The Cleaner…That Song Again
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I hate these things, being the oldest son of a prominent university professor at your school has its good and bad. Tonight, would be one of the bad. My father is being honored for his contributions to the university and my sister and I, Mary, along with my mother have to sit at my fathers table for that wonderful family man appearance.
The thought of that last sentence puts a proud smile on my face…
My father is a wonderful man but having to sit there on display like some zoo exhibit for three hours is the part that I hate. I shouldn’t be so pissy at least my life is at a point now where this is a bad moment for me. A couple of months ago I had some marvelously far worse things going on in my life to concern myself with.
I have finally reached the point in my life where my former lover has finally gotten the hint and has disappeared. Gone from my life or at least I haven’t seen or heard from him in weeks. The last night we were together I had chosen to keep him company, because of his wounds that he had suffered.
I would stay with him, stay to care for him, that’s what I said to him…
Later that night I would find myself being awoken by his cock pushing in and out of me. Although some may think that because I hadn’t given my consent, because I was asleep, that this could be some kind of a sexual assault on his part…#metoo
If that was your conclusion from my previous entry to this twisted story of mine you truly don’t understand my relationship with this man. Thomas was my first and even now as I write about him being my “former” lover, I still very much love him.
But try as I may I haven’t been able to remain faithful to him from day one or was it day three?
I digress…
While he was my first man, opening me up to my new lifestyle, yes, he opened me up. I wasn’t able to make the relationship about us, about him. It became about me.
Within days after Thomas had taken my tight, pink little assholes virginity I had foolishly given up my sweet little tight ass to a teammate, weeks later to an old family acquittance, a week later to a fellow athlete on campus and finally to my current interest during a summer event at my university. The entire time I was giving up my sweet little ass; I was professing my love to my first lover every stroke of the way. My handsome badass of a man, Thomas.
I realize now that what I was doing, I had done all those years as a straight guy. I couldn’t stick to one girl for more than a month. Starting from my early teens all the way up to now at my old age of almost 21.
I couldn’t stick to just one and now as a gay man I was doing it again. No matter how much I wanted to or how much I tried, I couldn’t be faithful to the one man that I truly loved, Thomas.
I realize now that I was lying to myself and lying to Thomas the love of my life. See! I did it again…#struggleisreal.
Ty: How long is this dinner???
Me: I should be done by nine, ten at the latest.
Tyrod Williams is the new guy in my life at this moment. Judging by his texts he really wanted to see me tonight and of course I was loving the attention.
Ty: Hit me up when you’re on the way to pick me up. I got us a room for the night so pack a bag baby gurl.
Me: Yes sir
I met Ty on his official visit to our school during my universities big recruiting summer bash. That night is still the most intense night of my life. Ty is what’s known as a basketball phenom or at least that’s what the sports guru’s at ESPN say.
“A big man with the speed and agility of a small guard!” I can almost here them nutting themselves when these sports, crotch sniffers say that.
Listed at 6’11” and a solid 240lbs and in all fairness to Ty, he is all that and then some. Everything about Ty is crazy.
Looking myself over in my full-length mirror I was really appreciating the way I filled out my all blacks. My tux slacks really accented my curvy ass or maybe it was all the time I spend running up and down the pitch. I am also an athlete, a member of the soccer team on a full ride, not that I need it. I’m considered small at 5’6″, long wavy dirty blond hair past my shoulders and yes, a very nice ass or so I’m told.
I made sure to pack something that Ty would appreciate. I have this thing for fem underwear. Bikini cut briefs with lots of lace, short boxer cut mesh briefs, anything that accents my ass and feels good against me. So far this seemed to be something that really drove Ty crazy or at least it did that one night this past summer. Tonight, I was adding something new and I was really nervous about it.
When we arrived at the hall where the ceremony was being held, I smiled and I nodded. Shook hands, made small talk with my fathers’ colleagues. Listened to the older ones tell me about how they remembered me as a boy growing up before there eyes. How I had grown into a fine young man and how much they enjoyed watching me play.
Yadda, yadda, yadda…whatever.
