spot. I use the pool everyday as does Bethany and the friends she invites. Her friends represent a mix of cultures.

How can I say this without sounding like a dirty old man? Bethany is a typical almost 20-year-old. She is not heavy or fat, yet she shows one too many trips for take-out pizza. Instead of being five feet eleven inches tall and a proportioned weight, she is maybe eight or nine pounds overweight.

Tall for a girl, Bethany has never been want for dates and she is just as likely to date the center of the basketball team as the defensive center of the football team. If she likes you, you ask, she’ll accept a date. She has a couple boys who are her favorite dates; however, she has never had an exclusive.

By now, you’ve figured out I am single. Bethany’s grandmother died a few years ago from cancer. I am 63, just over six feet two inches and have been to the pizza carry out a few times as well. I am not celibate but I’m not overly active either. The next few weeks will be celibate with Bethany here. No need to expose her to the private life of her grand.

“Grand,” Bethany came to the den asking, “can I have a pool party and barbecue this weekend? Just a few people, maybe ten or so.”

“How many more than ten is, ‘or so’,” I asked in reply. “I have to top it at 18 invites.”

“That’s or so enough, Grand.” Bethany hugged me while giving me her thanks.

“The rules won’t change either, Bethany. I don’t care how old someone is, no booze, weed, drugs, you know the rules.”

“You know everyone I’m inviting and they know the rules.”

“Then, Bethany, the party is on.”

Bethany set her sights on Saturday and made calls and issued invitations. “My grand said he would buy burgers and dogs, bring a side or dessert. My Grand’s rules apply so don’t try anything funny.”

Bethany spent the next couple days organizing the yard, patio, pool deck, and pool for her party. She knew that I wouldn’t be a presence although she knew I would be present to make sure the party didn’t get out of control.

The time set for kids to arrive was around 1:00 Saturday afternoon. A couple came early and helped get tables and chairs set up. Bethany set up a buffet line with lots of ice to keep food fresh. There were four coolers full of casino oyna soft drinks and a portable freezer for frozen things like ice cream.

After the setup, I went around checking the pool filter, water heater, and pool safety equipment. “One final inspection. You guys stay safe.”

By the time everything was set up, most the party goers were already here. I knew most of the kids and many called me Grand just as Bethany did. Bethany was careful to introduce new kids and make sure they understood “the rules.”

Shorts and tops began peeling off followed by splashes of water and excited squeals. I was expecting girls in bikinis and guys in tight trunks; to my surprise, most were modest form revealing.

“Bethany, I’ll come out later to start coals for cooking. Come get me if you need anything.” I disappeared through the sliding door making my exit.

Shouts and cries continued for a couple hours. I looked out a couple times and laughed when I saw a bunch having water gun fights. There was some innocent hand holding and kissing between those who were already dating couples but nothing exceeding any boundaries.

I stepped out about 4:00 to start coals for burgers and dogs. Several of the boys and girls ran over to thank me for having the party and having them attend. Bethany’s friends were a rather polite group not expected in the current age.

I stayed in the shadows as the grill got ready and the coals hot. No one seemed to care that I was outside; they all continued enjoying themselves.

The cooking got under way. When most of the meat was on the grill, kids began drying off and putting on shorts and tops. Most had already staked out a table and chair so when I called out “FOOD,” they were in line.

Everyone had plenty to eat and left overs were few. The party continued for a couple more hours of swimming and snacking. By ones and twos folks began leaving. Bethany asked if she could go out for a while with one of the boys, “I’ll be home before 1:00 and clean up everything tomorrow.”

Knowing she would be true to her word, she was off after a quick clothes change. The silence after the afternoon and evening of kids making noise was a welcome change. I wondered what they were all up to.

The clean-up was not going to be a major job; I put away foods that could be saved and trashed the scraps. The remainder could wait as I jumped in the pool for a relaxing swim.

Late in the night Bethany came in. It was about 1:00a.m. as she said. I was barely asleep as is my habit when she is out late. Bethany is trustworthy yet I am a worried granddad when she is staying with me. I heard Bethany in the bathroom getting ready for bed and drifted off to deeper sleep knowing she was back.

I slept in longer than usual in the morning and only began stirring when I heard Bethany outside clearing and putting away tables and chairs. When I looked out the window, Bethany struggled with a table leg that was stubbornly resisting folding.

In giggled as she fought the release tab. Bethany took an awkward tumble as the leg folded into the table; I worried that she hurt herself. My giggles returned as she looked around with embarrassment showing hoping she hadn’t been seen.

Bethany wore a simple beach robe and I presumed a bathing suit under. However, as she recovered, I noted far too much naked skin under the robe. It wasn’t that she was exposing herself or intended to, yet she was exposed.

The sliding back door opened canlı casino and she came in. She padded to her room and I think I heard her mumble something about should have put something on first. A few minutes later she was out again in shorts and a tube top.

I joined her a few minutes later after having a quick shower and making a cup of instant coffee. “Did you have a good date, Bethany?”

“Hi Grand,” she hopped over to me with a hug. “We didn’t do much, saw a late movie and I came home.”

“Want some help putting things away? I heard you outside earlier having trouble with a table or chair.” I didn’t say anything about seeing her.

“I tried to be quiet but one table just was not going to be nice.”

“I was awake, just being lazy not getting up.”

Bethany worked in the yard cleaning and clearing trash. I set about the daily task of servicing the pool. Unfortunately, the glimpse of Bethany seen a few minutes ago was stuck in my mind. Although I hadn’t seen much and hadn’t seen any of her, her charms, I was still excited. I’d guess that under her shorts she wore nothing and the tube top really made her chest a dominant focal point.

What the heck was wrong with me? Yesterday, she wore a two-piece swim suit as did most of the girls. I saw much more then than now, yet here I was obsessing over my granddaughter.

Bethany was busy with the clean-up and I finished the pool maintenance. Seeing what was left to do, I began helping with the last of the party mess. “What movie did you see?” It was a typical question I’d ask anyone, yet I was really interested to hear.

“Oh it was that new release, ‘Burden’. You’ve seen the promos about a girl who carries the burden of being infatuated with a married guy and does everything in her power to woo him. Actually, not that good.”

“Do anything after?”

“It got out about 11:15 and by the time we got to the car, we stopped for ice cream at Ye Olde Malt Shoppe. It closed at midnight so we cruised for a bit and I came home. Nothing exciting.”

I thought back to my days as a teen dating. I knew I would have found something exciting to do and wondered if times had changed that much.

I laughed adding, “I guess times are different now. When I was young a guy and a girl could always find something exciting to do.”

“Grand!” The exclamation in her voice was as much shock as tease. “Exciting things still happen when guys and girls want them too.”

“Sorry, Bethany. Should have kept my thoughts to myself. I am pleased that you keep boundaries. Granddads worry just like moms and dads. Plus, when you leave at the end of the month, I won’t see you for a long time.”

“Yes you will, the internet and Skype. We can do video chat all the time.”

I’m not internet ignorant and use computer assisted communication every day in business. Yet business communication is not the same as having an in person face-to-face talk, you can’t shake hands, offer a cup of coffee, or sit in a lawn chair and chat.

Maybe I was just getting a little melancholy, “It just isn’t the same, Bethany. Sure I can see you over the wire and hear your voice but we can’t enjoy goofy antics or share conversation while cleaning up the yard. Just saying, I’ll miss you.”

Bethany stopped what she was doing and darted toward me. Her arms were out stretched as she made the last stride. Then in an embrace that could crush an elephant, she hugged me and began crying. I wrapped my arms around her kaçak casino and cried with her.

At 19, Bethany was as much woman as girl. At 63, I was as much man as I was going to be. Suddenly, the man took over from the granddad; I hoped she wasn’t aware.

We wiped our eyes and dried our sniffles. But before we broke our embrace, Bethany kissed me. It wasn’t the peck on the lips we usually shared, it was deeper. Then she was off to finish cleaning.

Lunch time approached and I called to Bethany, “We have plenty of leftovers, lets finish up and have some lunch. Any plans for this afternoon?”

She answered that she and a friend planned to do some shopping later after her friends shift at work ended. “That won’t be until after 3:30 though. A hamburger and potato salad would be a nice lunch.”

“Finish up that little bit you’re working on and I’ll call when lunch is ready,” I replied and headed toward the door. A quick glimpse in Bethany’s direction saw her with a smile on her lips and a glow to her looks. I wondered.

Bethany finished her chore sooner than lunch was ready coming in to tell me she would clean up a bit before lunch. “About 20 minutes, okay Grand?”

While I waited for her to clean up a, I wondered why I reacted to her the way I did and wondered more the meaning of her deeper kiss. Her grandmother died a few years ago of an undiagnosed cancer and after grieving for months, I got active again and had a couple lady friends who offered their charms. It wasn’t like I lacked for female touch. The difference was their ages versus a 19-year-old even if the 19-year-old was my own granddaughter.

Bethany came into the kitchen freshly showered with her hair pulled back in a damp ponytail. She wore a simple knit top obvious of a bra underneath. She had on a tan short that matched the tan of her skin, loose and airy. “Let’s eat!”

Lunch was simple and tasty even though leftovers. Even more simple was clean up of paper plates and plastic spoons. Knowing that Bethany was going out with a friend in a couple hours, I went to my home office and completed a study I was working on for a client. I heard the doorbell chime and suspected it was her friend meeting up. Bethany pooped her head in a couple seconds later, “We’re off Grand. I’ll be back around 6:30. Want me to pick up a pizza at the Pizza Counter on the way home?”

“That’ll be fine, have a good time. I’ll see you in a couple hours then.”

With the house now empty and my work project completed enough to take a break, I wandered outside for a swim and some time in the quiet to think about what was on my mind. The swim didn’t do much to cool my head of thoughts and wasn’t enough to cool the feeling in my shorts. I was alone and decided to take matters into my own hands and relieve some tension. I knew what I was doing was wrong because I was thinking about Bethany with each stroke. The tension increased until I heard myself whisper, “Sweet Bethany, here it comes.”

Come it did, a load like none I remembered floating up to the surface of the water swirling around me; I kept stroking and stayed hard. I don’t stay this hard even when taking a little blue pill. After a second load, I began to weaken feeling remorse and regret. The filter would take care of the evidence but there was no way to filter the thought from my mind.

There was no way I would attempt consummating a sexual relationship with Bethany and as the date arrived for her to leave for college, we bid farewell with promises to stay connected online. It would be a long year or maybe two before we could have another pool party.

I watched as her plane roared down the runway and jetted into the wild blue yonder.

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