Then my father introduced me to one suadiye escort of the new members to the faculty, a Mr. Duke Chiasson. The name made me give a wry grin as I unknowingly pulled my chin ever so slightly down. “Pleasure to meet you.” He said with this grin of his own, I responded in kind but he noticed my smirk.
“David, I see a few friends that I need to say hello too so Mr. Chiasson I’ll leave you in my sons’ capable hands. Now where is your mother and sister?” With that my father stepped away leaving me to entertain his new colleague.
“My name does that to people,” he exclaimed as he reached out for a drink off of a waiter’s tray as he passed by.
“Excuse me?” He had caught me off guard.
“My name, that look when your father told you my name.” Listening to his comment I couldn’t help but laugh, a soft laugh as he explained himself.
“Yes well, it is quite a…mouthful.” Raising and lowering my eyebrows, smiling, trying not to giggle as I turned away from him.
“Yes.” Hearing his quick response, I turned my attention back to Mr. Chiasson.
“Excuse me?” I asked in a soft voice.
“It is, quite the mouthful.” A wry smile, a tip of the glass as he turned and walked away…
I could feel the precum start to dribble from the tip of my cock. A sly smile of my own and soft giggle escaped me as I looked down at my feet before turning to go to my father’s table.
Yeah, that just happened…I thought to myself
The rest of the night was a blur and I was completely flummoxed the entire night. I sat there and smiled politely at all those seated at my fathers table. Listened to speaker after speaker step up to the podium and finally stood and applauded with great pride as my father was finally recognized and had his moment. I kept going over and over it in my head, as my father spoke.
A score card, if you will, in my head…
I started this adventure months ago falling deeply, madly in love with a soldier that turned out to be a Navy SEAL. I have had multiple partners since that first night. I have a date after this event with someone that I am extremely fond of…and as I turn my head to look across the room, two tables down.
A gentleman in his late 30’s, early 40’s has been staring at me all night. Even now as I look over to him, I can see him wink at me…who am I.
“Ugh… Fuck me!!” I exclaimed out loud to myself as I had finally escaped from that tedious event. I couldn’t take it any more! I released my self from my black tie. Getting in my car and texting Ty that I was on my way to pick him up.
“Holly fuck!” I screamed as I dropped my phone. The loud sounds of someone banging against my passenger’s side window. Looking over in a panic and then my panic turned to pissed off!
“Mother fucker! You scared the shit out of me Ty!!” I didn’t even realize I was screaming as I unlocked the door for him to get into my car. But before I could continue my tirade Ty was in the car with his giant body inside my little Mustang. I didn’t get a chance to say another word because just like that he had leaned over to me and put his mouth on mine.
Those big soft, supple lips just overwhelming mine and his tongue inside my mouth. Then just like that he pulled back. “Yeah I got bored waiting and had someone drop me off here.”
As he explained himself, I was pulling myself out of the sudden shock of this behemoth scaring the fuck out of me and tongue raping my mouth. “What is wrong with you?? I almost pissed myself.”
Ty looked carefully over his right shoulder then his left before leaning in and whispering, “Keep getting kissed like that and people are going to think that you’re a fag.” The look on my face said it all and I was most definitely thinking it, oh you motherfucker…
The drive to the hotel was very spirited to say the least as we went back and forth. Ty was just about to turn 19 and in a little less than a year if he didn’t get hurt, he would become a gazillionaire signing a big NBA contract. For him it was all about what he was going to do with his new wealth and I enjoyed listening to him dream out loud.
Giving me the room key before going in to the hotel I was left there for a brief moment. Waiting, before going in to meet him.
Ty is a gay athlete and some day after he makes a name for himself, in the NBA, he might be able to come out to the real world but probably not. I had come out to my friends and family and when asked I wouldn’t deny my preference. But I had to respect Ty’s privacy and we had to be careful.
Once inside the room with him I couldn’t help but admire him. His take on life was so wonderful. Despite having to live a made-up life to hide who he really is Ty was always smiling, just a big kid in a man’s body. Walking over to him as he sat on the couch, I placed my finger on his lips.
“Shh… don’t you ever shut up?” I whispered, “I have a surprise for you so please be nice.”
I wanted to giggle as the expression on his face yakacık escort went stone cold with curiosity. I kissed him on the cheek, “Be right back and be nice. Oh, and maybe get out of some of those clothes?” I went into the bedroom closing the door behind me knowing that he was probably ripping his clothes off.
I love being with a man. I love being with big strong men that overwhelm me and when I’m with these types of men I lose myself. As I started to undress my mind drifted to Thomas and that first night with him. How he taught me to relax as he slid his massive cock inside of me. I remembered how much it hurt but then how it eventually turned to pleasure.
As I folded my clothes, I started putting on my black lace bikini cut briefs. I love how they feel on my smooth body, how the cut accentuates the shape of my ass, making my legs seem longer than they actually are. I love how the black color contrasts with my slightly tan skin. Now for the new items, the big moment…
I carefully started sliding on my black thigh-high stockings. I was very nervous and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach like right before a big match. Still I did love how they felt on me and as I looked at myself in the mirror, I have to confess I looked good. Still I couldn’t help but worry. What if this was too much?
I know Ty isn’t into girls and no matter how good I felt or how good I looked I was scared at that moment. What if this was to gurly for him? I don’t want to be a girl, not that there’s anything wrong with guys that want to be girls…#gogurls
I love being a guy but I can’t help how I feel or what I like…I like this.
The final touch was a black silk robe that was cut just long enough to barely cover my nice firm round ass. As I walked back into the main room, I was so glad that Ty had turned off the majority of the lights, except for the lamp on the end table.
“Damn baby, wow…” That’s all he said.
Making my way to him I knew that I was blushing and thankfully, my man panties were hiding the wet spot over my crotch because I was really drooling precum now. Ty had taken off his clothes himself and was sitting there completely naked. He was a sight to behold.
His dark skin was almost glistening with the soft lighting from the one lamp in the room. As he slowly parted his feet, his knees, it revealed what can only be described as freakish. Ty’s cock was breathtakingly beautiful. Long and thick with a large mushroom, deep purple color head. From the glistening of the tip I could tell that he was drooling himself.
I slowly opened my robe as I made myself between his legs and I slowly lowered myself to my knees in front of him. This massive young man with his dark, almost purple skin sitting in front of me, I was overwhelmed. I placed my hands on his thighs and slowly started sliding them up and back. Gently, slowly before finally raising up on my knees and allowing my hand to take hold of this thing between his legs.
I could hear him release a small gasp but looking up at him, his eyes were on me the entire time. I slowly started to pump his cock holding it as if I was holding the fat end of a baseball bat. My hand unable to close around it. I lowered my head until my mouth was slobbering all over the head of his cock. Running my tongue over his precum and licking that big hole on the tip of his cock, slathering my tongue over it.
Finally, I slid that thing in my mouth. I loved sucking his cock and this would be the third time for me to suck it and unlike the other times I knew what to expect and in no time my mouth was perversely stretched wide allowing almost a quarter of his cock into my mouth lodging against the opening of my throat then sliding it back out.
Ty let out a moan, an emotional, passionate moan. I remembered as I was sucking his cock how he had told me that he had never been able to fuck a guy or a girl like he had fucked me that night months ago. I was imagining that no one had ever sucked his cock like I was sucking his cock right now.
Over and over I sucked his cock, swallowing the drool that I had created and making sure that the flat part of my tongue caught the underside of his cock causing him to moan louder. Then his hand wrapped a handful of my hair into his fist. I knew that he was going to fuck my mouth now.
Slowly raising his hips to match my downstroke on his cock Ty was doing to my mouth what I knew he would do to my asshole later in the night. I also knew that I had to prepare myself because Ty wasn’t like the others. When he came, he came a lot.
Then right on cue his breathing started picking up and I knew to prepare myself and just like that, stream after stream of thick, gooey cum was splashing in my mouth. Over and over his cock was pouring itself into my mouth and I wasn’t swallowing, I was gulping. Hard.
Until finally all that was left from him was his quivering body and his cock dry heaving into my mouth as I gulped down the last strands stopping to save a mouth şerifali escort full. Pulling his cock out of my mouth and looking up at him. I opened my mouth so he could see the large puddle of cum barely being held inside my mouth, then I gulped it down and leaning down to kiss the head of his cock.
“Are you ok?” I coyly asked. He leaned back throwing his head back staring at the ceiling.
“Give me a second…” He whispered. Then he took my hand and pulled me up onto his lap. Just like that he was kissing me and pawing at my ass then stroking my legs over my thigh-highs. My ass, my thigh-highs, back and forth as he tongued my mouth.
“Let me catch my breath…” He whispered in my ear.
I sat in his lap, my face buried into his neck and my arms around him. I had lost track of the time and I was startled when he stood up with me in his arms. He was walking me to the bed. Part of me was scared and the other part of me was whimpering for what was to come.
My robe came off and my panties did as well. Just like that I was on my back in that familiar, favorite position of mine. I watched Ty as he grabbed the bottle of lube that he had pulled from the night stand. I knew what was to follow.
Instinctively I tilted my head back and arched my back, spreading my legs wide and pulling back my knees at the same time as a moan escaped my mouth. There I lay wearing only my new thigh-highs tilting my hips so that my pouting asshole was in full view and easily accessible to Ty.
As he slathered his cock with lube, he finally got on the bed between my legs, his knees on either side of me. Pouring a generous amount of lube all over my hole and then pushing it all in with his fingers. His fingers long and thick enough for me to gasp out loud. One last application of lube as his fingers entered me again and a wipe of his hands with a towel that was next to me.
Relax, just relax…I kept hearing Thomas’s voice over and over in my head. Thomas? Wait, Thomas? Really…I was inside my head and not in a moment but in an instance that would soon change.
Reality has a way of bringing you back from the edge…
That big fat mushroom head of his cock didn’t even pause. One second I felt it on my pouting pink asshole and in a split second he had broken my seal and his cock was pushing inside of me…
I couldn’t help it, the sharp pain caused me to scream but Ty didn’t even pause. “OHHH… TY. SLOW BABY SLOW!!” He was going slow but the size of a cock on the body of a giant man can be terrifying, breathtaking…
Deeper he pushed and I knew that if I tensed up it would be worse. I kept my legs spread wide and my knees pulled back. I reached down and grabbed my ass cheeks to pull them apart as much as they would spread. The entire time moaning and groaning like a common whore.
Finally, he was in all the way. I could feel his balls just below my asshole and my big full, soft balls trapped between us, the area just above his crotch pressing down on them.
He held his position then he started sliding out. The sensations that this thick, fat cock was giving me was sending me into a frenzy. I could feel the veins on his shaft and the ridges of the head of his cock sliding over my prostate was too much.
I lasted maybe five minutes before my limp cock blew out my first load. This was all Ty needed, he reached down and folded me in half with my feet now against his face he started fucking me hard. The rest of the night was a blur. He fucked me for hours. No matter how much I begged for him to slow down and he would for a brief moment, he would quickly start slamming me again.
I screamed, I yelled, I cried, I moaned, I groaned and I came over and over. Then it all went black.
I passed out for a split second. I was getting my senses back as I could feel him filling me up inside with another load. I was overwhelmed and amazed at how much he was dumping into me. Just like that it was over only it wasn’t just like that. Ty had fucked me for hours…
I don’t know what was going through his head right at that moment but I suspect it was guilt. Maybe he felt like he had done something wrong, maybe it was shame for being who he was instead of what the world told him he should be. I don’t know…
Ty got up and went into the bathroom and then I heard the shower turn on. Once again, he had left me in bed a complete totally hot, fucking mess. Raising up I pulled my knees back a spread myself and once again I could see my dilated, gaping asshole.
It wasn’t all pouty, pink and pretty like it usually is. At that moment, it was bruised and dark. I could see inside myself ever so slightly, I reached down and spread it just a little and a river of cum flooded out of me.
I sat there listening to the gurgling and queef sounds coming out of me. I know, I know on a man it’s cum farts but that’s just so gross…
I rolled over and lay in my puddle of cum because I knew that he wasn’t going to lay in it. For some reason I somehow felt like that was my spot or maybe falling asleep in Thomas’s puddle of cum for all those first months had somehow made me accustomed to that spot. Whatever, as I was falling asleep, I felt Ty come to bed and pull me into him. Spooning me…I love being spooned.
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